Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 9, 2012 Report Posted August 9, 2012 One more thing; @Yurbuh Tuggly; why did you replace superuser by SuperSU chainfire version? Does it have extra functions? As it turns out, that was not totally necessary (although some say SuperSU is a bit slicker in operation). When I first tried a few root functions, one app informed me that it could not obtain root access, and "Troubleshooting" suggested the chainfire version. Which worked. If I had just rebooted the phone, it may not have been needed. After allowing Google Play to update SuperUser, I uninstalled the chainfire version (why have two?), and everything is fine. I also updated BusyBox (just to be sure it could, including the binary), and everything is fine with that also.
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 9, 2012 Report Posted August 9, 2012 @Avenger 2,0 and SMHenryT: Try's a bit tedious, but it seems to do things. Download from Install Terminal Emulator and Root Explorer from Google Play if you do not already have them. Give them both root access when asked. Unzip the download on your PC, copy romdump to phone SD Card. Cut and paste romdump (Root Explorer or similar) to /data/local/. Long press romdump>permissions>and give it everything. Go back to SD Card and create a Folder named romdump. Close out of any file manager. Open Terminal Emulator and type in: $ export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH $ su # chmod 04755 /data/local/romdump # /data/local/romdump You should see a lot of stuff going on (takes 10-20 minutes or so depending on sizes of partitions) ending with: Dumping boot partition... done. Dumping recovery partition... done. Dumping system partition... done. Creating Checksums... done. Cleaning up... done. All done. Exit out of Terminal, and you should see some files in the romdump folder on the SD card. Copy these to your PC and tell me what you got.
Guest KonstaT Posted August 9, 2012 Report Posted August 9, 2012 Errm, sorry guys to spoil all your rom dumping fun, but... There is an official Ice Cream Sandwich update (or ROM dump if you will) available for ZTE Acqua/Medion Life P4012. Clean, untouched images for every partition. I know it can be difficult to find it from the total of five threads in Skate Acqua section. ;)
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 10, 2012 Report Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) Errm, sorry guys to spoil all your rom dumping fun, but... There is an official Ice Cream Sandwich update (or ROM dump if you will) available for ZTE Acqua/Medion Life P4012. Clean, untouched images for every partition. I know it can be difficult to find it from the total of five threads in Skate Acqua section. ;) Yes...saw that and got it the first day it was posted. Not blind, and DO know how to search :D However, tried to run the 'update' on the Medion phone the first day I had it, but it errored out with something like: "This update is not appropriate for this device"...or similar words with the same meaning. So I assume that Medion has 'done something' with their install of ICS to make it proprietary, or that what is on the phone as it is delivered is otherwise different or more current. That this command: cat proc/mtd has no output similar to this: dev: size erasesize name mtd0: 000a0000 00020000 "misc" mtd1: 00480000 00020000 "recovery" mtd2: 00300000 00020000 "boot" mtd3: 0fa00000 00020000 "system" mtd4: 02800000 00020000 "cache" mtd5: 093a0000 00020000 "userdata" is puzzling to me. Edited August 10, 2012 by Yurbuh Tuggly
Guest KonstaT Posted August 10, 2012 Report Posted August 10, 2012 Yes...saw that and got it the first day it was posted. Not blind, and DO know how to search :D However, tried to run the 'update' on the Medion phone the first day I had it, but it errored out with something like: "This update is not appropriate for this device"...or similar words with the same meaning. So I assume that Medion has 'done something' with their install of ICS to make it proprietary, or that what is on the phone as it is delivered is otherwise different or more current. Well, you don't have to install it to your phone (and it probably would with some minor modifications). It has clean images and it'll give you information what belongs where. This is what I found out in five minutes. /dev/block/mmcblk0p16 boot /dev/block/mmcblk0p17 recovery /dev/block/mmcblk0p18 splash /dev/block/mmcblk0p19 system /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 qcsblhd_cfgdata.mbn /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 qcsbl.mbn /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 OEMSBL.MBN /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 fat.bin /dev/block/mmcblk0p15 EMMCBOOT.MBN [/CODE] It also has the stock recovery if someone was missing that. Copying contents of recovery folder of that update to your system should restore stock recovery on boot (recovery-from-boot.p). It also tells that recovery partition is /dev/block/mmcblk0p17 and someone could also dump that partition with: [CODE] dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/sdcard/recovery.img I was just saying there is no point in wasting time ROM dumping when your efforts should be in getting custom recovery working. It might as easy as posting a stock recovery.img to cwm builder. Someone adventurous might even try recoveries for N880E or V889D which are pretty much the same as this device.
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 11, 2012 Report Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) It also has the stock recovery if someone was missing that. Copying contents of recovery folder of that update to your system should restore stock recovery on boot (recovery-from-boot.p). It also tells that recovery partition is /dev/block/mmcblk0p17 and someone could also dump that partition with: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/sdcard/recovery.img Thanks (very much) for the tips. All sorted now..rooted and back to stock recovery (with a backup in case anybody ever needs it). Sorry for my ignorance. Now the quest for CWM continues. I have tried just about everything I could find with no luck yet. Will try CWM builder (nice..thanks for the link). Edited August 11, 2012 by Yurbuh Tuggly
Guest Avenger 2.0 Posted August 11, 2012 Report Posted August 11, 2012 Should I unlock the bootloader first before trying to install custom recovery or roms? Maybe it is possible to flash the update from zte with unlocked bootloader?
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 11, 2012 Report Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) 1) I don't think you want to flash (or otherwise install) that ZTE 'update'..there is nothing within it that is new, and much that is older than the stock Medion install (and you might lose some system apps that are custom to the Medion). 2) I read somewhere that in the past, most ZTE's came with an unlocked bootloader anyway. If this model is the same, and that is true, nothing to do. I was able to flash untold numbers of CWM images with no problems except that they did not work at all. I now have two 'custom' CWM regular, one 'Touch'. I have tested them without flashing : adb reboot bootloader fastboot.exe boot recovery.img And they both load, but with issues. In the non-touch, I can scroll, but not actually choose anything, and in the Touch, I can make selections, but nothing actually happens when I do. Errors are such: E: Can't find misc E: failed to find "cache" partition to mount at "/cache" E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/command E: Can't find misc E: failed to find "cache" partition to mount at "/cache" E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/log E: Can't open /cache/recovery.log E: failed to find "cache" partition to mount at "/cache" E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log E: Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log E: Can't find misc E: failed to find "cache" partition to mount at "/cache" Have not had the courage to actually flash one yet. PS. in the interest of sharing, and any potential diagnostic help if somebody with more experience wants to take a look and see what might be wrong and/or how to fix it, the generated recovery.img and original source files, etc are here: and here: Build e8fd075dd893887290ed0e2d72364025 is the standard recovery. Build d0ad0e194df882ac84879515405f2b10 is the Touch recovery. Both dated August 11, 2012..2:59 and 3:35 am respectively Please note that these MAY NOT WORK correctly. Do not download and flash trivially. I only know that they LOAD in unflashed mode. Edited August 11, 2012 by Yurbuh Tuggly
Guest SMHenryT Posted August 11, 2012 Report Posted August 11, 2012 @Yurbuh Tuggly I did the romdump thing and it created 4 files: config.gz,, system.tar and a checksum.md5. @KonstaT I also saw the official Ice Cream Sandwich update (even before I bought the phone). But I didn't know it was the same as a ROM dump. I thought it was an update for our devices that ran an older version of Android (Froyo, Gingerbread). So wrong thinking of me... @KonstaT Also thanks for figuring the /dev/block/.. things out! I ran succesfully this code: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/sdcard/recovery.img and it created a recovery.img file. One question: What's the difference between this file and the recovery-from-boot.p file (from the update). @Yurbuh Tuggly Is there a way to see that the bootloader is unlocked? Or do I have to try installing a new bootloader and see what it brings.
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 12, 2012 Report Posted August 12, 2012 @Yurbuh Tuggly I did the romdump thing and it created 4 files: config.gz,, system.tar and a checksum.md5. @Yurbuh Tuggly Is there a way to see that the bootloader is unlocked? Or do I have to try installing a new bootloader and see what it brings. 1) That's about all I can figure can be dumped at this point. You can open the *.gz and *.tar files with WinRar or similar to see what's there. It is a backup of various things, but as pointed out, fairly useless for any kind of 'restoring' to a full factory state. 2) I really don't know. Typically, on a bootloader screen you may see some text or a lock/unlocked graphic, but the bootloader screen on this phone appears to be masked by the Medion splash/logo. I still assume it is unlocked, but I would be very cautious about messing with it before somebody who knows more about such things can provide clues. One question: What's the difference between this file and the recovery-from-boot.p file (from the update). Did your generated recovery.img end up to be about 16MB in size? If so, then it probably the same as the one I created with the recovery-from-boot.p and associated install script.
Guest KonstaT Posted August 12, 2012 Report Posted August 12, 2012 And they both load, but with issues. In the non-touch, I can scroll, but not actually choose anything, and in the Touch, I can make selections, but nothing actually happens when I do. Errors are such: ... Yeah, those errors are because the recovery doesn't know which partition is where. You need to post recovery.fstab to the builder. This is the correct recovery.fstab for your device (I extracted it from your stock recovery image). # mount point fstype device [device2] /boot emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p16 /recovery emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p17 /splash emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p18 /system ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p19 /misc emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p20 /cache ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p21 /data ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p22 /sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /dev/block/mmcblk1 /qcsblhd_cfg emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /qcsbl emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /oemsbl emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /cefs emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p11 /amss emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 /emmcboot emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p15 [/CODE] CWM builder will probably never give you fully working recovery but it will get you started. You might need custom key layout, graphics, lunfile path, etc to get everything working. This means building the recovery from source yourself. You might want to consider contacting sebastian404. He loves cheap chinese hardware and he has plenty of experience in making recoveries for devices. :) @KonstaT I also saw the official Ice Cream Sandwich update (even before I bought the phone). But I didn't know it was the same as a ROM dump. I thought it was an update for our devices that ran an older version of Android (Froyo, Gingerbread). So wrong thinking of me... @KonstaT Also thanks for figuring the /dev/block/.. things out! I ran succesfully this code: [code]dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/sdcard/recovery.img and it created a recovery.img file. One question: What's the difference between this file and the recovery-from-boot.p file (from the update). Yeah, you can extract pretty much everything from those updates. Much better than any ROM dump can ever be. You should also be able to use it to restore your phone to factory condition. I think that recovery-from-boot.p uses kernel from your boot partition and the rest from the actual recovery-from-boot.p file to restore recovery partition (same kernel is in both partitions anyway). It also does this on every boot if it's changed. You should rename or remove it if you want to have custom recovery. That recovery.img is a full dump of your recovery partition. Stock recovery image that Yurbuh Tuggly posted to cwm builder seems to be exactly what it should. :) I hope this device comes to Finland too. I've been following the CDMA variant of this device (N880E) for a while and the general hackability on that device seems amazing. It already has windows phone 7.5 port and official Gingerbread/ICS/Jelly Bean updates. Shouldn't be too difficult to make that same happen on this device.
Guest KonstaT Posted August 12, 2012 Report Posted August 12, 2012 I did a quick build of ClockWorkMod for ZTE Acqua. I don't have a device and I can't test this myself. I don't take any responsiblity if something happens to your device! As far as I can tell it should be safe to test with: adb reboot bootloader fastboot boot acqua-cwm5504-recovery.img[/CODE] Please report back how it worked out. :) [b]acqua-cwm5504-recovery.img[/b] ... md5:15199bae26fbfd463ede7da1685390d5
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 13, 2012 Report Posted August 13, 2012 Please report back how it worked out. :) Nice (first) try! :D Success at achieving no errors as far as any mounts the few I have tried (non-touch) with Builder, can scroll through the selections, but cannot actually select anything. The key bindings on this device must be unusual. In the stock recovery, "Home" is the selection key, which is the second to the left (of four keys: Menu Home Back Search). Interestingly, in your build, if I scroll through all the selections very quickly, "Back menu button enabled" text appears at the bottom. Scroll through again very quickly and it changes to "Back menu button disabled". Neither has any effect on the inability to choose a selection. Cosmetically, when scrolling through choices with Vol+/Vol-, the entire display shifts to the left with a partial image then appearing on the right. Kinda like this: oot system now -reb Scroll again and it moves back to normal. I also found this to be common in the Builder versions I tried. So,,,,,,,,almost there! Only need to be able to actually select something. :P
Guest Yurbuh Tuggly Posted August 13, 2012 Report Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) ^^^ Update: Took your image, sent it to Builder, and did nothing to it except check the box for "Touch". Which resulted in this: http://jenkins.cyano.../recovery/3266/ Which made it a CWM v6.0.1.1 Booted it, and I can select things! It still has the odd shifting to the left, but that seems to be purely cosmetic. First thing I tried was a nandroid backup which was not particularly pretty (progress bar in the middle of text, constant shifting left and right, etc, but it actually DID things. There was some message at the end of generating the MD5, but I could not read it in time since the device automatically rebooted.Not normal? The result on the SD card was a bit odd...4 different 'backup' folders all with different (and bizarre) dates/times. Three of them were empty, and the last one contained 7 files (most not nearly big enough to be a full backup--measured in k instead of hundreds of MB). Also, in the sdcard/clockworkmod folder got a subfolder named 'blobs' with 1581 other folders with names such as .gc, 003,006......and ending with fff. Some are empty, some contain a single hexidecimal file of some sort. Testing will continue........ Reboot System Now results in a dire warning : Rom may flash stock recovery on THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE The Yes choice is "Yes- Disable recovery flash" (??) Any No choice (or tapping the hardware Back button) results in a normal reboot with no harm done. Edited August 13, 2012 by Yurbuh Tuggly
Guest KonstaT Posted August 13, 2012 Report Posted August 13, 2012 Interestingly, in your build, if I scroll through all the selections very quickly, "Back menu button enabled" text appears at the bottom. Scroll through again very quickly and it changes to "Back menu button disabled". That's normal, it should happen in every cwm build. It adds 'back' entry to end of every list menu. First thing I tried was a nandroid backup which was not particularly pretty (progress bar in the middle of text, constant shifting left and right, etc, but it actually DID things. There was some message at the end of generating the MD5, but I could not read it in time since the device automatically rebooted.Not normal? The result on the SD card was a bit odd...4 different 'backup' folders all with different (and bizarre) dates/times. Three of them were empty, and the last one contained 7 files (most not nearly big enough to be a full backup--measured in k instead of hundreds of MB). Also, in the sdcard/clockworkmod folder got a subfolder named 'blobs' with 1581 other folders with names such as .gc, 003,006......and ending with fff. Some are empty, some contain a single hexidecimal file of some sort. Testing will continue........ Yeah, I've found cwm 6.x is still quite iffy with the backups. That's why I built It's the latest version I can trust at the moment. Reboot System Now results in a dire warning : The Yes choice is "Yes- Disable recovery flash" (??) Any No choice (or tapping the hardware Back button) results in a normal reboot with no harm done. Warning is because you still have /system/etc/ in your system. You should remove/rename it and also the recovery-from-boot.p. That means that the hardware back key is working? So it's probably only select key and graphics to go. :) I'll post another build for you to try in the new thread in a bit.
Guest SMHenryT Posted August 13, 2012 Report Posted August 13, 2012 Did your generated recovery.img end up to be about 16MB in size? If so, then it probably the same as the one I created with the recovery-from-boot.p and associated install script. Yes, it's 16MB large (16.777.216 bytes exactly). I think that recovery-from-boot.p uses kernel from your boot partition and the rest from the actual recovery-from-boot.p file to restore recovery partition (same kernel is in both partitions anyway). It also does this on every boot if it's changed. You should rename or remove it if you want to have custom recovery. There seems to be no recovery-from-boot.p file on my device. I checked the /system folder. I'm new to this custom ROM's but I have a question about it. I wish I could use this phone as a flashlight, which seems impossible for the moment. I found out that it has only 2 supported flashmodes: off,on. In order to work as a flashlight there should be a third mode: torch. So my question: could a custom ROM be able to let the phone work as a flashlight?
Guest KonstaT Posted August 13, 2012 Report Posted August 13, 2012 There seems to be no recovery-from-boot.p file on my device. I checked the /system folder. I'm new to this custom ROM's but I have a question about it. I wish I could use this phone as a flashlight, which seems impossible for the moment. I found out that it has only 2 supported flashmodes: off,on. In order to work as a flashlight there should be a third mode: torch. So my question: could a custom ROM be able to let the phone work as a flashlight? Yeah, it usually only comes with updates. It's not included in stock ROMs. Don't know about the torch. Turned out it was impossible on another ZTE device with LED flash (Skate). It probably isn't too good for the LEDs either to use it as a torch.
Guest MJonMoDaCo Posted March 1, 2013 Report Posted March 1, 2013 (edited) I've found a root solution from VOODOOS!L in another topic here on modaco:•Download 'unlockbootloader.exe' from •Run 'unlockbootloader.exe' and click 'ROOT Your Phone' - a console will appear and then close, after this open the app drawer and check that Superuser.apk has been installed OK, if so, you now have root. •Run 'unlockbootloader.exe' again and this time click 'Unlock BOOTLOADER' - you should see the capacitive buttons flash on your phone and the app will close on completion. •Power off your phone, remove battery for a few seconds and replace, then power on whilst holding vol. down and power to go in to fastboot - the phone will hang on the splash screen whilst in fastboot. After reboot I got a static white FTM screen, no reaction of the phone anymore so I thought it would be death. I booted into recovery console (Power on while holding volume up) and selected 'whipe (sic) cache' option. Rebooted the device and everything worked fine with root access! Brilliant. Worked perfectly for me. And here's something else interesting - painful but interesting - if you use the system update function, and it downloads the 200+MB file and installs, then it automatically unroots your phone in the process. Therefore I have had my phone rooted twice now, using this method both times. But that's not the painful bit. The painful bit, is that it deleted all my apps in the process. Nothing on your SD card gets touched though, so *sigh of relief*. But if your ZTE R22 is becoming slow, go for it,. Edited March 1, 2013 by MJonMoDaCo
Guest MJonMoDaCo Posted March 1, 2013 Report Posted March 1, 2013 I've found a root solution from VOODOOS!L in another topic here on modaco:•Download 'unlockbootloader.exe' from •Run 'unlockbootloader.exe' and click 'ROOT Your Phone' - a console will appear and then close, after this open the app drawer and check that Superuser.apk has been installed OK, if so, you now have root. •Run 'unlockbootloader.exe' again and this time click 'Unlock BOOTLOADER' - you should see the capacitive buttons flash on your phone and the app will close on completion. •Power off your phone, remove battery for a few seconds and replace, then power on whilst holding vol. down and power to go in to fastboot - the phone will hang on the splash screen whilst in fastboot. After reboot I got a static white FTM screen, no reaction of the phone anymore so I thought it would be death. I booted into recovery console (Power on while holding volume up) and selected 'whipe (sic) cache' option. Rebooted the device and everything worked fine with root access! Brilliant. Worked perfectly for me. And here's something else interesting - painful but interesting - if you use the system update function, and it downloads the 200+MB file and installs, then it automatically unroots your phone in the process. Therefore I have had my phone rooted twice now, using this method both times. Story.
Guest fyrus_nia Posted March 2, 2013 Report Posted March 2, 2013 I just use the universal mtk root from bin4ry...too easy Plug usb... Run the Runme.bat... Select 1 - on phone tab "restore" - phone will reboot Done
Guest begincaos Posted July 23, 2013 Report Posted July 23, 2013 Brilliant. Worked perfectly for me. And here's something else interesting - painful but interesting - if you use the system update function, and it downloads the 200+MB file and installs, then it automatically unroots your phone in the process. Therefore I have had my phone rooted twice now, using this method both times. Story. Hi, you use this to root ZTE Skate Aqua? If yes Can you pont me the direction? thanks
Guest MJonMoDaCo Posted August 14, 2013 Report Posted August 14, 2013 (edited) Hi, you use this to root ZTE Skate Aqua? If yes Can you pont me the direction? thanks Sure thing. You'll need the Android SDK: You'll only need the sdk tools, and not the adt bundle. Unzip to directory of your choice - make it easy to remember where. Then click on the following link (the link above has been cut off and therefore is incomplete):§ion=attach&attach_id=81949 then put it into the same folder as adb.exe, which will be inside one of the folders you unzipped. Turn on usb debugging on your phone (app drawer --> settings --> developer options --> usb debugging) then open a cmd console Start --> Run --> type "cmd.exe" without the quotes. Then type "adb devices" (again, without quotes). You'll know its successful if it lists a device. Mine says P772A13. Don't worry if yours is 'slightly' different (usually the last 3 characters), as long as there is an entry. Navigate to the folder with adb.exe/unlockbootloader.exe and either double click the unlockbootloader.exe, or if you used the cmd console to get there, then type "unlockbootloader.exe" without the quotes. You'll see a menu come up. Press the first option and wait. A dialog box tells you to leave your mouse & keyboard alone while it does its thing. When it is finished, your phone will be rooted. Of course, there was one other useful option there - unlock the bootloader. You only need to use this if you want to install a custom rom... But if you only want root priviledges, then the first option (root your phone) will do. NOTE: Yes, the program was designed for a different manufacturer (Huawei and not Zte) and phone, but it works - and provided it doesnt damage the phone (it doesnt . I've done it a dozen times or more now), that's all that matters. You may ignore the part about wiping caches as that isn't really necessary in my experience. Good luck. Have trouble? Let us know. PS: Sorry for tardy reply. Edited August 14, 2013 by MJonMoDaCo
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