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[ROM-GEN 2] CyanMobile eXperience Blade 2.3.8 (21st July 2012 - Update)

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Guest Sulthekk

You can just trim it. I'm using it on a 160mb /system and still got some free space in there. I removed the boot/shutdown animation, bootsound, wallpapers, most of the ringtones, replaced or removed some fonts and apk's with custom ones.

Guest b3rvirus
Posted (edited)

Hi b3rvirus, What did you do to make the nav bar looks like in ICS? :)

I changed the navbar icon by pulling systemui.apk from /system/app/ ,

replacing the icon on /res/drawable-hdpi/ inside the apk with the one from http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1413582

and push it back...

or you can try this:

this is a modified systemUI.apk with replaced navbar icon to looks more like ICS/JB


put this file on sdcard, go to settings > main settings > cyanmobile settings > interface > change system apps > select systemUI.apk, and select the file on your sdcard

press menu > apply apps, then reboot



p.s I replaced the search icon with recents icon so that we can use it to launch custom task switcher application, like PreHome :D

Edited by b3rvirus
Guest keyboardshortcut

Wow! this is awesome it works! Thanks b3rvirus. ^_^ .

This should be posted as a new topic in ZTE Blade / Libra ROMs & ROM customisation :D .

Now I love my zte blade :wub: .

Thanks again!


This ROM is really cool but I've a pretty big problem, the phone keeps vibrating endlessly when I receive a message. Anybody else got this?

Guest Sulthekk

Check the settings in the messaging app, in this rom there's a morse option.

Guest thanos3xd

Everything is perfects in this rom but i really cant find a correct version of gapps so can someone give me the link with the working version?? :)

Thanks you..


this... maybe some explanation about the 2.3.8 version he posted months ago

LOL, so he's changing version numbers for no good reason? How about the kernel version number? for a 2.35 kernel?


i used this link and its working. Its also on targetbsp 's site with other goodies for cm based roms

It's GB, CM7 based, version 2.3.7 with a 2.6.35 kernel so anything that works on a CM7 rom will work on this ROM.


After 2 weeks testing Google play stopped working today. It force closes. And for no reason, all my sms and contacts are gone, and it reverted to factory default. So, bye bye cyanmobile, I need a working phone, so, see you when u 're stable

Posted (edited)

Changelog??? or it didn't happen:-)

btw, where do u get these updates from? Is there any page all these versions are posted or something? I see his github with no change log

Gonna give it a shot, and i hope the dev understood that changing version numbers for no good reason is lame

edit: it's slower than previous release and i don't see anything new except some things renamed and some colors changed... things we can do ourselves anyway... also, for some strange reason, some characters are not shown. For example, on go weather ex widget, the °C is not shown. Language is set to english in both launcher/widget and phone, but still, some characters are wrong. There was no problem with cm though. Changing the font to roboto for example fixes this, but i wonder what he broke. Also tried the original cm7.2 fonts, with no luck.

Edited by kogos

After 2 weeks testing Google play stopped working today. It force closes. And for no reason, all my sms and contacts are gone, and it reverted to factory default. So, bye bye cyanmobile, I need a working phone, so, see you when u 're stable

I sincerely doubt it has to do with the ROM but i'd like to track down why it happened.

Were you overclocking?

Did you install any app or start any app for the first time just before this happened?


Google play got fixed by wiping its data. I wasn't overclovking, was on standard 600mhz and the only thing i did was a normal reboot. Now I'm testing the new build, backed up everything just in case, but no problem so far.

Posted (edited)

Google play got fixed by wiping its data. I wasn't overclovking, was on standard 600mhz and the only thing i did was a normal reboot. Now I'm testing the new build, backed up everything just in case, but no problem so far.

I'd suggest you use the 237 version of gapps, it's available at targetbsp's website, whether that will make a difference i don't know but there is nothing in this rom that would make it wipe data (which you said it did) from select apps for no reason.

Not that i can find anyway but i can't review the source code apart from the kernel.

[EDIT] A problem with Google Play does explain why your contacts were wiped but not why your SMS were wiped. [/EDIT]

Edited by Snap.IT
Posted (edited)

no gapps working for me... any ideia?

EDIT: how much i need in system?

Edited by cnad
Posted (edited)

I'd suggest you use the 237 version of gapps, it's available at targetbsp's website, whether that will make a difference i don't know but there is nothing in this rom that would make it wipe data (which you said it did) from select apps for no reason.

Not that i can find anyway but i can't review the source code apart from the kernel.

[EDIT] A problem with Google Play does explain why your contacts were wiped but not why your SMS were wiped. [/EDIT]

thats the version of google play i was using since the day it was posted. It might have been a temporary phone failure for some reason, tried to look into it myself with no luck. Anyway, latest build seems more stable... It feels a bit laggy though, and i have a feeling its my sdcard, since i got almost all apps in sd-ext. Can you suggest any SD Read Ahead Size setting to increase sdcard speed? I got it on 128 at the moment (which was the default value).

btw, the problem i had with fonts not showing correctly on some apps (like go weather ex) got fixed when i flashed over the original cm7 fonts, in case someone has the same problem

no gapps working for me... any ideia?

EDIT: how much i need in system?

u need about 162MB i think, or strip down the rom from media files, ringtones and bootanimations to reduce size. You can get a rough idea of how much space is needed if you unzip the rom and see how much space it takes on PC

Edited by kogos

thats the version of google play i was using since the day it was posted. It might have been a temporary phone failure for some reason, tried to look into it myself with no luck. Anyway, latest build seems more stable... It feels a bit laggy though, and i have a feeling its my sdcard, since i got almost all apps in sd-ext. Can you suggest any SD Read Ahead Size setting to increase sdcard speed? I got it on 128 at the moment (which was the default value).

btw, the problem i had with fonts not showing correctly on some apps (like go weather ex) got fixed when i flashed over the original cm7 fonts, in case someone has the same problem

u need about 162MB i think, or strip down the rom from media files, ringtones and bootanimations to reduce size. You can get a rough idea of how much space is needed if you unzip the rom and see how much space it takes on PC

I'm running the whole thing from the sdcard (loop install) and i'm using 2048 for rea ahead. Feels about the same as running it on nand. I have a class 4 card so it's not like it's a speed monster either.


That's an old release back in July. There are 2 new releases since then

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