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Guest Rebels
They are almost finished, i am making cabs for them. (not so good at making cabs) Then i am going to test it :D

:D Well thats a good news, don't worry mate, i can test for u as well if u like.. take ur time. This skin is outstanding and wort waiting. :(

Guest steff195
Posted (edited)

What about that taskbar? Can you share it too? I want to see how it looks on my Omnia. And.. if I like it, may I cook it? :D

Edited by steff195
Guest Rebels
Posted (edited)
What about that taskbar? Can you share it too? I want to see how it looks on my Omnia. And.. if I like it, may I cook it? :D

Ya +1 for the taskbar, i was looking for that too in the download list :D and indeed a superb idea to cook it as we all know steff195 is one hell of a chef. Cheers buddy, gonna try it out now. Thanks for the gr8 work. :(

Edited by Rebels
Guest ssi42
What about that taskbar? Can you share it too? I want to see how it looks on my Omnia. And.. if I like it, may I cook it? :D

Added the taskbar and yes you can cook it, no problem bro.

I think there is something wrong with the cab LeoCHT. Anyone tried it?

I dont know what the problem is (not so good at making cabs maybe thats the problem:D), I will share the link later :D

Guest DariosF

Thx, it's fantastic!!! Only one problem XD How can i remove date over the clock???

Guest ssi42
Thx, it's fantastic!!! Only one problem XD How can i remove date over the clock???

On the normal M2D or LeoCHT Screen?

Guest DariosF
On the normal M2D or LeoCHT Screen?

both...because in manila 2016 build i can see my operator's name under date...

Guest ssi42
Posted (edited)
both...because in manila 2016 build i can see my operator's name under date...

Ow you mean the date on the top of the screen. Its not overlapping the clock right? If you dont want it you can change it from the htchomesettings.xml(or i will do) :D

If you want take a screenshot..

Edited by ssi42
Guest steff195
Added the taskbar and yes you can cook it, no problem bro.

I double checked but I don't see it. :D

Guest steff195

Thanks buddy, but that's not what I asked for... I was talking about the taskbar, that's the upper bar, with the battery, signal... the one from below is the toolbar. :D You provided the BF theme that modifies the toolbar, but the taskbar stays the same. :D

Guest ssi42
Thanks buddy, but that's not what I asked for... I was talking about the taskbar, that's the upper bar, with the battery, signal... the one from below is the toolbar. :D You provided the BF theme that modifies the toolbar, but the taskbar stays the same. :D

Ow sorry bro, the taskbar is from krazy radds rom, i dont have it :(

Guest sontot

This theme looks cool..!

Can it be used on I8000? ..... :D

Guest ssi42
Posted (edited)



wow better looking now, thx bro :D

Edited by ssi42
Guest dreamnej

today screen does not like the second picture. I installed the iPhone today, however, did not happen. I wonder where I am doing mistake. thank you.

Guest ssi42
Posted (edited)
today screen does not like the second picture. I installed the iPhone today, however, did not happen. I wonder where I am doing mistake. thank you.

There is a problem with the second senselike screen, i will release it soon..


Ikinici ekran'da sorun var, onu cozdukten sonra payla$acagim arkadasim..

Edited by ssi42
Guest dreamnej
There is a problem with the second senselike screen, i will release it soon..


Ikinici ekran'da sorun var, onu cozdukten sonra payla$acagim arkadasim..

ana sen TÜRK'müsün ? koltuklarım kabardı birden. güzel çalışma olmuş. congratulations. birde benim başlat menüm renki, seninki sadece siyah, tüm linkleri yükledim, jnf olanlar dahil, yoksa jnf leri silmekmi gerekiyor

Guest ssi42
Posted (edited)
ana sen TÜRK'müsün ? koltuklarım kabardı birden. güzel çalışma olmuş. congratulations. birde benim başlat menüm renki, seninki sadece siyah, tüm linkleri yükledim, jnf olanlar dahil, yoksa jnf leri silmekmi gerekiyor

sagol kardes. Balsat menu liste tarzinda ikinci yazi turuncu renk. DOWNLOAD yazanlar benim yaptiklarim, altta yazilardakileri indirmicen, onlar sadece tesekkur amacli..

Sorunun varsa ekranini cek gonder bana, yardimci olurum.. Pm atarsan daha iyi olur burdakiler cekemezler bir ton laf yazarlar :D


Edited by ssi42
Guest Rebels
Posted (edited)

The skin works flawlessly, its really a eye candy, i'm using the normal m2d today, more like the 3rd skin with iphone today, haven't got any issue so far except if i want to use 12hrs clock then the am/pm slightly overlap the clock square. nothing serious thought, its fine if i use 24 hrs.

EDIT: Also the background of the clock and home weather should be shiny/glossy black to match the skin 100%(IMHO).



Edited by Rebels
Guest dreamnej
Posted (edited)
sagol kardes. Balsat menu liste tarzinda ikinci yazi turuncu renk. DOWNLOAD yazanlar benim yaptiklarim, altta yazilardakileri indirmicen, onlar sadece tesekkur amacli..

Sorunun varsa ekranini cek gonder bana, yardimci olurum.. Pm atarsan daha iyi olur burdakiler cekemezler bir ton laf yazarlar :D


thank you.


1- date and operator name mixed . changed the name of the operator. only the period (.) I did, the problem is resolved.

(tarih ve operatör ismi karışıyordu, operatör ismini nokta yaptım, düzeldi.)

2- Run the program icon menu color. whereas the black icon in you

(iconlar bende renkli sende ise siyah icon)

3- the operator should be added to the widget. Lack of big problem

(operatör widget çok işe yarıyor, wifi ve bt kumandasını kolaylaştırıyor, bu temada eksikliği göze çarpıyor.)

4- If I had a full screen weather

(hava durumunun tam ekran olması daha iyi olurdu)

edit: i installed steff m2d2 v2 . This may be a source of Did he problems? my rom pdhee 23688.5.3.8. iphone style

(steff in paylaştığı m2d2 v2 yi kurdum, yukarıda yazdığım sorunlar bununla ilgili olabilir mi?. kullandığım rom pdhee 23688.5.3.8. iphone style)

flashed my phone. was very nice. I congratulate you again.



Edited by dreamnej
Guest ssi42
Posted (edited)
The skin works flawlessly, its really a eye candy, i'm using the normal m2d today, more like the 3rd skin with iphone today, haven't got any issue so far except if i want to use 12hrs clock then the am/pm slightly overlap the clock square. nothing serious thought, its fine if i use 24 hrs.

EDIT: Also the background of the clock and home weather should be shiny/glossy black to match the skin 100%(IMHO).

Thx bro for your reply. I think the AM/PM files are to big i will look at it :D

thank you.


1- date and operator name mixed . changed the name of the operator. only the period (.) I did, the problem is resolved.

(tarih ve operatör ismi karışıyordu, operatör ismini nokta yaptım, düzeldi.)

2- Run the program icon menu color. whereas the black icon in you

(iconlar bende renkli sende ise siyah icon)

3- the operator should be added to the widget. Lack of big problem

(operatör widget çok işe yarıyor, wifi ve bt kumandasını kolaylaştırıyor, bu temada eksikliği göze çarpıyor.)

4- If I had a full screen weather

(hava durumunun tam ekran olması daha iyi olurdu)

edit: i installed steff m2d2 v2 . This may be a source of Did he problems? my rom pdhee 23688.5.3.8. iphone style

(steff in paylaştığı m2d2 v2 yi kurdum, yukarıda yazdığım sorunlar bununla ilgili olabilir mi?. kullandığım rom pdhee 23688.5.3.8. iphone style)

flashed my phone. was very nice. I congratulate you again.

1 I don't have the operator name on my screen, so i couldn't test it sorry..But i think its different on the roms, the one have it the other not.

(Bende operator yazmiyor onun icin test edemedim, genellikle rom'a bagli olan birsey)

2 The startmenu uses the icons on the rom, you must replace the icons with this one. Extract to /windows and if some icons not changed you can use CSMI to change it.

(startmenu romla beraber gelen ikonlari kullaniyor, resimdeki gibi istersen verdigim dosyadakileri /windows'a at. Degismeyenleride CSMI diye bi program var onunla degistirebilirsin.)


Radd's icon pack

3 I didn't understood it can you explain further?

(Tam anlamadim operator widget derken?)


Bazi hatalar kullandigin rom'la veya M2D sonradan yuklediysen ilgili olabilir..


Edited by ssi42
Guest dreamnej
Posted (edited)
thank you.


1- date and operator name mixed . changed the name of the operator. only the period (.) I did, the problem is resolved.

(tarih ve operatör ismi karışıyordu, operatör ismini nokta yaptım, düzeldi.)

2- Run the program icon menu color. whereas the black icon in you

(iconlar bende renkli sende ise siyah icon)

3- the operator should be added to the widget. Lack of big problem

(operatör widget çok işe yarıyor, wifi ve bt kumandasını kolaylaştırıyor, bu temada eksikliği göze çarpıyor.)

4- If I had a full screen weather

(hava durumunun tam ekran olması daha iyi olurdu)

edit: i installed steff m2d2 v2 . This may be a source of Did he problems? my rom pdhee 23688.5.3.8. iphone style

(steff in paylaştığı m2d2 v2 yi kurdum, yukarıda yazdığım sorunlar bununla ilgili olabilir mi?. kullandığım rom pdhee 23688.5.3.8. iphone style)

flashed my phone. was very nice. I congratulate you again.

you're so fast. thanks

Edited by dreamnej
Guest weirdo

long time ago for me nice theme i try it still have the omnia :D

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