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The 'I want to enter the lottery portion of the competition' topic

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Guest debs626
Posted (edited)

My Name is Debs :( Used to own a Vega but had to sell because of a dire cash flow problem and the lack of ACC streaming and USB mouse support (the latter has since been fixed ?)

Anyway I've been missing my Vega since the day (9 days and 6 hours ago) I posted it on to its new owner :'( and would love to get my mits back on one biggrin.gif

I still visit and read the Vega section of this forum daily (I may have an addiction) I love the community spirit.

ooops sorry double posted

:( :evilgrin: :whistle:

Edited by debs626
Guest dgcorp

Modaco and Paul in particular is why I love owning mobile devices. His work on Android devices/ROMs has totally converted me and made my devices a pleasure to use!

I've been toying with getting a tablet for ages and being a fairly technical but cost conscious user the Advent Vega is high on my list.

If the competition gods don't smile on me this time, I will see how much longer I can hold out!

Go lottery man, spin the wheel... :-D

Guest add.thebad

Would love a vega have tried saving up for one but never managed it!!! i love android having previously owned a pulse i loved the development for that and now have a motorola defy where it is a little slower due to morotola being unfair and locking it down.

But anyway i have allways kept in touch with the vega to see whats going on with it and i cant wait till i can afford one so winning one would be even better!

Guest JimJam707

I really badly want a vega Paul :)

I need ooooone :(

Please pick me :(

Guest HunteronX

I'm currently a sixth form student, but even so, I've been interested in tweaking software for many years. With mobiles, I started with Windows Mobile 5, and have now moved to android, and have been using it since 2009. It's a great OS, and brilliant for people who love customising their devices, and using them to their full potential.

Although, I don't need one myself, my Dad would love to have one - it'll save him a bit of money as well! :(

Guest Azurren

Hey its me.. Used to own a Pulse now got a blade..

That's about it :(

Insert sob story here:

Thanks :(

Guest dannight

oh for a second vega to mount in my desk or in a kitchen cupboard as a nice recipe book... soooo many possibilities!

Guest dragonmasterx

i would like to see honeycomb over this little beast so add me to the lottery i have been in windows phone ship for a time and now i want to swim in linux :(

Guest tabor56
Posted (edited)

I want a Vega, because I am a poor student and want one for my revision notes.

Please help me pass my exams!!!

Failing that, give me a Vega or the Bunny gets it!!!



Edited by tabor56
Guest sSword

I would love to wina Vega mainly cos getting one in Norway is a pain...

Guest MonkeyBoy451
A lottery ... 'You have to be in it to win it!' .. And I am now in it .... init!

init blad! :(

Guest The Soup Thief


I've been having great fun with my San Francisco / Blade (now on CM7) and am a wholesale Android convert. It's Modaco what dunnit - I'd be paddling about in the mire of eclair, having to recharge every 6 hours if it weren't for all the advice I've gleaned from these pages

Anyway, I'd love to win a Vega and get to grips with full-size Androids!

Kinda cool of Advent to "give summink back" to the commuity

Good luck everyone else, but I hope you don't mind too much when I win! :( Promise I'll take good care of it

Guest merch


Im Andy and like this guy -

Im anti apple andy

Dont want to be an apple sheep :(

Guest Confuzed

I'd like to enter the lottery! :(

Can't remember whether I've posted in the Vega area before. My name's Rob, I have an HTC Desire running Oxygen 2 and an Advent Vega running the Modaco ROM. I am a professional software engineer working mostly on Linux/UNIX for Quest Software. Outside of that job I dabble with Android code and am currently working on a prototype of a nice app idea, a project I'm working on with a mate. Look out for a beta in the future :(

Guest vertico

i would like a vega for my firlfriend.. my girl friend wont get off mine :(

I supported android from the start. From G1 to vega :(

Guest Goldmaxx
Consider this a lottery entry :(

Was mighty tempted by a Vega last month for reading and browsing and stuff, but then someone showed me their Kindle and now I'm totally not sure! What's the Vega like to read books on? At the moment, I do a lot of reading on my phone (HTC Desire, CM7) but it's not exactly a pleasant reading experience...

Having said all that, if I managed to get a Vega for free, that would certainly persuade me!! :(

I use Adiko to read books, I've already read more books on my Vega in the 4 weeks I've had it, than I've read in the last 3 years, the book reading is just a tiny part of the Vega. Haven't regretted buying it for 1 second, especially with the excellent support from Paul and all who contribute their knowledge here.

Guest echo21

mmm shiny tech... :(

not bad for a first post?

Guest JaffoCake

One ticket for the lottery please!


San Fran user here (ex-Pulse). Love it but looking forward to the next cheap PAYG Android handset, hopefully one with a decent camera and a flash!

Guest rferrett

If you dont buy a ticket you can't win the lottery. So consider this post me buying a ticket!

Guest mwright

I keep going in to PCWorld to play with one of these!

Can't quite persuade my wallet to part with the cash though.

Perhaps this is the way to get one?

Guest rather.b.sailing

I love my vega, even more so with the custom ROM!

I'm a software developer and currently writing my first 3d game, the vega tablet is my test machine / target platform :(.

a second one would be ace, as then my wife can stop wanting to borrow my dev machine and I can ge tmore work done :(


I was a bit squinty and hungover when I first saw this competition and spent all day dreaming of driving round in a Viva (I had one once, loved it to bits, aluminium bumpers, lovely!) Anyway I've returned tonight and to my dismay not a Vauxhall prize in sight! Oh well I could always put the attached pic on the desktop!


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