Guest Kismet010 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Posted March 31, 2012 (edited) Feature request: - Filters (remove tweets that includes some words) - Integration with Tweet Marker or any way to sync readed tweets - Some way to switch from the first column to the last one - Darker/black background to drain less battery - @autocompletion Thanks! Edited April 2, 2012 by Kismet010
Guest moonrock Posted April 1, 2012 Report Posted April 1, 2012 I seem to suddenly have a bunch of friends using as a photo service, can we get this one added? Also, it seems that a lot of URLs that are within a quoted tweet (aka if it says "@Username" ) the end quote is breaking the picture preview. :)
Guest bsinclair Posted April 8, 2012 Report Posted April 8, 2012 Hi guys. Been using this on my phone (LG Optimus Black, running 2.2.2) with no problems at all. Jut got a tabet (Kyros running 2.3.3) and no matter what I do, this can't be installed. Tried the original tweetdeck and it also does not install. Any ideas?
Guest Gooler Posted April 10, 2012 Report Posted April 10, 2012 I just registered here to say a big Thank You! to PaulOBrien for keeping alive TweakDeck. I would also like to say that filters would be most welcome.
Guest dkodr Posted April 13, 2012 Report Posted April 13, 2012 In TweetDeck the tweet composer would nicely resize, while in TweakDeck it doesn't. Can this be fixed?
Guest nathans77 Posted May 15, 2012 Report Posted May 15, 2012 I get random posts from spammers. I use the menu to block those users and they will go away, but today I saw the two I blocked reappear. Why is that? I've been using TweakDeck and enjoy it very much. Thanks for enhancing the client to what it is now.
Guest RyanLupin Posted May 15, 2012 Report Posted May 15, 2012 I'm wondering if you have any future plans for TweakDeck.
Guest den_breacker Posted May 21, 2012 Report Posted May 21, 2012 Hi, Is it possible to add support for pocket? It would be nice if you could share links automatically from tweakdeck to pocket. Now you have to open the link in your browser and then share the link to pocket...
Guest dbau Posted June 8, 2012 Report Posted June 8, 2012 Feature request: Would it be possible to have a "share button" on the main message window? Thanks! dbau
Guest Rafareino Posted June 9, 2012 Report Posted June 9, 2012 (edited) hi guy, this is an awesome job, especially the negotiation with twitter team. I'd suggest that You add another slider in column settings to load images directly in column and adjust the pre-cache resolution. In this case, I guess that should be better to delay the notification until the images had been cached in the desired resolution. |================||========| /\ | /\ | | /\ | | |-> Full screen resolution | |-> 30% of screen resolution |-> disabled This could be greate to see all foto snapshots without need to load them. Thanks Edited June 9, 2012 by Rafareino
Guest zippyioa Posted June 16, 2012 Report Posted June 16, 2012 (edited) Just a weird question that I've never gotten to ask. Often, I have Facebook friends who show up in my timeline with no update... Like this: And if I click on it, it looks like this: What's that about?? LOVE this app. Thanks so much for all the hard work! I'm getting exactly the same, and its very annoying as everything else works superbly! I have noticed that the users who show up with no text in their post are iPhone users.... is that the same for you? Edited June 16, 2012 by zippyioa
Guest allyn274 Posted June 16, 2012 Report Posted June 16, 2012 I'm getting exactly the same, and its very annoying as everything else works superbly! I have noticed that the users who show up with no text in their post are iPhone users.... is that the same for you? Yes! Now that you mention it, I do notice this more with iPhone users... Odd. It's the only thing in my opinion that's squirrely about the app.
Guest oceansaber Posted July 2, 2012 Report Posted July 2, 2012 Would love a search button since the Galaxy Nexus doesn't default with one on the on-screen buttons (unlike your modded one :( ). That would be great, thanks!
Guest spiff81 Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 I'd like to be able to swype from last to first column in one go. With a lot of lists it's a bit cumbersome to swype through all the columns. Is Tweakdeck opensourced? Is the sourcecode available somewhere?
Guest ElectronicWar Posted July 16, 2012 Report Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) "Bug" Report: - TweakDeck isn't working very well with Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) on my Galaxy Nexus in terms of animations/scrolling. The scrolling through the timeline is very choppy. Wasn't a problem on 4.0.4 (ICS). To be precise: The scrolling is fast, but the rendering sort of flickers which makes my brain hurt (maybe an issue with the new 60 FPS interface rendering of Jelly Bean). Feature Request: support would be great. Edited July 16, 2012 by ElectronicWar
Guest russell1997 Posted July 18, 2012 Report Posted July 18, 2012 I just got the S3 2 days ago, I noticed when I installed TweetDeck I no longer had the "Add Picture", "Location", and "add contact" buttons on the compose screen. It also didn't seem to support the new retweet function. It's like whatever it was installing from play was a really old version or something? Anyway i started looking for a new client and saw TweakDeck and noticed the screens looked identical to TweetDeck so I installed it. I was shocked it was just like (if it's not the actual program) Tweetdeck with minor differences. How was this accomplished? Was it open source at one point before twitter bought it? How much control do you have over the program? If this is still being actively developed I'll be happy to get the donate version. :) :) Is this the best place for TweakDeck news? Anywhere else? Great to see this development. I just have two quick feature requests that I was hoping tweetdeck to develop: autocompletion of @ addresses, and being able to manage lists from within the app. Great work! +1 Feature request: - Filters (remove tweets that includes some words) - Integration with Tweet Marker or any way to sync readed tweets - Some way to switch from the first column to the last one - Darker/black background to drain less battery - @autocompletion Thanks! I like all of these +1 i play Star Trek Online and they use the @STO hashtag however tweakdeck searches must put a wildcard after becuase searches aren't limited to that hashtag they include anything after the "O" so like #stoked or #stop shows up. this works normally on searches. In TweetDeck the tweet composer would nicely resize, while in TweakDeck it doesn't. Can this be fixed? +1 I'm getting exactly the same, and its very annoying as everything else works superbly! I have noticed that the users who show up with no text in their post are iPhone users.... is that the same for you? yes, I don't like this either if i look at sometimes these are likes or url shares. i'm guessing tweakdeck just needs to diplay or re-interpret these updates. oh and +1 for support :)
Guest mrwadders Posted August 2, 2012 Report Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Thanks Paul for a great update. Just some constructive feedback from myself however, as to usability functionality that is missed which makes using this app frustrating for me: 1) The ability to delete 'Home' and 'Me' columns. 2) Or if the above is not possible, the ability to select which column you want as your home column. 3) The ability to move columns around, other than by adding/deleting them in the appropriate order. The reason for this is, because I follow a lot of people, I have sorted them all into lists. I no longer use the 'home' page, and instead just use the lists. But on this app, I have to always go to the home page, then scroll across to the tweets I want to read. Incredibly frustrating. 4) Also - Tweetdeck for Windows allows you to buffer your tweets by selecting a time to post them. It would be invaluable for me to be able to have this functionality on the Android app too. Currently it seems I can only update tweets live, which again is really frustrating. Many thanks for letting me add feedback.. Best wishes, Simon Edited August 2, 2012 by mrwadders
Guest Andy2D Posted August 12, 2012 Report Posted August 12, 2012 In TweetDeck the tweet composer would nicely resize, while in TweakDeck it doesn't. Can this be fixed? I'd love this too. I use Swype with my Desire HD and when composing a tweet or DM the "send" button is completely covered by the keyboard. You don't get this with TweetDeck - the text box gets resized, keeping the "send" button level with the top of the keyboard/word option thing. Otherwise a great app! Love that the translate function is included
Guest LeTheAnRo Posted August 23, 2012 Report Posted August 23, 2012 Hello, I have some trouble with favorating tweets with two twitter accounts. I have two twitter accounts (personal and business). The personal account is the standard account. All favorite tweets from the business timeline are send to the pernanl accounts favorite list. i hope you can fix this :) Regards LeTheAnRo
Guest jmagee Posted August 24, 2012 Report Posted August 24, 2012 Hi Paul, Any reason why replying on replies to one person not everyone involved in the tweet you are replying to. E.g if you rt something it relies to the original person only. Useful if it automatically replied to both/ all as other apps do
Guest ine0429 Posted August 31, 2012 Report Posted August 31, 2012 I want two function. 1.removing column of Home. 2.soring column thanks to give me great app.
Guest FredF Posted September 21, 2012 Report Posted September 21, 2012 (edited) Feature request: - Filters (remove tweets that includes some words) - Integration with Tweet Marker or any way to sync readed tweets - Some way to switch from the first column to the last one - Darker/black background to drain less battery - @autocompletion Thanks! Hi, I agree with everything, except the darker background if it's not a option. The old CRT screens were using less power when displaying dark background, and some newer screen too, but on a LCD screen (lots of screens), it doesn't change at all, and it can even be the opposite since when you use a white background with dark text, you can sometimes reduce the backlight more than if you use dark background and white text. (and the backline use more power than the LCD screen itself) One thing I would like to see is the possibility to choose a column with one timeline for two accounts (same column with different color of background for each account). At this moment, I only saw Plume as twitter client able to do this thing... it's strange that lots of other clients are offering multi-account function, but never allow to create one column with two accounts. Edited September 21, 2012 by FredF
Guest sabret00the Posted October 7, 2012 Report Posted October 7, 2012 I would love to see this open sourced and put on git if development isn't ongoing.
Guest zerzoso Posted October 16, 2012 Report Posted October 16, 2012 Would be great to have global filter like the desktop version of tweetdeck
Guest siedkins Posted November 19, 2012 Report Posted November 19, 2012 Feature request - number of tweets to download (including in lists) One of the reasons I switched to TweetLanes was because it would download all tweets between the last time I synced and now. I use Lists extensively and ideally I'd like to download all messages in my lists since I last synced so that I can read them all. TweakDeck currently downloads more messages in the main feed compared to lists but at the moment that is still leaving me with a time gap. Would there be any way to increase the number of tweets downloaded in lists or follow the functionality of TweetLanes and download them all? I wish Twitter hadn't changed their rules for clients ....
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