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[ROM] FTB (2.1 mod) - updated 2012 01 01

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Guest Dante2070
Posted (edited)


Edited by Dante2070
Guest Dante2070
Posted (edited)

It seems that 10 runs a bit better than 15. Will I have to re-enter the swapiness every time I reboot, or is a2sd swappy permanent? Also, what is the command to check swappy?

Edited by Dante2070

No you don't have to reenter it each boot. The command is: cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

A2sd gui will also display that setting.

Posted (edited)

Well I have some nand backups from before. Even if I change the system sizes and transfer almost everything to dataext and have even more than enough free space in sys, it wouldn't nand restore to different partition layout (for having more data for example).

I have my fav 2.1 rom installed and settled for my needs, but I can only restore it if I'm on TmoHU update (after the I update it with the second dload. It wouldn't work with the first one only).

I only get bootlops (t-mo/huawei screen, android and reboots).

I just remembered something about restoring to a different "base rom update". Did you try to do an Advanced Restore, and restore only the necessary partitions, one at a time? This has worked for me.

Edited by twrock

Ok. I'll give it a go. :)

But what do you mean by "only necesssery?


Ok. I'll give it a go. :)

But what do you mean by "only necesssery?

I haven't done it in a while, so I can't remember what shows up. I'm hoping as you look at the list, if there is something not to restore, it will be apparent. Sorry, but it has been a really long time since I did it, and I think my purpose was to only restore /boot and /system, and end up with a "clean" system. I think your purpose is quite different, so you will be restoring much more.

Guest pedrojaime

Hey guys I'm back to my favourite ROM (FTB) again.. After tweaking and using 7.2 for a few weeks I consistently noticed:

-Without 3G I was getting stellar battery life with 18-20% battery discharge over 24 hours.

-With 3G enabled all day, the battery went down very fast (by about 60-80%) by the end of the day

For this reason and general speed, stability and 'lightness' (the dialer always responds faster on FTB no matter what), I am back to FTB. To be honest, apart from the eye candy and extra Cyanogen tweak settings, there is nothing really that stands out on 7.2 that I cannot do on FTB, just my 2 cents..

If anything, I wish the remaining battery percentage number could be displayed in the status bar in FTB, that's all and its not a dire situation since there are app that can do that available on Market.

Hope it helps anyone looking to make a decision

@twrock: I ready that U8220-6 device was different to the bog standard U8220 but I don't see it. I don't have the extra RAM model that people write about, only 104Mb

Your included app 'Android System Info' tells me i have:

-ARMv6 compatible processor rev 2

-QCT SURF7201A Board

-160dpi screen


Posted (edited)

Hey guys I'm back to my favourite ROM (FTB) again.. After tweaking and using 7.2 for a few weeks I consistently noticed:

-Without 3G I was getting stellar battery life with 18-20% battery discharge over 24 hours.

-With 3G enabled all day, the battery went down very fast (by about 60-80%) by the end of the day

For this reason and general speed, stability and 'lightness' (the dialer always responds faster on FTB no matter what), I am back to FTB. To be honest, apart from the eye candy and extra Cyanogen tweak settings, there is nothing really that stands out on 7.2 that I cannot do on FTB, just my 2 cents..

If anything, I wish the remaining battery percentage number could be displayed in the status bar in FTB, that's all and its not a dire situation since there are app that can do that available on Market.

Hope it helps anyone looking to make a decision

@twrock: I ready that U8220-6 device was different to the bog standard U8220 but I don't see it. I don't have the extra RAM model that people write about, only 104Mb

Your included app 'Android System Info' tells me i have:

-ARMv6 compatible processor rev 2

-QCT SURF7201A Board

-160dpi screen


Regarding the battery number, IIRC, there might be some searching you can do in this forum on themes for 2.1 that included this functionality. It's been so long that I really don't remember, but I'm just "feeling" like there was something.

I thought the U8220-6 needed to have its own official rom flashed as the base (vs. Tre, UK Pulse, etc.) or the radio would not work properly. Is that not the case?

I don't doubt I'll be back to FTB after I'm done testing dr.flo's "clean" CM6.1 stable. I will probably make that the basis for the next TXG update, and I want to use it long enough to make sure there isn't some major problem with it. And even though CM6.1 is rock stable (no fc's), the FTB battery life is just too good to give up.

Edited by twrock
Guest pedrojaime

I agree with you about battery life, not to mention the stability there is in FTB! I have had issues with 3G not working which is why i was always of the understanding that Venezuela Movilnet has to be flashed first before installing any other ROM. Do you know of any U8220-6-specific ROMs out there? i would be interested to test to see what happens with the radio.

Thanks for all your help as always!


Guest Dante2070

I just noticed that I can't play youtube videos videos with the youtube app. I don't think I had that problem with this rom before, bui I'm not sure if I ever tried it out. Any ideas?


I just noticed that I can't play youtube videos videos with the youtube app. I don't think I had that problem with this rom before, bui I'm not sure if I ever tried it out. Any ideas?

Maybe reinstall?


It's a guess but I think google changed the res for HQ mobile video and that's why it's hard to work on the pulse. I noticed that some videos which dont have HQ even from desktop can run.

I might be wrong.

Guest Dante2070
Posted (edited)

Can't find youtube in market, it's not showing. Will try installing from gapps.

EDIT: I've tried installing from various sources, but I get the error "Parse Erros - There is a problem parsing the package"

Edited by Dante2070

YouTube from Google is 2.2+ for a while now. Use the version from the rom instead.

Guest Dante2070
Posted (edited)

I couldn't install the youtube app from the rom. But I just put it in system/app, rebooted and it worked. But I still can't play any youtube videos. "Sorry, this video cannot be played. There was a problem while playing."

Found an app called "NextVid" on the market, able to play yoututbe videos.

Edited by Dante2070

Example with YouTube sadly shows that Google is dropping (has dropped) Eclair support. Voice API is another example. Look at Google Music version requirement.

Froyo is the least version that let Pulse stay current.

Though even froyo share is declining (only 30% in the moment) in favor of gingerbread and newer.


I couldn't install the youtube app from the rom. But I just put it in system/app, rebooted and it worked. But I still can't play any youtube videos. "Sorry, this video cannot be played. There was a problem while playing."

Found an app called "NextVid" on the market, able to play yoututbe videos.

You can help test the latest CM6 roms. Battery life "seems" better than TXG for me. (But that is very hard to prove empirically, particularly when I need to use the phone daily.) As always, YMMV.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest skykilla

When there will be a new kernel 2.6.32????

Guest twrock

When there will be a new kernel 2.6.32????

If you are asking when there will be a .32 kernel for this FTB rom, then the answer is "never". At least not if I'm the one doing it. Sorry, but I don't see a need for that to happen here. If you want to use the .32 kernel, you can upgrade to Froyo or GB.

Guest skykilla

Has started 32 on 2.1 from cm6

all works well, but doesn't work

wi-fi, the battery holds on much

longer in comparison with 29

Guest twrock

Has started 32 on 2.1 from cm6

all works well, but doesn't work

wi-fi, the battery holds on much

longer in comparison with 29

Cool. If you can get things to work, that's great.

I personally wouldn't want to combine the .32 kernel with a 2.1 rom, simply because I would prefer to upgrade to a 2.2 or 2.3 if I wanted to use .32. But then again, I am finding the battery life simply amazing (for me) with a .29 kernel and dr.flo's CM6.1.1. So who knows what is going on.

But if I had the ability, I would try to solve that last Wifi problem with CM6.1.1 and the .32 kernel. Except for that problem, I believe that that was the best combination I have ever seen.

And as always, YMMV. Everyone has different tastes. :)

Guest skykilla
Posted (edited)

I can't pack ramdisk from 2.1

with.32 kernel writes

mkbootimg isn't found

In what directory should be

established mkbootimg?

Edited by skykilla

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