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[ DEV ] HTC Sense

Guest weeo

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Guest Sulthekk

My current guess is this error:

E/AndroidRuntime( 755): FATAL EXCEPTION: NetworkLocationProvider

E/AndroidRuntime( 755): java.lang.SecurityException: Neither user 10010 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.

Crevis, can you make log on non-rebooting backup? Seems like that NetworkLocationProvider has no permission to get network location, but would be nice to see the difference, unluckily I can't reproduce the non-rebooting state.

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Guest the_crevis

My current guess is this error:

E/AndroidRuntime( 755): FATAL EXCEPTION: NetworkLocationProvider

E/AndroidRuntime( 755): java.lang.SecurityException: Neither user 10010 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.

Crevis, can you make log on non-rebooting backup? Seems like that NetworkLocationProvider has no permission to get network location, but would be nice to see the difference, unluckily I can't reproduce the non-rebooting state.

Thing is, it has that permission so I don't know why its saying it doesn't, and the well the difference is that there are no errors on the backup, I'll make a log if I can't fix it soon.

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Guest Sulthekk

Hey The_Crevis. Sorry I couldn't help during the week. I can only help on weekends. So here I am. Let me know if you need anything

If you read a few posts back, then you see that the current problem is NetworkLocation, if you could help, it would be appreciated.


Those working data must got into your backup somehow. How did you exactly flashed it the time you made the backup? Is it possible that you didn't actually wipe and it's from a previous rom?

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If you read a few posts back, then you see that the current problem is NetworkLocation, if you could help, it would be appreciated.


Those working data must got into your backup somehow. How did you exactly flashed it the time you made the backup? Is it possible that you didn't actually wipe and it's from a previous rom?

Yeah I've read them. What build are we on? Sorry Im still in bed and I can't comprehend anything. Ill get to work after breakfast :-)

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Guest the_crevis

Right, I can only conclude that it is actually the fixed libsurfaceflinger that causes the reboots. This is because on the alpha2 build with the upside down screen, there are no reboots. Then I replace the libsurfaceflinger, make a new build and I get the reboots. I didn't get reboots in the first place with it because I just pushed it to a alpha2 build. Its all very strange :S

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Right, I can only conclude that it is actually the fixed libsurfaceflinger that causes the reboots. This is because on the alpha2 build with the upside down screen, there are no reboots. Then I replace the libsurfaceflinger, make a new build and I get the reboots. I didn't get reboots in the first place with it because I just pushed it to a alpha2 build. Its all very strange :S

I've only had 2 reboots on alpha3... let me look into aswell

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Firstly, today I will update and upload stuff to the project website. Then I can get a fix from some developers from the LG, Samsung ports as I believe they to had this problem.

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hey how did you fix the rosie.apk?bcauz when i try ahdpi launcher it force closes.

thanks in advance.

You will have to ask the_crevis on that one

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Guest the_crevis

I've stopped development for the time being as I don't have enough time atm due to exams. I'll try work on it a bit during the easter break though.

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I've stopped development for the time being as I don't have enough time atm due to exams. I'll try work on it a bit during the easter break though.

I'm on the same boat here. Anyone else care to lead temporarily?

Edited by weeo
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Guest Sulthekk

I got some time, although I still have no idea how could libsurfaceflinger cause those errors. :unsure:

Look like I gotta take a closer look at arm reverse engineering.

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Guest brookergray

I got some time, although I still have no idea how could libsurfaceflinger cause those errors. :unsure:

Look like I gotta take a closer look at arm reverse engineering.

You mentioned earlier that you can't find a decompiler for arm machine code. It pooped in today that on warez forums they distribute games that were modified to work with v6. That mean's that they have a working decompiler.

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Guest Sulthekk

You mentioned earlier that you can't find a decompiler for arm machine code. It pooped in today that on warez forums they distribute games that were modified to work with v6. That mean's that they have a working decompiler.

Or they can read the binary :)

Actually even I do know some instructions on x86 without a disassembler, for ex. 0x90 is NOP, which stands for No OPeration, because I used it a lot. I guess if they do it all day they learn it over time too. Now I'm looking at HTE, which as I can see is commonly used for iPhone reverse-engineering (=it can disassemble arm), but when I run it, it just don't recognize any input, neither mouse or keyboard. :( Still looking for a good reverse engineering tool. All I found is setting up GDB remotely over ADB, but that's a no go for me, as I have got one single usb port, and I'm using a usb wifi adapter.

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Guest Sulthekk

Maybe if you can get adb over wi-fi to work?

That may work, although I don't like to make things like debugging available over the whole network. Will try to set up wifi via pcmcia adapter, then I should be able to get a backtrace of the crash that causes the reboot, without losing connectivity.

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Guest android@sam

Or they can read the binary :)

Actually even I do know some instructions on x86 without a disassembler, for ex. 0x90 is NOP, which stands for No OPeration, because I used it a lot. I guess if they do it all day they learn it over time too. Now I'm looking at HTE, which as I can see is commonly used for iPhone reverse-engineering (=it can disassemble arm), but when I run it, it just don't recognize any input, neither mouse or keyboard. :( Still looking for a good reverse engineering tool. All I found is setting up GDB remotely over ADB, but that's a no go for me, as I have got one single usb port, and I'm using a usb wifi adapter.

you can use IDA decompiler!!!

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Guest Sulthekk

you can decompile the native libs with the demo version.

I already got the free version, it came preinstalled with backtrack. Free is X86 only.

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