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The 'I want to enter the lottery portion of the competition' topic

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest warriorscot

I have a vega but with two I could rule the world. Or at the very least strip one and see if I can't fit it with an internal hard drive and a better screen.

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Guest yabbas

+1 entry, cheers :(

As for me - I'm at Oxford Uni working on innovative applications of ultrasound thermometry for cancer diagnosis and therapy. I'm paying my own dues to get me through, so money's tighter than a tight thing. Interesting tech I own: Advent Vega on Fuji Mod, Samsung Galaxy S running Doc Froyo, O2 Joggler running Ubuntu, Dell XPS M1530 [latest 64bit Win drivers which were a bugger to get], Nokia N810, Softmodded Wii for Homebrew Apps, Nintendo DS for homebrew apps, CHDK'ed Canon 350D, Philips AmBx. I code in Visual Studio, Matlab and Eclipse and have just setup the NDK so I can make a bit of bob on the Android marketplace...please forward any ideas for innovative applications my way :( (One of my plans at some stage, is to see if we can setup a portable ultrasound machine running off an Android tablet....ideas still in the works!)

The Vega would go to my brother, who's been a godsend to me and helped me through my stint at Oxford, giving me a roof, food, drink and a warm place to stay at. Heck if it weren't for my aspirations to get into Android development on this one, I'd have donated it to him a long time ago.

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Hi, lottery entry please.

I have a Vega, a ZTE Blade (aka Orange San Fran) - both running modaco ROMs. Both made hugely enjoyable by this site!

I'm also a bit of a media centre nut - have a WHS which streams to two WMC7 boxes both running Mediabrowser (Kitchen & Living Rm TVs), XBMC on an XP box (her study), XBMC on an Ubuntu box (my study), and a WDTV-Live (bedroom).

I guess I just like to tinker - it beats doing stuff...

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Guest Mr E Mann

Count me in for the lottery too... having treated myself to a Vega, Mr E Womann is now jealous and wants to get her hands on one too :D

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Guest powderjunki

Better enter into the lottery as my 2 1/2 year old daughter won't leave my vega alone as likes drawing on daddy's pooter , she needs her own! :D

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Guest NDroidB

I'm up for a bit of a lottery!!!

I deserve to win more than anyone else because ................. OK I don't really :D

Good luck to everyone who enters - lets hope one of us wins :D


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