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How to root your Huawei Ascend G300 (for Windows, Mac and Linux)

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Guest Pia23

Thanks i thought there would be a way to fix the speaker without installing a whole new rom but i will try and work out how to put the B886 on and attempt it later.... I assume both of these things won't affect unlocking? My code hasn't arrived yet.

Guest Davidoff59

Can you check which rom you have on? B885 is the official vodafone sound fix. I don't think B886 is an official vodafone uk release. There are improvements as the rom version numbers increase but none are official uk versions.

confirmed, B886 is unofficial.

Guest Pia23

Ah right, maybe mine is okay then as if it's the last digits of 'build number' then it's B885 yet my sound it rather quieter than my Skate.

Although it may be worth putting B886 on to save hassle of debloating myself, especially as Titanium is telling me it can't find the apk files. Bit scared to mess it up!

Guest Davidoff59

apps you want to remove are in root, then go to cust file.

Guest Davidoff59

Rom toolbox is what I use, click on root browser and then you will see cust in the first menu that you see

Guest FrankieADZ

After rooting, how can i unroot it?

in the SuperSU settings theres an option to unroot the device


in the SuperSU settings theres an option to unroot the device

thanks. do i need to backup all that crap that came with it?

Guest FrankieADZ
Posted (edited)

thanks. do i need to backup all that crap that came with it?

well root it, install ClockWorkMod Recovery then back up ur Rom(the one with all the bloatware) on it just in case, althought just check what B ROM you have.

by B rom; I mean they the build number should have B*** at the end, if its B885(back that 1, as it fixes the volume issue)

Edited by FrankieADZ
Guest jgbyr

I got mine from Vodafone Ireland. Have it rooted now but it came out of the box with B886.

Guest pelago

That's interesting, as that's the first time (I believe) a greater than B885 ROM has been released officially by Vodafone.

Guest Dazzozo

Yep. Got mine last Wednesday, though not from Ireland, on B885.

Guest pelago

Paul, can I make two suggestions for changes to the .bat file. Firstly, if you add:

@echo off
as the first line, things will look neater on the screen. Secondly, if you add:



as the last line, the Command Prompt window won't disappear at the end of the process for people who double-click the .bat file, so they will be able to see if it worked or not.

Guest Davidoff59

Can this be flashed to remove clockwirk mod recovery and gain stock recovery again for flashing update.app ?

Guest Bassalh123
Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I Got Huawei Ascend G300 recently. Rooted now using the methode found in this thread, then I installed the latest recovery image which has more options like restore/backup and install zip from sd card .... I also installed Deodexed ROM found here http://blog.podtwo.com/android/rom/de-branded%20ROM%20for%20Huawei%20U8815%20%5Bgingerbread%5D.html, every thing went well and everything is working GPS. WIFI, FM, Camera...

The only known bad issue is that when I turn off my mobile and plugged to wall charger the phone boots into recovery automatically!!!!

I tried both USB debugging on/off but same result the phone boots into recovery when plugged to wall charger. Now I am not sure if it's something to do with the recovery installed or the ROM?

Does anyone else has the same problem ? And is there a solution for this? Thanks

Edited by Bassalh123
Guest FrankieADZ

Hi all,

I Got Huawei Ascend G300 recently. Rooted now using the methode found in this thread, then I installed the latest recovery image which has more options like restore/backup and install zip from sd card .... I also installed Deodexed ROM found here http://blog.podtwo.c...ngerbread].html, every thing went well and everything is working GPS. WIFI, FM, Camera...

The only known bad issue is that when I turn off my mobile and plugged to wall charger the phone boots into recovery automatically!!!!

I tried both USB debugging on/off but same result the phone boots into recovery when plugged to wall charger. Now I am not sure if it's something to do with the recovery installed or the ROM?

Does anyone else has the same problem ? And is there a solution for this? Thanks

from what ive been told/heard on the forum here. its a bug on all the huawei phones. it does that for me too

Guest ultrak3wl

This is fabulous, got root, thanks.

I had driver problems though - when I pressed volume-down the phone stayed there with the Huawei logo but Windows 7 clearly did not recognise it and r1-g300-superrecovery just sat there with <waiting for device>

In Windows Device Manager I had a device "Android" with a question mark indicating there was no driver installed. I messed around for ages trying to get a suitable driver auto or manually installed but the only thing that worked was installing the USB driver for a Huawei device called an "S7 Tablet." http://www.huaweidevice.com/worldwide/downloadCenter.do?method=toDownloadFile&flay=software&softid=NDA0NTA=

The "HUAWEI Android Phones USB Driver " on same page did NOT work.

Thanks again!

Guest Beavers

Wow this sucks, can't get the drivers to work and neither of those download pages now work. :( Could anyone host the drivers for W7 or explain how else I can root the phone. Cheers.

Guest sweetnabo
Posted (edited)

Can i use this method ta root B895 Rom ?

Edit: just managed upgrade to ics ;)

Edited by sweetnabo
Guest code89
Posted (edited)

can someone help me how can i check is linux have driver for this phone? i use ubuntu 12.04 x64 and when i am in normal mod, with comand lsusb i got answer thet he see phone. But when i try to root the phone i go at bootloader and i got aswer waiting for devices? and stay like this....

I dl. skd android and extrat it to home folder is it done or i need to do something else?

Sry. for my english.

I done it, the phone is rooted

Edited by code89
Guest klezkk

Applied latest official updates, installed as descripted. Working DAMN GOOD! Tnx dude

Guest efix_LT
Posted (edited)

Can't root properly :unsure: B927 ROM. I've tried many tools, like "Handset WinDriver.exe" (got from phone partition) win7x64 detecting phone properly, also HiSuite software and "S7 Tablet", but didn't helped. When phone is in download mode, I'm executing bat file, it says <waiting for device>, then I'm connecting USB cable, but batch window quickly shows something like FAILED ant closes. What im doing wrong? Bad drivers anyway? Should i try Winxp?

upd: I'll try 'unlockbootloader.exe'

upd2: all done, unlockbootloader.exe missed earlier before trying root B927

Edited by efix_LT
Guest palec69
Posted (edited)

anyone can give me a hand with rooting B927 i got unlockbootloader.exe in chinese and i'm not sure what to do next :(

UPD: never mind :) done :)

Edited by palec69

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