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Want to unlock your OMC / Skate? Tutorial here!

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Guest dbbloke
Posted (edited)

Thanks everyone, worked first time. Didn't even need to do the additional install Android missing driver.

In retrospective, I wish I had installed CWM first, backed up whatever it came with then followed instructions, just in case my phone which arrived 2 hours ago had a different version or anything in it's original setup. Great phone, seems to work much better than my LG 2X :)

Bolshoi spaciba / mucho thanko.

Edited by dbbloke
Guest xiaoyaoswim

well actually i figured out that the step, which i considered to be unsuccessfull was okay and finished the unlocking process.

many thanks to everybody.

one more offtopic question

how can i remove all that ORANGE soft from my OMC?

how do i generally remove soft from android? i am a newfag)

Do i have to install clockwerk mod?

I think you have two choices:

1. Install clockwork mod recovery and then any custom ROM you like, which should have already beened debranded from Orange;

2. If you want to stay on stock ROM and DIY the software, root your phone first, and then install Ti backup or some similiar apps which provide you the function to remove system software.


I've unlocked my new Monte Carlo, and it went perfectly. Thanks :-)

However I've just noticed that when I use the camera the pictures have a purple cast. I didn't try the camera before unlocking so

I don't know if it was faulty when I bought it or if this is something the unlock has done. I don't really care since I've never used a phone camera, but I'd be interested to know if anyone else has seen this.


I had the same issue, I unlocked and flashed a new rom without trying the camera beforehand. However, the purple effect seems to be resolved by switching white balance from auto to daylight, but the resultant photos still aren't particularly good, due to the limitations of the camera in low light.

Guest MadeInMachines
Posted (edited)

Excellent to see the monte carlo can be unlocked as I'm about to buy one having lost my old phone. However I only have a Mac on OSX Lion - is there a method of unlocking for OSX without bootcamp, windows and all that?


Edited by MadeInMachines
Guest JcMalta

Is this still a valid fix? Would love my wife to have a cheap Android phone ... and for around GBP 120 from Orange UK, this looks like a great deal.

But we would be using it overseas, so a working unlock is vital to us.

All advise is very welcome.

Guest Atomix86

Is this still a valid fix? Would love my wife to have a cheap Android phone ... and for around GBP 120 from Orange UK, this looks like a great deal.

But we would be using it overseas, so a working unlock is vital to us.

All advise is very welcome.

Of course it's valid. And thanks to the updated process it's safer than ever with regards to Wi-Fi etc.


I unlocked mine fine the first time with no issues, worked perfectly

I unlocked a second one with no issues too

The third which had the same firmware and was bought in the same week failed at 98% but all I had to do was reboot the phone and restart the flashing process. Worked perfectly again.

Thank you so much, me and the friends I've convinced to buy this phone love you a lot.

Guest mikeydood

So you want to unlock your OMC/Skate? You’ve come to the right place!


All the stuff in the tutorial is simplified by me but the full credit for unlock has to go to xiaoyaoswim who originally posted this method here and also to John W who figured out how to save the WiFi MAC address.


YOU SHOULD INSTALL THESE DRIVERS FIRST - http://www.multiupload.com/BQ7VQOQA4L. If they don't work then try the drivers on the Superboot thread.

  1. Google "QPST 2.7 Build 366". Click the first link and download the file beside "QPST 2.7 Build 366" and install it.
  2. Download this file and unzip it.
  3. Connect your phone to your computer and make sure that you have USB Debugging turned on
  4. Go into “Preparation” folder and run the “install-recovery-windows.bat”. This should flash stock recovery and reboot the phone.
  5. Remove your battery and disconnect the USB cable
  6. Now as you connect the phone to your computer press the volume down button. Don’t let go of the volume button until “FTM” comes up on your phone.
  7. You installed QPST in the first step. Now in the Start menu find "Software Download" which was installed by QPST.
  8. Click "Backup" on the utility and choose where to save the "QCN" file
  9. If your phone is not found then go to "QPST Configuration" in the start menu and add a port for your phone
  10. Click Start on the utility
  11. Make sure the file exists and is non-zero in file size before proceeding - if not try the previous steps again
  12. Go into the Unlock folder of the extracted zip file and run “download.exe”
  13. If you are sure you want to unlock press “START”!
  14. Sit through some hairy moments as it flashes itself and unlocks the phone.
  15. Go back to the "Software Download" utility.and click "Restore". Find the .qcn file you saved and restore it.
  16. Remove your USB cable, put the battery back in and any SIM of your choice – your phone is now unlocked!!
  17. OPTIONAL – Power on the phone and turn on USB Debugging.
  18. Go to “POST-UNLOCK FOLDER” and run the bat file again – this installs ClockworkMod
You now have a fully working unlocked Orange Monte Carlo / ZTE Skate!!

Hello mate.

i got a San Fran 2 and was directed here to unlock it. I used the tutorial but my phone has died :( when it boots up the flash comes on and the lil red light. the backlight on the screen comes on but screen wont work. the volume buttons work and gives off sounds when pressed. Any ideas as to what i can do. I think it goes into "FTM" mode but wont show on screen. i did all from 1-16 of the tut but when inserted new sim and battery phone wont work :(

Please help if u can otherwise ill try to blag return to shop for the phone.



Guest Atomix86

This is an unlock for the Monte Carlo, not San Francisco 2.

Posted (edited)

hi all, noob here, all was going well until 15 :D then when i try to restore the qsn file QPST cant find my phone and i cant add a port :(

i'm sure the phone originally installed under (port COM & LPT) now its a USB composite device

this is XP too

Edited by johnyc
Guest Atomix86

hi all, noob here, all was going well until 15 :D then when i try to restore the qsn file QPST cant find my phone and i cant add a port :(

i'm sure the phone originally installed under (port COM & LPT) now its a USB composite device

this is XP too

Did you manage to backup the file in the first place? If so, I don't see why it wouldn't have kept detecting the phone.


Did you manage to backup the file in the first place? If so, I don't see why it wouldn't have kept detecting the phone.

yep, i have the backup file... 154k, but xp is now not recognising the phone with a port even tho it syas its installed, i think the FTM rebooting messsed it up?

Guest Atomix86

yep, i have the backup file... 154k, but xp is now not recognising the phone with a port even tho it syas its installed, i think the FTM rebooting messsed it up?

Hmm, try rebooting once more back into FTM mode and see if the port is still there on the manager software.

Posted (edited)

almost... found the phone back in FTM and managed to start restore, got to 100% and it locked up saying it cant find the phone, wot a frig

it may have done it, how do i know if the phones unlocked?

Edited by johnyc
Guest mikeydood

This is an unlock for the Monte Carlo, not San Francisco 2.

Yeah i was sent here from a link .....

It states you can unlock sf2 ??

Guest Atomix86
almost... found the phone back in FTM and managed to start restore, got to 100% and it locked up saying it cant find the phone, wot a frig

it may have done it, how do i know if the phones unlocked?

Put a different sim in it ;).


Put a different sim in it ;).

:o it worked, huge thanks all... just need to loose all this orangey stuff now

Guest druplenas

I've got a problem unlocking my monte carlo - I've saved qcn file to my comp, changed mac there (first with soft, then with hexedit), restored, but phone still says it has 11:22:33:44:55:66 mac addr. I've backuped it again to make sure I did changes and tried to find my mac addr (which was there entered by hexedit). And I didn't. I didn't find 11:22:33:44:55:66 there too. So some changes were made, but how? Wierd, the qcn file on my computer has my old mac # changed, but when i write to phone and restore it disappears. Please help me with this :( (P.S. I have open root access for sure)

Guest Joey Scarf

I have tried to start the unlock but in qpst software download it says no phone found

i have rooted and downloaded and installed the drivers, i also tried the configuration and i finds COM8 but it doesn't help.

I also get error pop ups when opening the qpst

any ideas

Guest Amphoras

Hello mate.

i got a San Fran 2 and was directed here to unlock it. I used the tutorial but my phone has died :( when it boots up the flash comes on and the lil red light. the backlight on the screen comes on but screen wont work. the volume buttons work and gives off sounds when pressed. Any ideas as to what i can do. I think it goes into "FTM" mode but wont show on screen. i did all from 1-16 of the tut but when inserted new sim and battery phone wont work :(

Please help if u can otherwise ill try to blag return to shop for the phone.



Did you use the files from this thread or from the SF2 thread? If it was the files from this thread, then try again using the SF2 files, but there's a good chance you already bricked it.


managed to unlock my OMC and connect with my Vodafone sim but i dont get any internet (2g/3g)?

Guest Joey Scarf
Posted (edited)

managed to unlock my OMC and connect with my Vodafone sim but i dont get any internet (2g/3g)?

Have you put in the right apn in

Anyone help me with my problem

I have tried to start the unlock but in qpst software download it says no phone found

i have rooted and downloaded and installed the drivers, i also tried the configuration and i finds COM8 but it doesn't help.

I also get error pop ups when opening the qpst

Edited by Joey Scarf

Have you put in the right apn in

yes apn says Vodafone, but i dont get the 2g option in the OMC, WIFI is fine

Guest jojozep

Preparing to Unlock OMC.

Just to be clear. The steps mention removing the battery in Step.5 and only in Step.16 is the battery put back.

Q1. Does this mean that in between the phone is just connected to PC via USB with no battery installed ?

Q2. Do you go through steps with the SIM Card removed until Step.16 ?


5. Remove your battery and disconnect the USB cable



16. Remove your USB cable, put the battery back in and any SIM of your choice – your phone is now unlocked!!

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