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[GB] [CM7] [2.3.7] CyanogenMod 7 for the ZTE Crescent [ROM] [Last updated: 28/06]

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Guest fr0do

Running all day today. Held charge all day, wireless on all morning, down to 92%, 85% after 10 minute lunchtime use, wireless off all afternoon. Discharges fast with basic use. About 1% every 2 minutes. Down to 73% now (4.45pm)

Capacative buttons do turn off in average daylight. And covering the sensor turns them on.

Auto screen brightness is really low

Unusably so.

Guest Dazzozo

Running all day today. Held charge all day, wireless on all morning, down to 92%, 85% after 10 minute lunchtime use, wireless off all afternoon. Discharges fast with basic use. About 1% every 2 minutes. Down to 73% now (4.45pm)

Capacative buttons do turn off in average daylight. And covering the sensor turns them on.

Auto screen brightness is really low

Unusably so.

I'm not sure if I should go down the pursuit of fixing up hardware 100% (as in, battling front camera) or try to clean up some of these little fixes. Any suggestions?

Guest fr0do
Posted (edited)

Just noticed that the camcorder is working! (last flash it wasn't - and I thought it was supposed to be brolen? This is with the stock camera app btw)

Personally I don't care at all about the front camera. I'd rather this ran drawing less juice.

Edited by fr0do
Guest BLu3HaZe

Just to update on what happened with CM7 after CM9 was a somewhat heavy on the battery for me. A day of testing, things are quite great actually! smile.gif Very stable, and quite full featured too, safe to say almost perfect. Until ICS is finished, going to stick with this as my everyday ROM.

@Daz - Touchscreen issue was sorted out quite nicely too, response I mean. So I think OSFII or Synaptics goes well with the CM7 at the moment and CM9 works better on the Vivacity or Amtel controller, you'll have to confirm which, whether it's the different kernels for the two models or having different touchscreens whatever the model may be is causing the issue.

Great points for me -

  • Tethering works no issues and it even has got the BT NAP so tethering works even for that.
  • Quite fast and responsive, similar to debranded stock GB, but slower than CM9. Prefers 480/122 to work smoothly. But with the amount of features stuck to it, commendable though!
  • Camera is working well and is happy as long as scene settings are untouched.
  • The DSPM is awesome, having come from SE phones, the sound quality is appreciated wink.gif
  • Battery life is way better than the current CM9 build
  • And many other lovely little features, great work getting almost everything work on the Crescent guys!!

    Ok, now for the really tiny bugs which are non critical whatsoever -
    • Bluetooth seems attached to WiFi in this too. The connection disconnects if you turn off WiFi while using BT. And to turn on BT, WiFi needs to be on.
    • The notification drop down seems to not like going back up much when in landscape mode where bottom is left. Also the keyboard could do with a small gap between the edge and the bottom row of keys, IF it could be done. Or is there any way to calibrate the touchscreen to come a bit more to the left? Feels like a dead zone of 0.5mm or less, just that the space and return button is a bit hard to press.
    • Battery usage monitoring seems somewhat wrong, showing really high usage for Display and too low for Cell Standby. But does not affect battery life itself, lasts around 3 times more than ICS easily.
    • For some reason, all files seems to have something with GTalk and showing the talk icon in the File Manager.

Just some screen caps with stuff in the ROM -



Battery life -


Little bugs -



Guest Dazzozo

huge awesome post

You sir, are a legend when it comes to feedback. Cheers! :P

Guest BLu3HaZe

You sir, are a legend when it comes to feedback. Cheers! :P

Thank you smile.gif It's the least I could do to help at the time being, so hopefully this would make it easier to even reproduce any bugs in shooting them down.

May I suggest pinning this and the CM9 threads as these two are very popular ROMs as it seems for the Crescent?

Good luck with your exams btw! And awaiting some more stabilization for ICS too!

Guest Dazzozo

May I suggest pinning this and the CM9 threads as these two are very popular ROMs as it seems for the Crescent?

Not sure who we'd have to rally to get that done.

Good luck with your exams btw! And awaiting some more stabilization for ICS too!

Thanks man. I don't think progress will slow down - I'm about to hit study leave and I'll be working on this in the free time I allocate myself... which will probably be most of it. :P

Guest BLu3HaZe

Not sure who we'd have to rally to get that done.

It will soon I guess, seems many more are stuck at top but some are now outdated unlike these two

Thanks man. I don't think progress will slow down - I'm about to hit study leave and I'll be working on this in the free time I allocate myself... which will probably be most of it. :P

NP, and that's good news indeed! smile.gif Can't wait to get back to ICS, it's like a whole different experience. Plus how it drives other with more powerful and common phones nuts to see us already with ICS, lol. CM7 has almost nothing more to work on or so it seems.

Would reverse tethering (accessing net through a dumb phone for example) through BT be a lot of work? I mean my old WM2003 PocketPC supports way more profiles than Android, while being almost a decade older... The BCM4330 we have is the same as on Galaxy SII so the chip supports very low power operation or BT 4.0 and all that. Only problem devs hate Broadcomm for writing garbage drivers and not releasing them, afaik

Guest Dazzozo

It will soon I guess, seems many more are stuck at top but some are now outdated unlike these two

NP, and that's good news indeed! smile.gif Can't wait to get back to ICS, it's like a whole different experience. Plus how it drives other with more powerful and common phones nuts to see us already with ICS, lol. CM7 has almost nothing more to work on or so it seems.

Would reverse tethering (accessing net through a dumb phone for example) through BT be a lot of work? I mean my old WM2003 PocketPC supports way more profiles than Android, while being almost a decade older... The BCM4330 we have is the same as on Galaxy SII so the chip supports very low power operation or BT 4.0 and all that. Only problem devs hate Broadcomm for writing garbage drivers and not releasing them, afaik

We don't even have a BCM4330 driver. We had an attempt at one borrowed from the Smart Tab 10 source, but it just doesn't play ball yet. At the moment we hack the kernel around this single, ZTE-supplied Wi-Fi module that they didn't release the source for.

I'll try and get that BCM4330 driver to work at some point - it'll be nice having something designed for the hardware that can be built from source! :lol:

Guest fr0do

Awesome post BLu3HaZe :)

I hadn't used file manager - just fired it up and all my icons on the phone memory were the play! icon :) (the default for an unknown extension it seems :))

I'm sticking with this rom too. Battery life was better today. I ran a calibration tool last night, and I don't think the phone has settled down yet since the rom change. Down to 86% by evening, then with some heavy use down to 64% now. Pretty good. And I got the screen drawing most power too. What battery monitoring app are you using there?

You didn't mention screen brightness. On my Atmel TMV auto brightness is about 10%. I have to manually set to 60% to be able to see it. Interesting that you think CM9 would be better for the TMV. Can't wait for the camera on that then! :)

Can't say I've noticed the touchscreen issue with the keyboard. As the dictionary works on this, and predictions are pretty spot on, I haven't bothered installing my usual keyboard: SwiftKeyX.

I too am stunned at the stuff implemented in this rom. Stuff I had given up on that's tweakable here. Too much to mention, but those Cyanogen guys did an amazing job.

Thanks for your work on these Daz. I think flibblesan was managing this area at the beginning. Maybe he's the one to badger to tidy it up a bit ;)

Guest Dazzozo
Posted (edited)

It's completely possible that I was doing this at midnight and actually packaged the SF2 kernel for the Vivacity. I'll quickly throw out a kernel when I've done this part of my coursework.

Edited by Dazzozo
Guest BLu3HaZe

Ah, that explains why BT is dependent on WiFi in both ROMs at this stage, unlike others which are based off the stock ones. Good luck with the drivers then, hope you get it working soon Daz! smile.gif

Yes, very true about that software designed properly for hardware, you may notice quite a bit of heating more than usual near the camera in the CM ROMs compared to the stock ones? Somewhat relevant here as ambient is 28-30 C, and HSPA makes it so hot it's impossible to keep in my hands and Temp widget showing 50-55 C core temperature.That is why I'm somewhat after reverse tethering more than others.

@fr0do, thanks man!

Yup, for unassociated extensions, others have the usual icons they should. So seems it's just grabbing something and displaying, maybe it doesn't have an icon for "Unknown"?

The screen seems to draw more power because in stock, Mobile Standby and another thing takes most power. That's why it seems CM draws lot of power for the display.

Nothing for battery monitoring, just the usual one in GB and the mV thing in the other app, the one you get in the ZTE menu?

Brightness, I keep it minimum when in normal use. But auto works just fine when going outside, I checked it with a flash from another phone on the response too, quite normal. I ran some tests on Seb's ROM too, at max brightness but the battery life was better in that either of this, understandable as these aren't complete yet. Will post that too.

Keyboard is perfect for words and predictions, and all other letters. Just the lowest row seems to have slight issues in horizontal mode. But the touchscreen extends there too, only very slightly off, can check by taking the lock screen globe along the edges smile.gif

Didn't you check out CM9? Should work well for you IMO, except the Camera yes.

Lol @ Daz, try not work too much past midnight tongue.gif

Guest BLu3HaZe

Just noted that CM9 comes with HW accelerated UI, that's why it's much faster? Or have you enabled it in CM7 too Daz? Or is it possible, if you haven't already?

Guest Dazzozo

Just noted that CM9 comes with HW accelerated UI, that's why it's much faster? Or have you enabled it in CM7 too Daz? Or is it possible, if you haven't already?

There's not much hardware acceleration in Gingerbread. I did push some changes to the Gingerbread branch the other day that updated the EGL libs, and I think you can have the UI partially hardware accelerated. I'll look in to it.

Guest BLu3HaZe

There's not much hardware acceleration in Gingerbread. I did push some changes to the Gingerbread branch the other day that updated the EGL libs, and I think you can have the UI partially hardware accelerated. I'll look in to it.

Not that I understand most it, but if it works out properly, it should give GB a noticeable boost in speed right? Hope it turns out well!

Guest Dazzozo

Not that I understand most it, but if it works out properly, it should give GB a noticeable boost in speed right? Hope it turns out well!

Should do. I'll probably get a build out with them Tuesday/Wednesday night, as I'll have handed in the coursework by then.

Guest fr0do

The screen seems to draw more power because in stock, Mobile Standby and another thing takes most power. That's why it seems CM draws lot of power for the display.

Nothing for battery monitoring, just the usual one in GB and the mV thing in the other app, the one you get in the ZTE menu?

Ah cool - never noticed that! :)


Brightness, I keep it minimum when in normal use. But auto works just fine when going outside, I checked it with a flash from another phone on the response too, quite normal. I ran some tests on Seb's ROM too, at max brightness but the battery life was better in that either of this, understandable as these aren't complete yet. Will post that too.

Hmm. No - mine is a lot brighter at 10%. The default level is waty too low.

Keyboard is perfect for words and predictions, and all other letters. Just the lowest row seems to have slight issues in horizontal mode. But the touchscreen extends there too, only very slightly off, can check by taking the lock screen globe along the edges smile.gif

Playing around with gesture unlock there's a chunk off screen at the bottom.

Didn't you check out CM9? Should work well for you IMO, except the Camera yes.

No. Must have a play yeah.

Guest BLu3HaZe

Should do. I'll probably get a build out with them Tuesday/Wednesday night, as I'll have handed in the coursework by then.

That's not a problem, stuff takes time anyway, and more to test :) The 5000 lines of code in the source of just one cam lib got me dumbfounded, so have ported so much stuff so soon? Surely they didn't just work...

Btw, would restoring the FM app apk from stock ROM allow radio in this? And as the chip is both receive and transmit in FM range, is there any way or app that works with these to broadcast by any chance?

Guest Dazzozo

That's not a problem, stuff takes time anyway, and more to test :) The 5000 lines of code in the source of just one cam lib got me dumbfounded, so have ported so much stuff so soon? Surely they didn't just work...

Btw, would restoring the FM app apk from stock ROM allow radio in this? And as the chip is both receive and transmit in FM range, is there any way or app that works with these to broadcast by any chance?

Radio is currently explicitly disabled in the device config so the radio app wouldn't do anything. Not sure why this is the case - flibblesan said it wasn't working but that's no surprise if it's disabled. :P

Guest BLu3HaZe

Ah cool - never noticed that! :)

Hmm. No - mine is a lot brighter at 10%. The default level is waty too low.

Playing around with gesture unlock there's a chunk off screen at the bottom.

No. Must have a play yeah.

Your battery usage looks way too choppy ohmy.gif mine is usually a nice gradient when I use the phone and almost flat at standby, so that's something odd there in your case, as you've barely used the phone. And there was a setting to turn off WiFi when the screen is off. could be very useful for you.

Also I never let the battery drain so much. Apparently, the battery will have less charge/recharge cycles before it loses it's capacity to unacceptable levels if you deep discharge it. Trade off it, it loses capacity faster if high charge is held for a long time at high temps like for me. But you're in UK so shouldn't be an issue I guess.

Mine is quite good at normal levels, enough even at minimum. Maybe the ROM behaves differently for LCDs too?

Hmm, mine seems to be on the left side of the screen, a very small strip.

It's awesome, you'll love it! smile.gif

Guest BLu3HaZe

Radio is currently explicitly disabled in the device config so the radio app wouldn't do anything. Not sure why this is the case - flibblesan said it wasn't working but that's no surprise if it's disabled. :P

Oh, that's too bad, I really like the radio :) Guess I'll stick with others for that then. Btw, the sound levels in this phone is commendable! Quite clear and loud for ZTE, exceeded expectations.

Also the cam module is very good in capturing details, surprising on par with my C905, only the video is slow and getting all stretched even in very good lighting. Happens with all stock firmware, any chance you could look into improving fps when you work on the cam?

Sorry for all the extra feature/improvement suggestions, hope I'm not driving you crazy tongue.gif

Guest Dazzozo

Oh, that's too bad, I really like the radio :) Guess I'll stick with others for that then. Btw, the sound levels in this phone is commendable! Quite clear and loud for ZTE, exceeded expectations.

Also the cam module is very good in capturing details, surprising on par with my C905, only the video is slow and getting all stretched even in very good lighting. Happens with all stock firmware, any chance you could look into improving fps when you work on the cam?

Sorry for all the extra feature/improvement suggestions, hope I'm not driving you crazy tongue.gif

Yuck, media_profiles.xml. I need to create a working one first. I don't even know where it's loading the settings from at the moment.

Guest BLu3HaZe

Yuck, media_profiles.xml. I need to create a working one first. I don't even know where it's loading the settings from at the moment.

Didn't get you, but hope you get it working soon!

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