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How to root your Huawei Ascend G300 (for Windows, Mac and Linux)

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Guest muppet&chums


Rebooted and a SuperUser SU widget staring at me as I type.

( Now if only I could get rid of that Vodafone shite )

Guest Taann

What Vodafone apps or stuff did you get rid off, Taan? I'd be curious to know as I've heard that removing some can affect the system...

I am not using a Vodafone sim any more so I can't say if they would bugger it up if you are.

I removed everything that had a Vodafone logo on it when opened including Qype, all of their music stuff, their store, the free games and demos. Everything's working fine.

Guest dancg

- Put your device in bootloader mode - turn off the phone, pull the battery and USB cable, wait a few seconds, replace the battery then turn on with the 'volume DOWN' button pressed to enter the bootloader. The device will stay at the Huawei logo.

Please, help I am still a noob and I do not want to mess around with this...

I am following this instructions but nothing happens when I turn on my G300 with the 'volume DOWN'button pressed. Should I see something different? I believe my phone boots normally. Should I go ahead and run the script to root? Or am I missing a first step that everybody assumed but me hence my phone doesn't get into bootloader mode? Should the USB cable be connected at this step?

Sorry for bothering with such a dumb question, but I want to make sure I knwo what I do.

Thanks a lot

Guest dancg
Posted (edited)

Please, help I am still a noob and I do not want to mess around with this...

I am following this instructions but nothing happens when I turn on my G300 with the 'volume DOWN'button pressed. Should I see something different? I believe my phone boots normally. Should I go ahead and run the script to root? Or am I missing a first step that everybody assumed but me hence my phone doesn't get into bootloader mode? Should the USB cable be connected at this step?

Sorry for bothering with such a dumb question, but I want to make sure I knwo what I do.

Thanks a lot

OK, I've managed to do this. I wasn't holding the volume DOWN key long enough when the phone was starting, so it never got into the bootloader mode. Just holding the volume DOWN key a bit longer did the trick. However, now I find myself stuck in the next step, when I run the ./install-superrecovery-linux.sh command, it stays in "Waiting for device" and it never continues. Is the phone suppose to be connected when entering into bootloader mode, or should I plug it in once the script has been executed? It is like if my PC does not detect the phone, however if I go into "normal mode" it does detect the phone as a USB device...

Any help?


Edited by dancg
Guest Davidoff59

Keep power and volume down pressed at the same to time for approx 10 seconds or more. The Huawei logo stays on and won't go any further. If it just boots, then your letting go too soon.

Guest dancg

Keep power and volume down pressed at the same to time for approx 10 seconds or more. The Huawei logo stays on and won't go any further. If it just boots, then your letting go too soon.

Thanks Davidoff, I figured that out right before your post :)

I am now however stuck in the next step... see my post above. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and I execute the script but it never goes further than "Waiting for device...", and my phone it is already USB plugged in. Is there anything I am missing? I am clearly in bootmode because the Huawei logo is visible.



Guest Davidoff59

Have all the phone drivers been installed? I would plug the phone in normally when switched on and go through the standard steps of installing drivers for the phone. It should install them automatically but took a while for me.

Guest dancg

Have all the phone drivers been installed? I would plug the phone in normally when switched on and go through the standard steps of installing drivers for the phone. It should install them automatically but took a while for me.

Well, I have basically installed the android-sdk-linux. Is there anything else I need? Do I have to select options like "USB debugging" or "Unknown sources" in my Android settings before rebootong to bootloader mode?

Thanks a lot!

Guest dancg

USB debugging needs to be ticked

Thanks for your time David. However, I am still missing something and I don't know what is it. The script still stays in "Waiting for device". I believe I have all drivers installed because if I run adb devices I get the following response

dan@dan ~/Downloads/r1-g300-superrecovery $ adb devices

List of devices attached 

10C61F515938	device

I guess this proves that my Ubuntu recognises OK the device. I have also ticked USB debugging option in Android settings. Is there anything else I can be missing?

Thank you!

Guest dancg

Thanks for your time David. However, I am still missing something and I don't know what is it. The script still stays in "Waiting for device". I believe I have all drivers installed because if I run adb devices I get the following response

dan@dan ~/Downloads/r1-g300-superrecovery $ adb devices

List of devices attached 

10C61F515938	device

I guess this proves that my Ubuntu recognises OK the device. I have also ticked USB debugging option in Android settings. Is there anything else I can be missing?

Thank you!

OK, I have dug a bit more and I think I know what is going wrong. As I said earlier, when I run adb devices if I have my phone USB plugged in when it is in normal mode, it does show me correctly the list of devices attached. However, when I boot into bootloader mode, if I run adb devices it shows an empty list, and then obviously the "rooting script" waits forever for a device.

Any idea why in bootloader mode my computer does not detect the phone? Is there any other option in Android settings I am missing?

Thanks guys!

Guest Davidoff59

I'm really not sure. So you get waiting for device in bootloader mode ? Have you tried plugging in phone while its switched on normally to see what happens?

Guest Davidoff59

Please be aware that this is for Windows, It may be different on Linux but may give you ideas on where to start looking.

I just installed and set up sdk on windows for adb and fastboot.

Did you click on Android sdk manager and check were any updates available? I will also post you a link, which was what I followed for installing mine. First time I have set up SDK and I managed ok.

I think this is where you are up to

Test method: Open CMD


cd (sdk folder)/platform-tools

adb devices

Should see device and number pop-up...

(ADB is located in Platform-tools folder now along with 2 .dll files needed for fastboot to work)


Those 2 .DLL files then need to be moved from platform-tools to your tools folder.

Thanks to Idrifta

Guest dancg
Posted (edited)

I'm really not sure. So you get waiting for device in bootloader mode ? Have you tried plugging in phone while its switched on normally to see what happens?

Yes, thats correct. When I am in bootloader mode I get "Waiting for device", and if I run adb devices I get an empty list. However, if I switch on normally the phone, and I type adb devices, I get the expected list. So, for whatever reason, in bootloader mode my computer does not see my phone....

Test method: Open CMD


cd (sdk folder)/platform-tools

adb devices

Should see device and number pop-up...

That's is exactly what I see when I am in "normal node", but I see nothing in "bootloader node" :(

Edited by dancg
Guest dancg


I have finally made it! For whatever reason I had to run the rooting script as a root from my Ubuntu. For whatever reason fastboot needed to be executed through sudo.

Anyways, I am now rooted :)

Thanks David for your time and Paul for such a neat way to root our G300 :)


Guest dancg
Posted (edited)

Just one more thing, this probably is interesting for @PaulOBrien

I don't know if it's en error from my side, but when I executed sudo ./install-superrecovery-linux.sh I got the following error:

dan@dan ~/Downloads/r1-g300-superrecovery $ sudo ./install-superrecovery-linux.sh 

[sudo] password for dan: 

sending 'recovery' (5074 KB)... OKAY

writing 'recovery'... OKAY

./install-superrecovery-linux.sh: 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Having a look at the script, I realised that line 3 is only
echo Now reboot to recovery to root your device (pull battery, then hold volume up and press power).
And for whatever reason this echo needs to be between " " as follows
echo "Now reboot to recovery to root your device (pull battery, then hold volume up and press power)."
Once I made this change, it all went as smooth as expected

dan@dan ~/Downloads/r1-g300-superrecovery $ sudo ./install-superrecovery-linux.sh 

sending 'recovery' (5074 KB)... OKAY

writing 'recovery'... OKAY

Now reboot to recovery to root your device (pull battery, then hold volume up and press power).

dan@dan ~/Downloads/r1-g300-superrecovery $

I am using bash shell.

Edited by dancg
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dragpyre

If you've been following my antics with the G300, you'll have seen that i've found a couple of security holes and a working root exploit. I've been able to use these to extract the stock images from the device and to build a modified recovery image to flash via fastboot, which means disclosure of the other root method isn't necessary. Which is good, it might be needed later.

Strangely, 'fastboot boot' doesn't work on the G300 so the usual superboot approach won't work, so i've created a 'SuperRecovery'. This is a stock recovery image with 2 changes - firstly the ADB access is upgraded to root, secondly the recovery will automatically install Superuser / SU on start (in the same way as a superboot). This means it will give you root while maintaining compatability with stock upgrades applied via the stock recovery.

Download and instructions can be found below!


  • SuperRecovery r1 - DOWNLOAD (ROMraid) - MD5: 76a8fe61badc3a27fbfde4427ffad965

How to use SuperRecovery - Windows, Linux and OSX

- Download the SuperRecovery zip file above and extract to a directory

- Put your device in bootloader mode - turn off the phone, pull the battery and USB cable, wait a few seconds, replace the battery then turn on with the 'volume DOWN' button pressed to enter the bootloader. The device will stay at the Huawei logo.

- WINDOWS - double click 'install-superrecovery-windows.bat'

- MAC - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x install-superrecovery-mac.sh' followed by './install-superrecovery-mac.sh'

- LINUX - Open a terminal window to the directory containing the files, and type 'chmod +x install-superrecovery-linux.sh' followed by './install-superrecovery-linux.sh'

- When prompted, put your device in recovery mode - turn off the phone, pull the battery and USB cable, wait a few seconds, replace the battery then turn on with the 'volume UP' button pressed to enter recovery. When recovery has loaded, you are rooted! Select the reboot option using the power button and you're done!

Enjoy! wink.gif


PS If you find this useful, please consider supporting MoDaCo by signing up for a MoDaCo subscription! Visit this topic for further details!

Thanks for this Paul, got my G300 yesterday, your root method has worked a treat.

Did it on Windows 7 Professional x64.

I'm using the Huawei demo ROM ending in B886 :)

Guest eirlysbill1

does anyone know if there is a mirror of SuperRecovery r1, somewhere? Or is someone able to make one without too much fuss?

Can't get download this, cause the computer I'm on now is blocking the captcha. I know that mediafire is ok.


Guest G300

does anyone know if there is a mirror of SuperRecovery r1, somewhere? Or is someone able to make one without too much fuss?

Can't get download this, cause the computer I'm on now is blocking the captcha. I know that mediafire is ok.



Guest Tiddy_

Thanks very much for this, took me about 20 minutes to do as this was the first time I've done something like this. I found 'putbinoot's post to extremely helpful. Thanks guys! :P

Guest maritimesbob

Dumb question time!!!

Do I need to download or install anything on my generic Windows 7 64bit Home laptop to make my Huawei speak to one another? I was not sure about drivers etc.

Guest FrankieADZ
Posted (edited)

Dumb question time!!!

Do I need to download or install anything on my generic Windows 7 64bit Home laptop to make my Huawei speak to one another? I was not sure about drivers etc.

well no, just makes sure that the drivers have installed correctly & all that(just by plugging ur phone in via USB to ur computer)

make sure one labelled something like ADB Android Interface is within ur device managers bit.

Edited by FrankieADZ
Guest maritimesbob

Another dumb question, does installing a vendor update remove the root and cwm installation?

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