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[ROM] StreakDroid GingerStreak 2.4 Beta

Guest Stephen Hyde

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Guest Spencershaun

Did u wipe the cache and the dalvik cache then flash the update then reboot then go into dell settings and do a factory reset before it loads up

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Guest jitin sharma

Did u wipe the cache and the dalvik cache then flash the update then reboot then go into dell settings and do a factory reset before it loads up

yes i cleared caches and did factry reset b4 and aftr flashing the zip

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Guest Matt Bernius

A suggestion for future posts to this thread: To prevent things from getting out of control like they did over on XDA, perhaps people could try to "tag" the sections of their posts:


### ROM FEEDBACK - Build X ###


### Whatever's the issue, etc ###

That could make it easier for Steve and Fards to monitor info, and quickly get through posts about install.

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Guest jitin sharma

A suggestion for future posts to this thread: To prevent things from getting out of control like they did over on XDA, perhaps people could try to "tag" the sections of their posts:


### ROM FEEDBACK - Build X ###


### Whatever's the issue, etc ###

That could make it easier for Steve and Fards to monitor info, and quickly get through posts about install.

i agree

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Guest Spencershaun

Did u make a nandroid b4 u tried 2.4 if so re do that then after it powers on switch it of. Go into streak droid and clear all the caches then apply the update after the update when it says reboot reboot it on the dell logo hold the usewell buttons and select DELLS FACTORY reset then ur 1st boot could take up to 5 mins this is the way i did it and ive been running this rom since DJ sent me it a few days ago and thats the way i did it soz if my spelling is bad am a bit dyslexic (GOOGLED IT LOL) I am on here most of the n8 if u need any more help

yes i cleared caches and did factry reset b4 and aftr flashing the zip

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Guest jitin sharma

Did u make a nandroid b4 u tried 2.4 if so re do that then after it powers on switch it of. Go into streak droid and clear all the caches then apply the update after the update when it says reboot reboot it on the dell logo hold the usewell buttons and select DELLS FACTORY reset then ur 1st boot could take up to 5 mins this is the way i did it and ive been running this rom since DJ sent me it a few days ago and thats the way i did it soz if my spelling is bad am a bit dyslexic (GOOGLED IT LOL) I am on here most of the n8 if u need any more help

i cleared caches n factry reset b4 n after flashing it . n iI to flashed this when steve posted on twitter and iI ran smooth for iI guess 2 dayz but suddenly i started facing this problm and till now iI havent install ny after mkt or extra app and repeated flash process 2 tyms

Edited by jitin sharma
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Guest Spencershaun

not working ?

i cleared caches n factry reset b4 n after flashing it . n iI to flashed this when steve posted on twitter and iI ran smooth for iI guess 2 dayz but suddenly i started facing this problm and till now iI havent install ny after mkt or extra app and repeated flash process 2 tyms

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Guest Matt Bernius

### ROM FEEDBACK - Oct 12th Build ###

I will be installing the new build later today, but wanted to provide some info on the previous build.

- Good: In general it appears far more stable than Fards' last XDA build. Battery consumption seems about the same. So far I've encountered far less system hangs, and have yet to experience the reboots that accompanied multitasking with a music player in the background.

>> REBOOT LOOP - reproducible, but not sure of cause...

When using titanium backup to restore user apps and remove system apps, I repeatedly encountered a problem in which the phone would go into a reboot loop. The applications would restore and the phone would appear stable. However, if the phone was rebooted after the application restore, it would go into an "infinite" boot loop. Instead of getting the "Dell" logo screen, it would jump straight to the "Android" boot animation. Android would then successfully load. However, after a minute or two the phone would then reboot back to the "Android" boot animation and the process would repeat again ad infinitum. Since the Streak is my phone, I didn't have the time to track down the exact software issue (I wish I had a second streak)...

However, I've gotten it down to a few possible programs/changes:

Apps I added/restored via Titanium Backup (no problems when I did not install these apps)

1. System Tuner -- The app had superuser access and was used to adjusted "tweaks>SD cache" to 1024 (I think) and under "tweaks>Auto kill", the Empty Application bar was set to around 100mb. I had also given the app permission to restore both settings on boot.

2. Cache Cleaner, Bluetooth Auto-off, San Disk Memory Zone (was not yet configured), Volume+ (from Fard's Rom), ICS Market Update

Apps I had removed or frozen via Titanium Backup prior to reboot loop:

1. Dell Stage. Home Stage, and all Stage Widgets

2. Email, Gmail

3. Music 2.3.3 (and installed Music 4.0.1)

4. All live wallpaper and Live wallpaper picker

5. Dell and Korean Keyboard

6. Dell Keyboard

7. Swype

8. All Nero software

9. Welcome HuanYing

10 Zino Reader

11. Setup Wizard & home screen tips

12. Gallery

If you'd like me to test any further on any of this or have any ideas, let me know. I'll also let you know if this surfaces again in the new build.

### Suggested Feature for Future Rom Update ###

Steve, in the past the Streakdroid roms had a Battery % meter, any chance that could be added back into a future build of this rom?

Thanks again for all the efforts!

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Guest jitin sharma

### ROM FEEDBACK - Oct 12th Build ###

I will be installing the new build later today, but wanted to provide some info on the previous build.

- Good: In general it appears far more stable than Fards' last XDA build. Battery consumption seems about the same. So far I've encountered far less system hangs, and have yet to experience the reboots that accompanied multitasking with a music player in the background.

>> REBOOT LOOP - reproducible, but not sure of cause...

When using titanium backup to restore user apps and remove system apps, I repeatedly encountered a problem in which the phone would go into a reboot loop. The applications would restore and the phone would appear stable. However, if the phone was rebooted after the application restore, it would go into an "infinite" boot loop. Instead of getting the "Dell" logo screen, it would jump straight to the "Android" boot animation. Android would then successfully load. However, after a minute or two the phone would then reboot back to the "Android" boot animation and the process would repeat again ad infinitum. Since the Streak is my phone, I didn't have the time to track down the exact software issue (I wish I had a second streak)...

However, I've gotten it down to a few possible programs/changes:

Apps I added/restored via Titanium Backup (no problems when I did not install these apps)

1. System Tuner -- The app had superuser access and was used to adjusted "tweaks>SD cache" to 1024 (I think) and under "tweaks>Auto kill", the Empty Application bar was set to around 100mb. I had also given the app permission to restore both settings on boot.

2. Cache Cleaner, Bluetooth Auto-off, San Disk Memory Zone (was not yet configured), Volume+ (from Fard's Rom), ICS Market Update

Apps I had removed or frozen via Titanium Backup prior to reboot loop:

1. Dell Stage. Home Stage, and all Stage Widgets

2. Email, Gmail

3. Music 2.3.3 (and installed Music 4.0.1)

4. All live wallpaper and Live wallpaper picker

5. Dell and Korean Keyboard

6. Dell Keyboard

7. Swype

8. All Nero software

9. Welcome HuanYing

10 Zino Reader

11. Setup Wizard & home screen tips

12. Gallery

If you'd like me to test any further on any of this or have any ideas, let me know. I'll also let you know if this surfaces again in the new build.

### Suggested Feature for Future Rom Update ###

Steve, in the past the Streakdroid roms had a Battery % meter, any chance that could be added back into a future build of this rom?

Thanks again for all the efforts!

none of these for me as mine is nude no xtra app installd

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Guest Matt Bernius

In hopes of curtailing some of the support problems that happened over at XDA on the Gingerstreak Thread, I've created a page in the XDA wiki for this ROM:


or without the http:


It would be great if we could keep track of bugs & solutions at that page (to prevent the entire read through 50+ pages to know if its a user vs. a rom issue). H/T to Azzuren - I used your step-though install process for that page.

Stephen, any chance the link could be added to the first post?

Edited by Matt Bernius
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### ROM FEEDBACK - Oct 12th Build ###

I will be installing the new build later today, but wanted to provide some info on the previous build.

- Good: In general it appears far more stable than Fards' last XDA build. Battery consumption seems about the same. So far I've encountered far less system hangs, and have yet to experience the reboots that accompanied multitasking with a music player in the background.

>> REBOOT LOOP - reproducible, but not sure of cause...

When using titanium backup to restore user apps and remove system apps, I repeatedly encountered a problem in which the phone would go into a reboot loop. The applications would restore and the phone would appear stable. However, if the phone was rebooted after the application restore, it would go into an "infinite" boot loop. Instead of getting the "Dell" logo screen, it would jump straight to the "Android" boot animation. Android would then successfully load. However, after a minute or two the phone would then reboot back to the "Android" boot animation and the process would repeat again ad infinitum. Since the Streak is my phone, I didn't have the time to track down the exact software issue (I wish I had a second streak)...

However, I've gotten it down to a few possible programs/changes:

Apps I added/restored via Titanium Backup (no problems when I did not install these apps)

1. System Tuner -- The app had superuser access and was used to adjusted "tweaks>SD cache" to 1024 (I think) and under "tweaks>Auto kill", the Empty Application bar was set to around 100mb. I had also given the app permission to restore both settings on boot.

2. Cache Cleaner, Bluetooth Auto-off, San Disk Memory Zone (was not yet configured), Volume+ (from Fard's Rom), ICS Market Update

Apps I had removed or frozen via Titanium Backup prior to reboot loop:

1. Dell Stage. Home Stage, and all Stage Widgets

2. Email, Gmail

3. Music 2.3.3 (and installed Music 4.0.1)

4. All live wallpaper and Live wallpaper picker

5. Dell and Korean Keyboard

6. Dell Keyboard

7. Swype

8. All Nero software

9. Welcome HuanYing

10 Zino Reader

11. Setup Wizard & home screen tips

12. Gallery

If you'd like me to test any further on any of this or have any ideas, let me know. I'll also let you know if this surfaces again in the new build.

### Suggested Feature for Future Rom Update ###

Steve, in the past the Streakdroid roms had a Battery % meter, any chance that could be added back into a future build of this rom?

Thanks again for all the efforts!

You can try this to modify the battery to what you want (out of the selection they have of course)......http://uot.dakra.lt/

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Guest Azurren

In hopes of curtailing some of the support problems that happened over at XDA on the Gingerstreak Thread, I've created a page in the XDA wiki for this ROM:


or without the http:


It would be great if we could keep track of bugs & solutions at that page (to prevent the entire read through 50+ pages to know if its a user vs. a rom issue). H/T to Azzuren - I used your step-though install process for that page.

Stephen, any chance the link could be added to the first post?


Sadly most errors people are getting is due to user error.. :(

Only other causes could be Hardware failure or Region specific errors

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Guest Azurren

How come it is only overclockable to 998 mhz? Also is there anyway to fix ussd problem?

Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk

The kernel currently doesn't support overclocking :)

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Guest Matt Bernius

:D Sadly most errors people are getting is due to user error.. :(


If it help's I've updated the wiki page to include a section on "Common Problems from an Unsuccessful Flash"


Hopefully we can start pointing people in the direction of that page and cut down on some of the problems.

BTW 2.4 users, please help me keep this updated! :D

Only other causes could be Hardware failure or Region specific errors

I don't understand what you mean by that... Do you have examples?

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Guest Papi-jj

For anyone who is having random reboots or power downs. Make sure back panel is secure. The back panel is not disabled in this rom.

## Request for DJ Steve. Can you please disable this like in your froyo roms. This could be the cause why some do not have reboots and others do.##

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Guest Papi-jj

For anyone who is having random reboots or power downs. Make sure back panel is secure. The back panel is not disabled in this rom.

## Request for DJ Steve. Can you please disable the back panel sensor's like in your froyo roms? This could be the cause why some do not have reboots and others do.##

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Guest coronet

Two small nitpicks about the phone bit if I can humbly submit them:

Sometimes the End/Hang up button doesn't work, or it's really finnicky. Can this be looked into at all?

The lowest volume during phone calls is still pretty loud. Can the sound be retarded at all?

I think that really all I have to report right now. Great stuff in this release!

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Guest jitin sharma

I just cant understand way it isnt working what was ur rom b4 u tried putting 2.4 on

my previous rom was 191

this is wat iI did :

factry reset

wipe cache

flash amss & dsp1

flashed zip

cache cleared

fctry reset

ran smooth for a day n half , then started the cycle of unknown reboots

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Guest watch_mania

For anyone who is having random reboots or power downs. Make sure back panel is secure. The back panel is not disabled in this rom.

## Request for DJ Steve. Can you please disable the back panel sensor's like in your froyo roms? This could be the cause why some do not have reboots and others do.##

I don't think it was caused by the back panel popping off. I always used stock ROMs with those sensors and no power downs/reboots ever happened accidentally.

Looks like there is some problem on WiFi driver. At least it hadn't happened since I kept connecting with HSDPA without WiFi.

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