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How to root your Huawei Ascend G300 (for Windows, Mac and Linux)

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Guest psyhound

I have the same problem with getting the root on ICS 4.0.3 B952... Tried everything I could find but with no luck... :(

Guest pepdavies

I rooted mine from stock b952 a couple of days ago. Just follow the instructions in the 'explained like you're 5' thread.

  • 1 month later...

hi, new to all this. I am going to attempt to root phone, I am still on vodaphone locked with ics up to date. will rooting be ok to do

Guest dalyer

Should be fine. You might also want to read the guides here:

But also double check that you use the latest of any tools mentioned.

Posted (edited)

Should be fine. You might also want to read the guides here:


But also double check that you use the latest of any tools mentioned.

thanks for reply I think phone rooted in the apps its got the app superuser, wot are is the latest tools Edited by dazo
Guest dalyer

thanks for reply I think phone rooted in the apps its got the app superuser, wot are is the latest tools

For example the latest CWM etc. The one in the "explained like you're 5" tutorial may not be the latest:

Guest dalyer

If you follow the "like you're 5" guide you'll have some older version of CWM. Once you have that you copy the Touch Hybrid ZIP file from the link above to your sdcard and use CWM's "install zip from card" option to flash it.


If you follow the "like you're 5" guide you'll have some older version of CWM. Once you have that you copy the Touch Hybrid ZIP file from the link above to your sdcard and use CWM's "install zip from card" option to flash it.

ok I will give a go cheers


where do I find the cwm file on sd card all I can see in the superuser app in log is shell allowed. have put the other one on sd card from link but cannot see a option to install

Guest dalyer

You copy the zip to your card and when you boot into your existing (probably version 5) CWM you should see it when you choose "install zip from sdcard"


I have turned phone of and on again pressing up vol and power button for 15 secs I can see the cwm-based recovery v do I press the hat logo?

Guest dalyer

You need to read up on how to use CWM. There are plenty of guides available if you Google for them.


well phone just restarted on own updated something guess it was cwm-based recovery v

Guest dalyer

CWM does not spontaneously reboot. CWM is not the latest CWM as I posted earlier. If I was you I would make sure to flash the latest CWM that I linked to using your current CWM before flashing any custom ROMS (in particular the CM ones). It's not that difficult but you do need to make a bit of an effort to help yourself by doing some research/reading...


CWM does not spontaneously reboot. CWM is not the latest CWM as I posted earlier. If I was you I would make sure to flash the latest CWM that I linked to using your current CWM before flashing any custom ROMS (in particular the CM ones). It's not that difficult but you do need to make a bit of an effort to help yourself by doing some research/reading...

will do thanks
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Jossel

- MAC - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x install-superrecovery-mac.sh' followed by './install-superrecovery-mac.sh'

How do I open the file in terminal? I'm not to good with terminal.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dakok

New tool for rooting?

I never had problems with root and bootloader - so I don` know much about that :(.

Found this, suposedly a new tool for rooting g300, so you can check it out:


Download link is hidden, but I can reveal it if necesary :)

Guest akarana

Dumb(ish) question: I assume I have root, I can ferret around in the depths of the filesystem, but I cannot save edits to one file I want to change.

Phone is G300 with Huawei factory B926 rom which shows it as now a U8818. I like this rom because it has the Chinese apps and because I visit China often, and like to change between zh and en. Problem: this rom uses en_US, and the US is the last country in the world to use degrees F and inches and miles. So I've found /system/build.prop with permissions rwxrwxr-x and edited the strings



to read



but that does not survive a restart of the phone. So now I find /data/cust/xml/hw_defaults.xml, permissions rwxr-xr-x with strings

<string white_languages="en_US,zh_CN" />


<string  plmn="460000#46000#460002#46002,en_us,China Mobile;460000#46000#460002#46002,zh_cn,中国移动;460001#46001,en_us,China Unicom;460001#46001,zh_cn,中国联通"/>

but nothing I do will save changes to this file. Tried Root Explorer, ES File Explorer, adb pull to edit the file externally but it can't be pushed back.

So do I have root or not?

btw locale managers are not the answer

Guest denzele

If you want to know 100% if you rooted try this app..Root Checker on playstore..

Guest akarana
Posted (edited)

Do you recommend any particular Root.Checker app, there's about six listed. The favorite one from JoeyKrim says I have root, but it seems it's not the same kind of root I'm used to on *nix machines, if I can't edit a system file, unless maybe that file is not owned by root, but some other process.

I installed BusyBox with intent to su in to edit that file, but got another nooby fright. I use vim and sed 'most evry other day on MacOS,

but the sawnoff versions in BB just don't have the options that fall naturally under my fingers, and the options that are there

do other wierd stuff ...

edit: SOLVED - partly

Lots of nice tools and tricks will mount /system as read/write, but I'm getting messages indicating read-only. The file I'm trying to edit turned out to be symlinked from


shell@android:/ # cat /proc/mounts | grep /cust

/dev/block/mmcblk0p18 /cust ext4 ro,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0

So I mounted /cust rw, edited my hw_defaults.xml, saved, and it stays saved, cold started with cache flush, three times, and am still stuck in en_US ...

Edited by akarana
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JethroUK
....Strangely, 'fastboot boot' doesn't work on the G300 so the usual superboot approach won't work, so i've created a 'SuperRecovery'.


This is a stock recovery image with 2 changes - firstly the ADB access is upgraded to root, secondly the recovery will automatically install Superuser / SU on start (in the same way as a superboot). This means it will give you root while maintaining compatability with stock upgrades applied via the stock recovery.


How to use SuperRecovery - Windows, Linux and OSX

- Download the SuperRecovery zip file above and extract to a directory

on PC, on MicroSD???

- Put your device in bootloader mode


If this is the easy method dont show me the technical version

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