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Monte Carlo Stir Fry

Guest Sami Beck

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Guest TouchyAndalou

Why doesn't it have an option to switch on and switch off dolby like original MCSF had? There isn't any option in the settings to toggle dolby. Is it genuinely the dolby or have you tweaked the volume to boost highest?

I've flashed his version 3 rom and the original MCSF one after the other a couple of times today, and as far as I can tell there's no difference in audio quality in either video playback or the music app. Having said that, I don't know why there's no settings - sound - dolby on/off option in this rom.

Interestingly though, I also flashed that MCSF 2.0 that you or somebody else posted earlier, and although in that rom you can turn dolby on/off in the settings menu, you can't seem to be able to do so within the music app, whereas in wbaw's 1.0 you could. Strange.

At any rate, I think proximapro's 3.0 rom seems pretty decent. The sound is comparable to MCSF (at least to my ears) and although I've only tested it for short periods, the battery life so far seems excellent.

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Guest proximapro

I've flashed his version 3 rom and the original MCSF one after the other a couple of times today, and as far as I can tell there's no difference in audio quality in either video playback or the music app. Having said that, I don't know why there's no settings - sound - dolby on/off option in this rom.

Interestingly though, I also flashed that MCSF 2.0 that you or somebody else posted earlier, and although in that rom you can turn dolby on/off in the settings menu, you can't seem to be able to do so within the music app, whereas in wbaw's 1.0 you could. Strange.

At any rate, I think proximapro's 3.0 rom seems pretty decent. The sound is comparable to MCSF (at least to my ears) and although I've only tested it for short periods, the battery life so far seems excellent.

Can not turn dolby on/off because it needs framework files from mcsf, but in this files bluetooth not working, it needs edition, I can't make it.

Edited by proximapro
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Guest popoyaya

So you've removed the framework files from mcsf? In which case you've probably removed Dolby...

Okay guys, some news. I used dex2jar and jdgui to look inside the settings.apk. That pointed to the AudioManager, which is compiled into the framework.jar. A little work with apktool, and the AudioManager pointed to AudioService, which is inside framework.jar, too.

AudioService points to AudioSystem, which is, you guessed it, inside framework.jar. And here is the problem, it seams to call native methods I don't know where to find:

.method public static native Dolby_SetEnable(I)I

.end method

Any advise? Most important code attached, but nothing important.

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Guest fallenangel32

So you've removed the framework files from mcsf? In which case you've probably removed Dolby...

yes beacuse in several roms(bm360) we have the monte carlo libs...but no dolby

dolby is in libs and in framework witch includes the sound system

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