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[ROM-GEN 2] CyanMobile eXperience Blade 2.3.8 (21st July 2012 - Update)

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Guest b3rvirus

23/9 build


no gapps working for me... any ideia?

for those who have some problems with gapps, maybe you might want to try this one


LOL, so he's changing version numbers for no good reason? How about the kernel version number? for a 2.35 kernel?

care not about numbers, instead I'm glad that there's still a dev who works, keep innovate, adding features on a GB ROM... :D

we all know that GB development have been halted in a favor of ICS and JB development.. meanwhile there's many of us and 256mb blade users who just refuse to use ICS because of the higher ram demand and/or worse video playback :unsure: and still uses GB

you can see the difference/changes from the commit history.. well that's a long list :P

23/9 build


for those who have some problems with gapps, maybe you might want to try this one


care not about numbers, instead I'm glad that there's still a dev who works, keep innovate, adding features on a GB ROM... :D

we all know that GB development have been halted in a favor of ICS and JB development.. meanwhile there's many of us and 256mb blade users who just refuse to use ICS because of the higher ram demand and/or worse video playback :unsure: and still uses GB

you can see the difference/changes from the commit history.. well that's a long list :P

It's still 2.3.7 with a 2.6.35 kernel regardless of what version numbers he makes up for it.

That is all i'm objecting to, the rom seems nice enough that people would use it without the made up version numbers.


i know why the gapps doesn't work, beacuse my system has 160mb. konstakang cm9 is smaller.. to be honest and i'm sorry if i'm offending someone it's a little bit embarrassing having a 4.0 smaller than a 2.3. just saying.

i know why the gapps doesn't work, beacuse my system has 160mb. konstakang cm9 is smaller.. to be honest and i'm sorry if i'm offending someone it's a little bit embarrassing having a 4.0 smaller than a 2.3. just saying.

How is that embarrassing?

KonstaT's version is extremely trimmed. It wouldn't fit on even a 200MB partition without the trimming.

You can trim this rom too. Just remove ringtones and wallpapers you don't use and it will fit just fine on 160MB.

Posted (edited)

how come it aint on https://github.com/Squadzone/Blade-ROM ? Where did u find out about this release? I'm looiking for an up-to-date source (forum) that these roms are posted so i can track it down, but all i find is different posts in different forums about different releases. I thought that their github was the one, but i guess it isn't

Edited by kogos
Guest b3rvirus

how come it aint on https://github.com/Squadzone/Blade-ROM ? Where did u find out about this release? I'm looiking for an up-to-date source (forum) that these roms are posted so i can track it down, but all i find is different posts in different forums about different releases. I thought that their github was the one, but i guess it isn't

actually from here:



It's still 2.3.7 with a 2.6.35 kernel regardless of what version numbers he makes up for it.

That is all i'm objecting to, the rom seems nice enough that people would use it without the made up version numbers.

Maybe his framework commits can explain the difference. Right b3rvirus?

Guest Snap.IT

Maybe his framework commits can explain the difference. Right b3rvirus?

It absolutely can't explain the difference in kernel version. There is a HUGE difference between a 2.6 and a 3.3 kernel and he's using the 2.6.35 kernel source.

Regarding the ROM, i'll hold off final judgement until i've reviewed it completely but i would be very surprised if i found "many new api's" in that code.

Guest killer99

why cant I download the lastest version on mediafire ;ç

Posted (edited)

I remember with an older release of cyanmobile, navi-buttons are rearranged to fill the buttom bar. That is, if i choose to hide button 1 and button 5, the remaining buttons are re-arranged. There is also a screenshot of b3rvirus that shows 4 buttoms rearrange to fit the navi-bar:


However, on the 17/9 release, if i hide a button or two, the remaining icons are not rearranged, and there are empty spaces left, spaces from the buttons i hide. Just like the image below, that i have buttons 1 and 5 hidden:


Anybody got any idea how to fix that? Is that fixed on the latest 23/9 release?

Edited by kogos
Guest keyboardshortcut

In my observation, it is fixed in the latest release. btw I am using 20120829-release (august 29) and I followed b3rvirus' instructions and it works on my blade.

You can try to: change button 1 to home, hide button 2, change button 3 to menu, hide button 4 and change button 5 to back.

Posted (edited)

Please upload the lates release release because i cant download it.

Edited by lvbubi
Guest Ghoosak

yeah can some1 reupload or post the newest release? the last one on mediafire was deleted :)


new link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=32706236

Posted (edited)

How can i change the font colour

Edited by M@X

How can i change the font colour ?

I mean while texting the fonts are in blue colour !!!!! So can i change its colour to black??

Guest Snap.IT

How can i change the font colour ?

I mean while texting the fonts are in blue colour !!!!! So can i change its colour to black??

I believe that there is some setting called "global font color" or something of the sorts buried somewhere in an undermenu of an undermenu of a settings menu (there are so many :P)

Guest Sulthekk


Cyanmobile Settings


Interface Tweaks

UI tweaks

Global text color

That menu is nice, isn't it? :)


Atlast Got the Global font Buried setting.

Thanks Sulthekk.. :rolleyes:

And buddy Can we do something for the Calling screen ??

Without the accept and reject sliding tabs , the screen seems to be totally empty!

Guest Sulthekk
Posted (edited)

CyanMobile Settings


Allow In-call UI touch?

You may also want to change incoming call style under lockscreen settings to something non-alpha/beta just to make sure it's working.

Edited by Sulthekk

Yeah! Can we get the accept and reject sliding tab for Answering a call or Rejecting it ? As i dont like to ans any call Via Menu Button!

Guest Snap.IT

Yeah! Can we get the accept and reject sliding tab for Answering a call or Rejecting it ? As i dont like to ans any call Via Menu Button!

Sulthekk just told you how to do it. ;)

Guest Snap.IT


Cyanmobile Settings


Interface Tweaks

UI tweaks

Global text color

That menu is nice, isn't it? :)

It's hilariously complicated and two seconds after you have changed it you remember seeing something in some menu that you might want to change but you have forgotten where it was. :D

For many settings it's not obvious what they do either, like "allow in call touchscreen". I would have thought that was to disable the touchscreen when "IN CALL" not before you have answered it.

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