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MIUI 1.5.27 for Liquid (Android 2.3.4) update

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Guest truecolor
Posted (edited)
Hi truecolor, can you add the links i posted before in the first page? They could be usefull :D

add in the first page already.

Do you mean the new kernel?

add koudelka's kernel already.

Do you mean that autorotation does not work?

autorotation works fine.

Edited by truecolor

Auto rotation doesn't work because when you flashed the ITA pack you changed the build.prop to the N1's.

To solve this open your MIUI ROM .zip archive (not the translate patch, the whole chinese ROM), go to /system/ extract the build.prop file and with command prompt:

adb remount

adb push build.prop /system/

Guest zorginho

Truecolor can u write a guide to use ur rom in italian? I'm a little confused :s

Guest Ramdanih
Truecolor can u write a guide to use ur rom in italian? I'm a little confused :s

+1.. step flashing (guide) in english too.. :D

Guest gnufabio
+1.. step flashing (guide) in english too.. :D

wtf? The rom is already in english xD

Guest ranieri55
Auto rotation doesn't work because when you flashed the ITA pack you changed the build.prop to the N1's.

if you use the ita language pack from Mark autorotation work fine :D

Guest Ramdanih
wtf? The rom is already in english xD

step for flashing... sry for my english..

please correct :

1. wipe all

2. MIUI 1.2.11 (signed)

3. update miui_sensors_kernel_gnufabio (no signed)

4. update english translation pack 1b

Guest gnufabio
step for flashing... sry for my english..

please correct :

1. wipe all

2. MIUI 1.2.11 (signed)

3. update miui_sensors_kernel_gnufabio (no signed)

4. update english translation pack 1b

you don't have to do step 4

Guest tenomis
you don't have to do step 4

thanks bais autorotation now works fine, I've pushed original build.prop!


Guest zorginho
if you use the ita language pack from Mark autorotation work fine :D

huh ranieri can u tell me how i can use this rom in ita?


Ranieri sai come si mette in ita sta **zo di rom?


Guest ranieri55
huh ranieri can u tell me how i can use this rom in ita?


Ranieri sai come si mette in ita sta **zo di rom?


flash 1.2.4 Mark Miui ----> update 1.2.11 phoenix ----> language pack ita


vai in recovery metti prima la rom completa di Mark poi metti l'aggiornamento 1.2.11 di phonix che trovi una pagina indietro quello con il fix dei sensori ed infine il pack ita e infine riavvia


Guest Master_T

Guys, can anyone report on battery drain between this and markII's miui? I'm not terribly interested in working sensors (never use auto light and proximity is handy but I can live without it), so if this version drains faster I think I'll stick with the old one for now. what do you say?

Guest gnufabio
Guys, can anyone report on battery drain between this and markII's miui? I'm not terribly interested in working sensors (never use auto light and proximity is handy but I can live without it), so if this version drains faster I think I'll stick with the old one for now. what do you say?

~ -1,3% /h

Guest zorginho
flash 1.2.4 Mark Miui ----> update 1.2.11 phoenix ----> language pack ita


vai in recovery metti prima la rom completa di Mark poi metti l'aggiornamento 1.2.11 di phonix che trovi una pagina indietro quello con il fix dei sensori ed infine il pack ita e infine riavvia


tnx u're a friend :D

Guest arlong1919

:D an almost full-working miui rom,great work, btw I tried to move dalvik-cache to ext but failed, how could I to do it? thx , sorry for my poor English

Guest sciacca
Posted (edited)

Anybody has problem with MIUI and picasa image upload?

I find this solution:

adb remount

adb push MediaUploader.apk /system/app/

adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk

adb reboot

Can phoenix or mark include in next release?

Upload to youtube or picasa is a good feature...why miss it in MIUI?

Thanks guys


Edited by sciacca
Guest arlong1919

yep, i found the script, type 'a2sd check' in terminal

Guest neo-men

Hi Truecolour

Thank you for your amazing miui rom. I reckon you have made the most stable miui rom ever. I was surprised that in your version of Miui the auto bright and ear sensor and other stuff work fine Thus i am waiting for a new version of your creation.

Are you working on it?


Guest Güilzom

New vwersion posted... with great new features... wifi tethering and the handset button fix..

Any chance to get an upgrade from 2.11 ??

Guest eiben_robert


Is bluetooth working inthe new choco kernel? How is the battery drainage?



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