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[ICS] [CM9] [4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 for the ZTE Crescent [ROM] [Last updated: 13/07]

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Guest CurtisAndroidSF2

It's just the sensor not working properly. Mine does this but if I just toggle the brightness in my notification bar back around to auto (So it goes Auto, then through the different percentages then back to auto) and it fixes it. It's not a huge issue.


@Curtis Thx for answer will try it when i flash back to CyanogenMod :)

Posted (edited)

He guys, I found a way to play YouTube Hq with hardly any lag using MxPlayer.

1. Get this app : http://www.hulkshare.com/ju5573vp1eup

2.Choose the video you want

3.Click the video and choose play

4. Now choose MxPlayer and enjoy.

PS: Haven't tsted it on CM9 yet, because, I am on CM7 right now, but sinci it uses SW decoder it should work with CM9, too

PS: The app force closes on ICS :(

Edited by gbosh
Posted (edited)

Found answer i was looking for ..... But still have problem with auto brightness....

Edited by dimi89

Please I need to know how to change my android ID on this ROM, the android ID changer app on the play store says this ROM is not supported, and when I try to change the id using developer settings, it doesnt work.


Hey guys.This ROM is amazing,definetely best i've tried. But i have one problem.When i try to turn on wi-fi,it say "Turning wi-fin on..." and nothing is happening.Any solutions ?

Guest CurtisAndroidSF2

Just wondering if anyone has any battery-saving tips?

I love this ROM, it's my most-used and favourite on the forum but I seem to have quite poor battery life. It will last about 6 hours which isn't too good for me.

I have mobile data turned on and I text a fair amount but that's about it, any idea on what I could do to maximise my battery? I'd like to try and get another good few hours of it without having to restrict how I use my phone.



@Dazzozo how can GPS be killer when he is alwayse off .. at least on my phone and still i get poor battery life...

Guest reedo_17

Why when im on Youtube on my vivacity it lags in HQ? is this normal?

Also im running this rom and its great i was just wondering is the jellybean rom better than this one or the same yet? just one more quick thing does ICS have better gaming proformance than GB


Why when im on Youtube on my vivacity it lags in HQ? is this normal?

Also im running this rom and its great i was just wondering is the jellybean rom better than this one or the same yet? just one more quick thing does ICS have better gaming proformance than GB

Jelyy Bean (CM10) for me runs way better than ICS (CM9). The Video thing is normal, but Youtube LQ works fine, at least on Cm9, not on Cm10.

Gaming performance is pretty much the same, I think.

Guest CurtisAndroidSF2

Is there anyway to find out what makes the device crash? It crashes maybe 3/4 times a day and it's getting annoying. I just don't know what's causing it.

Guest AmbushReality
Is there anyway to find out what makes the device crash? It crashes maybe 3/4 times a day and it's getting annoying. I just don't know what's causing it.
A logcat and the ability to read :)
Guest Javi14

Hello,i have problem,i have TMV with Fish n Chips but i have it without CWM,my problem is : ive got kernel: zte-kernel@zdroid-SMT. I want CM9 and thats have other Kernel,my friend say me:with other kernel you can brick your phone completly. my question is. How i can install CM9 ? With other Kernel Please Answer im novice and sorry for my BAD ENGLISH!:) Thanks alot

Guest dimi89

@Javi download cm9 and download TMV kerner u cant brick you phone because you flesh other kernel (in this case you even have TMV kernel so i dont see how can u brick it ) even if you flesh kernel for SFII u can easy re-flesh it with oter rom or other kernel for your phone ... So just download everything you need for rom flashing,fallow instructions and you will be fine ... Flashed my phone more then 30 times and still working fine.Just read instructions !

Guest gagaetan10

Hi everybody i ask the comunauty about this rom ( CM9 ICS) so i have flashed yesterday and i would know if in the rom it's inclueded the 3g sharing over wifi ? or more exactly the connection sharing , because i see just the sharing over bluetooth and usb only not wifi ? , if not possible to have in this rom , what app can make this functionality as work with this rom and this version of android beacause it's a very usefull functionality i dont know why it's not integrated ? maybe the dev just forget to add it but it's strange also , so thanks for your reply and sorry for my bad english I m just Frenchy's LOL , thank and nice day every body

Hum , also , anyone know how can i have a function ( turn phone for put muted function little as htc function or maybe exactly the same ) thanks

Guest beyond_all_control

Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could steer me in the right direction with this issue - I've installed this rom and while it's working ok (the phone has siezed or crashed a few times since installation), i've found its absolutely chewing through my battery like there's no tomorrow. I've used the battery calibration app and done what it suggests about letting it fully discharge and then charge back up but since then it has gone from being fully charged to being completly dead in 4 hours. When I look at what is draining the power it says the screen has used 60% of the battery which I thought seems a bit weird as I have the brightness set to half way and it's not like I have done anything extensive with the phone - No games, just a light view of facebook here and there and sent a few text messages. If anyone has any ideas as to how I could fix this problem that would be awesome because I actually updated to this rom in the hope it would help my battery life.

On a side note, the only other thing i've come across that could do with slightly being tweaked would be after having a phone call, when you take the phone away from your ear the screen doesn't unlock, you have to manually unlock it and then end the call. Not the biggest issue in the world I know but just something i'd come across so far.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can lend their expertise to my plight.

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa
Posted (edited)

Have a look at my post here, the main culprits for battery drain are GPS being left on (Disable it using the power strip), Wireless not sleeping when the phone is (Can be set in the wireless settings), Google Talk waking the phone (Remove this using Titanium Backup if you're never going to use it) and some routers waking the phone to refresh wireless (Can be solved using a manual ip address if appropriate).

If you're serious about configuring your phone to prevent battery drain you really need to get the BetterBatteryStats app, it will tell you exactly what is preventing sleep and how much, you can then choose what to do, including disabling/uninstalling apps using Titanium.

Edited by PsYcHoKiLLa

@Psychokilla i am reading your post and was courious about that GPS problem.Thing is that i never turn my GPS on (except first time booting my phone after installation of new rom then he is turned by itself) and you are implaing that normally turn on/off switch is not working on ths phone so you use some 3rd party software to d othat ... Am i right or i did understand something wrong ?

Guest PsYcHoKiLLa

Well I wouldn't know if your GPS is on or off but mine is off unless I change that, Was just saying you should ensure your GPS is off cos sometimes people will leave it on by mistake if they've used map software and then forget to turn off the GPS after and then their battery dies quickly.

Guest techsolo

Did anybody made a newer version of the rom yet that has the slow GPS fix?

Guest rash.m2k

I'm having issues with this rom - link2sd does not work so I can't move my apps over to memory card and symlink them.

Any solution to this?

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