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[ROM] StreakDroid GingerStreak 2.4 Beta

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Guest imadtaha

i know i am like a pain for others and believe me i thought many times before writing to you again..but i spent-the whole saturday reading about flashing and custom roms..i was not able to make the rom update-i went throgh the 2 docs of xda and read about flashing roms and all the toher options....i am asking you just to give a step by step ,i have the 35100 build number 15609,i was not able to find the super boot files for this build-after watching avideo http://theunlockr.com/2010/08/15/how-to-load-a-custom-rom-on-the-dell-streak/ ..but some supposed results were not reached.

so please be patient for 2 minutes for good will only and write step by step..i know i am missing something small..but i dont where and what..i had re installed the 351000 again after my dell streak refused to boot again..so please help me..

...if you think i am asking too much...then ...i dont know what else can YOU do

Guest hacktor
Posted (edited)

If you can't follow the guides already provided to you in links in this thread then I don't think that this is for you. It took me a while to also get to the point where I can flash roms to a brand new phone without looking at a guide (I'm on my 4th Streak), but if you follow the guides already mentioned here carefully, you should be able to get through it.

You might find more help in those threads that are specifically about flashing. On top of that, you give no specifics about where you are running into problems. I suggest you head over to xda and look through some posts.

i know i am like a pain for others and believe me i thought many times before writing to you again..but i spent-the whole saturday reading about flashing and custom roms..i was not able to make the rom update-i went throgh the 2 docs of xda and read about flashing roms and all the toher options....i am asking you just to give a step by step ,i have the 35100 build number 15609,i was not able to find the super boot files for this build-after watching avideo http://theunlockr.co...he-dell-streak/ ..but some supposed results were not reached.

so please be patient for 2 minutes for good will only and write step by step..i know i am missing something small..but i dont where and what..i had re installed the 351000 again after my dell streak refused to boot again..so please help me..

...if you think i am asking too much...then ...i dont know what else can YOU do

Edited by hacktor
Guest Lloydie

lol i could use some people to test the beta of 2.4.4

Count me in Steve :D

Guest jaw2floor

Would also love to test 2.4.4

Im still rocking

Guest Xurram52

Would also love to test 2.4.4

Im still rocking

why ??? 2.4.3 is amazing ... go for it right away ..!!!

Guest kidrock23

Hi Stephen. A request if possible. Ability to switch toggles in the notification bar.

Not a necessity but would be great if it could be included.

Thanks for the Rom ...no problems with wifi, flash or any other issues.


Guest kidrock23

Hi Stephen. A request if possible. Ability to switch toggles in the notification bar.

Not a necessity but would be great if it could be included.

Thanks for the Rom ...no problems with wifi, flash or any other issues.


Guest Spencershaun
Posted (edited)

Working lolJust installed bbc i player and my videos dont work ? did urs work straight away (2.4.4)

It does ;)

Edited by Spencershaun
Guest Xurram52

by the way .. a general query ?? when is 2.4.4 expected to hit ??

Guest Azurren
Posted (edited)

Just installed bbc i player and my videos dont work ? did urs work straight away (2.4.4)

I had done a complete reversal install of "2.4.3" to fix my flash issues then flashed this over the top and wiped Dalvik cache

Reinstalled iPlayer (As I had previously removed it) and it just worked :)

by the way .. a general query ?? when is 2.4.4 expected to hit ??

Unless some major bugs surface expect to see it within the next few days :D

Edited by Azurren

Ok, so I haven't had any luck with my wifi issue cutting out on me... I tried several different wpa_supplicant files to see if that helped any and the only one that allows me to connect at all is the one included with the ROM. I tried the one from DJs Froyo builds, his honeycomb builds for the Streak 7 and the one from 2.3 also, and like I say, only the one from allows me to connect, which is odd because I thought they were all the same

Guest jaw2floor

why ??? 2.4.3 is amazing ... go for it right away ..!!!

I've had almost no problems with, and I've heard that the 'Clock' app fc's in 2.4.3, which I use daily as an alarm.

Guest mrmrmrmr

Please add the SLOW_WORK featıue to the kernel with release 2.4.4 , Steve.


Guest Technomenon81
Posted (edited)

My previously posted comment on a fix to wifi/data connection sleep as been shown inaccurate after 48 hours of analysis.

Edited by Technomenon81

lol i could use some people to test the beta of 2.4.4

If you still need testers, count me in!

Guest Stephen Hyde

Hi Stephen. A request if possible. Ability to switch toggles in the notification bar.

Not a necessity but would be great if it could be included.

Thanks for the Rom ...no problems with wifi, flash or any other issues.


that is not going to happen, use notification toggle or similar from market, i cant be bothered with a total rebuild of entire source to add that

Guest zsolti222
Posted (edited)

2.4.4 : youtube video lags in browser,more than it did before. Stock mp3 player jitters. Also, I see there is no v-sync enabled.

Edited by zsolti222
Guest Papi-jj

Can someone try to find handcent SMS in the market. I can't find it in the market. I see different languages and themes but no regular English version.

Guest rsfinsrq

Can someone try to find handcent SMS in the market. I can't find it in the market. I see different languages and themes but no regular English version.

Revert to the old market apk and it will show up. Wont show in the new market.

Guest undrwater

Handcent is aware of the problem, and has provided a download link on their website until issue is fixed.

Guest Papi-jj
Handcent is aware of the problem, and has provided a download link on their website until issue is fixed.

Thanks guys.

Guest imadtaha

I made the fast boot issue and I had the nessage fastboot fikes written then when I went to the recovery mode.i did nit have the expected menue where wipe users data and install from zip file.i think I was not able to get the needed files of the superboot and the clock for ky build 15609 ,for my 2.2.2 351 version.So please just in 2 lines will you tell me after having the 2.4.3 on my sdcard .what else is needed and where can I gate the revivery files and super boot files for my mentioned build version Really appreciate any help

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