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Alcatel OT-986

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Guest Witcher_Kh

How is it possible? Did they post any instructions?

Guest magikstar29

fake or not,i don't know and they didn't post any instructions

Guest tiN-naR
Posted (edited)

It's not fake, afaik. Some time ago I launched Windows on my Orange Monte Carlo. Try to google BOCHS or aDOSBox, or "windows on android". I'm pretty sure that Windows is just emulated.

Edited by tiN-naR
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest magikstar29

if you want to hide navbar to have a full screen

first download the package

unzip it

now we have an apk and a zip file

unzip the button savior zip

put the 3 apk files on sdcard

install Button_Savior_1.1.7.apk

then install Button_Savior_key_1.1.apk

and finaly install gn fullscreen switch.apk

now run it and click to hide the navigation bar

Close the software

restart the phone

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest magikstar29
Posted (edited)

taken from http://bbs.mumayi.com/thread-1119075-1-1.html

fast and smooth android 4.0.3

ROM part joined Sony display engine to enhance the quality sound effects DSP Manager

Replace a system special effects for the off-screen stunning effects change the font Huakang girls POP the font replacement part system icon electricity icon Andrews robot replacement system button, the voice of the opening screen, lock screen, charging delete own boot off screen changed to Andrews robot delete own ringtones, SMS sound, camera, camera shutter sound, focusing acoustic remove the default launcher

Default Launcher ADW LauncherEX

Default SMS tones: the bird blasting Add default ringtones as: Black Eyed Peas - Don't Phunk With My Heart

The ROM is built-in common the necessary software built-ROOT the super permissions (playing machines essential)

ODEX optimized to reduce memory footprint and boot faster pace of smoother

zipalign apk running efficiency optimization APK improve to guarantee stable streamline unnecessary applications and back-office services, reduce system power consumption while reducing the loss of background traffic perfect support for full-screen optimized system configuration files in force Home program into memory to improve jpg quality 100%

Improve the picture and camera quality

Render the GPU UI

Dial-up time is reduced to adjust the interface scroll speed adjustment of global touch responsiveness battery optimization

The required reading boot after brush as the ROM default full-screen, virtual keys has been hidden, has built-in button savior

Click the small icon the desktop buttons to the right of savior, jump out privileges, you can base faithful do not like the full-screen, open the full-screen switch, select the second to restore the navigation bar as to allow permissions allow.

Restart the phone to restore virtual keys

AK47 ROM http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=72547&uk=3959745135

Button Savior Pro Key http://www.mediafire.com/?cwpdm9brlh9rc4m


Edited by magikstar29
  • 1 month later...
Guest MrRimmer

Seems really difficult to make sense of the Chinese BBS that these ROMs come from. Does anybody know if there are updated ROMs of the above? I'm currently running 4.0.4 one but am finding the audio too quiet, yet the 4.0.3 doesn't operate cleanly in English.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ChickLove

Translation would be helpful, getting download will not be a difficult task.

Guest MrRimmer

New ROM looks good, just had to do the usual to get it working well:

1. Install Android Keyboard 4.0.4 and Titanium Backup.

2. Remove Baidu input

3. Go into Calendar and change home timezone to UK

4. Replace LBE with one form market (not in Chinese).

5. Uninstall other suspect packages, also in Chinese, using Titanium Backup.

6. Restore backups of applications and data from previous installation.

The only issue that I have noticed so far is that Sound effects in the Music application does not work. SRS seems to be enabled though, but no EQ/HRTF etc. Could not get DSPManager from previous installation working.

Guest magikstar29

new rom taken from http://bbs.mumayi.com/thread-1698010-1-1.html

[Android version] 4.2.1

Customization of: omnipotent Congcong ROM type: card brush [ROM size]: 169.89M

Compatible: of TCL S900/OT986 + / OT986

Creation date: 2013 No. 13

Based the latest official 27CBJ01 official ROM customization, chose to customize this ROM because of the times in this version is the last official release of a ROM, optimized content patch a large number of bugs. So this version is the best compatibility, BUG at least, the most stable and smooth ROM. On this basis, and after a lot of my streamline, optimize, landscaping, makes the system more stable / smooth / power / beautiful, give you a smooth experience unprecedented and shocking visual enjoyment.


Summary: ROM for seldom Brush children's shoes for a very good choice, recommended brush into people often brush, you know ...

1. Streamline the system useless software, I used a long-god-level applications and commonly used software integrated several

Perfect ROOT privileges (foreign xda-developers forum chainfire God Super Authorization Professional Edition SuperSU Pro v0.99 trial after personal feel than Superuser Elite Edition is more powerful authoring tools everyone with a skull and crossbones icon)

3. Join Google service, as long as you are registered with Google account login and successfully entered the google player, the smooth big game (the large game flash back and delay get in the game mostly because without this)

4. Join Android 4.2 camera, camera and gallery is to force switch convenient, powerful, also supports panorama shooting

5 super the boot power saving technology, power more lasting (LBE security guru and process management software, children's shoes in the first boot should Aicbootfix to this process whitelist)

6. Replacement system startup Apex Launcher (Android 4.0 and above systems, high-quality starters, sliding silky smooth, and highly customizable)

Join the latest hosts file to block most advertisements

8. Replace rigid font DynaComware girls fonts, beautiful and practical, if they feel never get tired (after brush font is too small can enter the settings / display / font size changed to fit your size)

9. Delete some nasty calls, text messages, alarm tone, integrated 4.2 calls, SMS, alarm tone, more options to the user, the default ringtones default SMS tones for the iPhone classic ringtones marimba, an unknown for Apple 's nice ringtones, to delete camera focus sound, replace the camera shutter sound kind of professional camera sound great!

10 to remove the switch machine animation and switch machine sounds, speed up the boot, support custom boot animation

11. Modify operators: China Mobile China Mobile does not move, China Unicom China Unicom barrier (for entertainment purposes only)

12 blue ring digital power, with the 4.0 system blue style of integration

13. System effects replaced with 4.2 part of the system effects + bottom right corner of the pop special effects, fancy

14. Status bar, drop-down bar 70% transparent

15 to remove the status bar, the dividing line between the virtual keys on the screen and pull-down bar

16. Enhanced version of the Shut Down menu, shutdown, reboot, recovery mode, engineering mode, flight mode (four machines produced)

17. Adjust the virtual keys height, medium just

18 open old CRT TV lock screen effects

19 come and go electric shock, eliminating the need to install third-party software trouble

20. Updated Sogou input method

21. Join Sony display engine, enhanced image quality

22. Updated Busybox

23.ziplink optimization

24. Forced Home program resident in memory

25. Improve the the JPG quality 100%

26. Reduce after dialing delay

27. Improve the sliding response

28 Battery Optimizer

29. Improve the global touch screen response

30. Improve the quality of pictures and camera

31. (3G) signal optimization

32 network speed optimization

33. Repair application problems

34 USB debugging enabled by default default application to allow installation of unknown sources

34 other optimization







Before you brush this ROM, please back up your contacts and SMS to Download my hair before the latest titanium backup 5.8.0 God crack straight fitted good backup software and data, the brush directly with the built-in titanium backup and restore.

Brush before double wipe, or will have when the the unpredictable errors brush machine to ensure that there is sufficient power.


1 brush into the third-party recovery

2 download good rom sd card into the built-in or external sd card

Shutdown state long press volume down key + power button, the screen lit up after release

4. Perform â‘  Empty data / restore factory settings.

(2) Empty the cache partition

5 Locate the brush into the download a good rom

Brush success into the system, not to carry out any operation, restart once the phone to ensure the system is faster and more stable running

ROM download: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=194703&uk=2972227753

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest magikstar29
Posted (edited)

we are waiting for MIUI rom?

So MIUI_3.1.25 For OT986/OT986+/S900 taken from http://bbs.mumayi.com/thread-1782406-1-1.html

download link http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=256168&uk=539704501



Based on MIUI 3.1.25

Kernel support init.d script and ROOT kernel


Security Center - License Management - ROOT rights management

Known BUG summary:

1: Connect the USB restart

2: switch WIFI, sometimes prompted phone forced to shut down (without any adverse reaction)

3: Use MIUI lock screen native, cause the call to restart

4: No built in camera

USB reboot fix:

donwload link http://bbs.mumayi.com/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MTAyMTY5Nnw4NDAyYmNlZnwxMzU5NTc1NjQ3fDM2NDM2MjR8MTc4MzQwMg%3D%3D

miror : http://www.mediafire.com/?4iyj1da2mdmyi48

Anti-settling paste hidden under

Modify the file suffix services.jar, then RE file manager to replace the original! Path system \ framework

OK to restart

or change the file into the rom zip before flash.

Wifi fix:

download link http://bbs.mumayi.com/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MTAyMTc4MHwwODFlNjBhMXwxMzU5NTkyNTEzfDM2NDM2MjR8MTc4MzcxMw%3D%3D

miror http://www.mediafire.com/?zqypxk5o3j6qxgo

Remove the extension. Zip, replace the system / framework / framework.jar Note privileges restart OK!

or change the file into the rom zip before flash.

LockScreen fix:

download link http://bbs.mumayi.com/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MTAyMjQwN3w2MjljZGU5MXwxMzU5NjQyODQyfDM2NDM2MjR8MTc4NDQyMA%3D%3D

miror http://www.mediafire.com/?f7kvonl68m12597

Change the suffix copy android.policy.jar system / framework / android.policy.jar restart the OK!

Or change the file into the rom zip before flash

Camera fix:

download link http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=253757&uk=3492579010

select both and download and unzip it,flash the zip into CWM and install the apk

miror http://www.mediafire.com/?bq4m962l66bw6cg

unzip it and flash the zip with CWM,reboot and install the apk file.




Edited by magikstar29
Guest magikstar29

MIUI Rom upgrade this is MIUI 3.2.1

taken from http://bbs.mumayi.com/thread-1782406-1-1.html

download link http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=260114&uk=539704501


Kernel support init.d script has ROOT kernel can simply Brush Dual WIPE.

Open the ROOT:

Security Center - License Management - ROOT rights management for the first time to start a little longer, please be patient.

3 BUG, pending resolution of the repair can not be scanned, APK transfer SD TF mount the SDCARD etc. problem.

If you have some problems,use these fix:

USB reboot fix:

donwload link http://bbs.mumayi.com/forum.php?mod=...c4MzQwMg%3D%3D

miror : http://www.mediafire.com/?4iyj1da2mdmyi48

Anti-settling paste hidden under

Modify the file suffix services.jar, then RE file manager to replace the original! Path system \ framework

OK to restart

or change the file into the rom zip before flash.

Wifi fix:

download link http://bbs.mumayi.com/forum.php?mod=...c4MzcxMw%3D%3D

miror http://www.mediafire.com/?zqypxk5o3j6qxgo

Remove the extension. Zip, replace the system / framework / framework.jar Note privileges restart OK!

or change the file into the rom zip before flash.

LockScreen fix:

download link http://bbs.mumayi.com/forum.php?mod=...c4NDQyMA%3D%3D

miror http://www.mediafire.com/?f7kvonl68m12597

Change the suffix copy android.policy.jar system / framework / android.policy.jar restart the OK!

Or change the file into the rom zip before flash

Camera fix:

download link http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shar...&uk=3492579010

select both and download and unzip it,flash the zip into CWM and install the apk

miror http://www.mediafire.com/?bq4m962l66bw6cg

unzip it and flash the zip with CWM,reboot and install the apk file.


Guest magikstar29
Posted (edited)

MIUI update 3.2.8

download link http://www.mediafire...vqk3pazm8x5t35x

Synchronization MIUI 3.2.8, and fix the Bluetooth issues

Need to have MIUI 3.2.1 flashed before flash MIUI3.2.8 update.

Edited by magikstar29
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest magikstar29

a new version of miui rom is coming, it's the 3.3.22

Guest magikstar29
Posted (edited)

NEW ROM MIUI V4 3.3.22

taken from http://bbs.mumayi.com/thread-1782406-1-1.html

download link http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=485184&uk=539704501


1: Kernel supports init.d script and ROOT kernel

2: have ROOT privileges by default, open ROOT: Security Center - the authorized Management - ROOT rights management

The start time for the first time a little longer, please be patient.

Do not mess spray ... Thanks

Thank Friends to use this ROM, synchronous MIUI V4 3.3.22 to stop updating V4 was March 22, that is 3.3.22 for the final version of the V4

This version integrates a key realized immediately, cancel the full screen (without restarting) MI-POP assistant (and part of the promotion of software), as detailed in the package description!

If you have previously MIUI system, you can flash directly

If you have other rom, wipe all before flash

Edited by magikstar29
  • 4 months later...
Guest magikstar29
Download environment & recovery - here

Download CM 9.1 Alpha2 - here

Changes from early alpha:

- mobile network now works, you can make calls, send SMS, browse the Internet on 2G | 3G | H, use USSD service

- WiFi works

- bluetooth works

- audio works

- external storage (micro SD card) works

- adb works

It's required to flash environment (you can find environment.txt in first zip), because hardware name changed from generic 'omap4blazeboard' to 'cedarlite'. The ROM will not boot if you skip this step.

I have a Github repo for this project - here. Any help is welcome.

This is alpha and not for daily usage.

  • 1 month later...
Guest magikstar29

CM 9.1 Alpha3

Download - http://yadi.sk/d/6CxBYtwlA2u5j

- Torch now works )))
- sensors
- backlight (automatic backlight works)
- microsd storage is the only external storage, required to have one
- internal storage (about 6.25G) is avalaible for installing apps
- "secret" custom ext4 storage in /mnt/custom_storage is about 200M, I keep my contacts backup there ))

Doesn't work still:
- camera
- gps
- usb connection

I am trying to make a slim and fast ROM, so now only these locales are supported:
- English en_US
- Russian ru_RU
- French rf_FR
- Chinese zh_CN

I will add any new locale on request in this thread easliy.

Removed DRM features, Video Editor, Live Wallpapers and more to make ROM fast and slim. If I removed something important - let me know and I will revert it back, but honestly I don't believe Video Editor is neccessary on a phone ) Live Wallpapers eat battery. You'd better install anything you want from Google Play (which I don't use :) Google Framework is the biggest battery and performance eater!)

It seems that "efs" partition is used to store IMEI, WiFi & Bluetooth MACs, so better you have a backup of it. I wiped mine, so now I have IMEI full of zeroes - 000000000000000. My provider doesn't care about it and I can make calls, but anyway I will recover "efs" partition from my backup for testing.

The fact that I can't make a working CM 10 now is my lack of knowledge. I am learning things porting CM 9 and maybe sometime I will succeed with CM 10 )) Anyway CM 10.1 test build is on the way...

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