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19 Aug Gr5 XXKH3: MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S II (stock-style/vanilla) with Online Kitchen

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Huh, that's weird, let me look into it! :blink:

Do you have the BLN app installed?


Guest Shakaw

Huh, that's weird, let me look into it! :blink:

Do you have the BLN app installed?


That was without BLN app installed.

btw, installing todays version with wipe data resulted in a bootloop


Hmmm, strange, i'm seeing wakes too with the non-BLN kernel I *think*. Probably worth holding off on the custom kernels for now...


Guest Java Huan

Im using the Kernel without BLN, my phone is also waking rendomly...............



It looks like something untoward has happened in patching the kernel to .14. I'll post a .7 based kernel for now and then do some more diagnostics...


Guest kayceejayh

Glad it wasn't just my config... my past life as a software tester can be helpful sometimes :)

Guest dezz28

Wierd but everything else is really smooth. Fantastic rom

Guest kayceejayh

Even stranger it doesn't seem to do it when plugged in..

Guest traspler

Oh, you added a custom Kernel, is there a post/thread with more info on what it's based on and what tweaks were applied? All the custom Kernels I tried resulted in greatly reduced battery life compared to CF Kernels, I hope this is different here... But the SpeedMod and Ninphetamine Kernels have some tweaks which sound quite nice (no idea how good they actually are) maybe you should try them and evaluate whether it makes sense ot include them.

Another small question: Are any CSCs in this ROM? Can I flash CSCs if I want?

I also have some feature requests:

  • CIFS Support
  • Option (in the kitchen) to switch the GPS NTP Server to the European one (europe.pool.ntp.org)
  • SetCPU (with UV) support

I'm going to watch this Kitchen closely, it's already quite great but I think there is still room for improvement and I will absolutely get a Premium membership when all the kinks are worked out and all the good tweaks integrated :)


Oh, you added a custom Kernel, is there a post/thread with more info on what it's based on and what tweaks were applied? All the custom Kernels I tried resulted in greatly reduced battery life compared to CF Kernels, I hope this is different here... But the SpeedMod and Ninphetamine Kernels have some tweaks which sound quite nice (no idea how good they actually are) maybe you should try them and evaluate whether it makes sense ot include them.

Another small question: Are any CSCs in this ROM? Can I flash CSCs if I want?

I also have some feature requests:

  • CIFS Support
  • Option (in the kitchen) to switch the GPS NTP Server to the European one (europe.pool.ntp.org)
  • SetCPU (with UV) support

I'm going to watch this Kitchen closely, it's already quite great but I think there is still room for improvement and I will absolutely get a Premium membership when all the kinks are worked out and all the good tweaks integrated :)

Yes, i'll post more deets on the kernel once it's stabilised (and source in a GitHub). re: CSCs, i'm not sure actually, but i'll be including a 'CSC changer' soon.

CIFS is in the custom kernel, I'll check the NTP server and SetCPU support is also planned (as an option, not as default).


Guest mynameisjon
Posted (edited)

Hey Paul, I noticed something strange, I'm not sure if it's just my phone or that I did something off.

My phone doesn't seem to want to go to sleep for some reason after flashing the latest version with the Non-BLN kernel.

The screen shuts off, then after 5 second turns on again. Rinse and repeat.

Do you happen to need any logs to diagnose?

Am I the only one getting that?

Also, is it possible to include voltage control support for SetCpu?

EDIT: Yikes... I really need to refresh before posting.. sorry for reporting something already reported 10 times.

Edited by mynameisjon

Read up! This is a known issue with the new MCK r1 kernel, i'm fixing it now. :)



Testing MCK r2, it'll be up in an hour or two all being well. :)


Guest ascito
Posted (edited)

Testing MCK r2, it'll be up in an hour or two all being well. :)


Thanx so much mate. I didn't upgrade before, so I will wait for upcoming new release. I would like to focus on enabled SIP client. I did it by myself in the previous release, and I noticed a little bit more battery drain. I also had enabled Tapatalk notification with 1hour update frequency. Maybe this modarate battery drain it's for this last one application function...but I would ask to other people if, with SIP enabled, they notice more battery drain.


Edited by ascito
Guest Androidlover287

Thanks for explaining paul, i just didn't know what DD was, also thanks


i am comftable working with Zimages.


MCK r2 is now online. You can either bake in the kitchen or download as ClockworkMod flashable images.

This is a based kernel with a few minor tweaks (including TUN and CIFS built in as per requests)... i'll look into what's causing the random wakes on .14 then update accordingly. Sources will be available shortly on my GitHub. This is a very near stock kernel, if you are looking for something more extravagant, you can check out some of the other kernels available from other devs (which should generally work fine with this ROM!)

More updates and Gr2 prebakes in various flavours tomorrow! :)


Guest enterusername

Do I just flash them mck with clockworkmod?

Guest AlThePost
Anyone know if this works well with other kernels? i.e. Ninphetamine 2.0.5?

Better than well.... :-)

Guest ascito

Better than well.... :-)

It's not quite so: boot loop here...

Guest TheMathMan

Can I ask if anyone has cooked a ROM with the SQLite mod and how its gone for them?

I was just looking at the xda thread about it and it seems interesting but controversial as to the gains.

Guest c0m47053
Posted (edited)

Hi Paul,

Great to see that you are working on an MCR. I built a kitchen ROM with the BLN kernel, but It refused to boot. It seems to be the kernel, as when I flash ninpheramine 2.0.5 all seems good. I tried waiting lots for the cache to build, wiping and doing the same, reflashing and more of the former. Nothing seemed to give me joy. I did apply lots of other changes to the ROM in the kitchen, but like I say, swapping the kernel out on that custom ROM seemed to solve the problem.

The ROM looks good, AOSP style with the options set. I doubt my phone will ever be stable again with me now switching between this ROM and Cyanogen checking out every release.



[edit] I did apply the SQlite speed mod, maybe that had some affect? Also, I applied all of the other expert options, except Odex me. Perhaps some bad combo of items there?

Edited by c0m47053
Guest dezz28

Mck r2 works perfect. No random wakes and and bln works like a charm. Thank you Poul


I suspect the SQLite mod is having issues. There seems to be no real performance gain so I'm probably going to remove it...


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