Guest mark129 Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 Thanks I test your council on friday. Will telephone communicate in MTP mode with GrandX_Tools from This? What is p.c. I.e.? I cant find information abowe p.c. I.e. USB debugging
Guest sam tyler Posted May 29, 2013 Report Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) for the grand x v970, MTP mode is in connect to PC in settings and is USB debugging. on the UK version of the grand x, USB debugging is in developer options. if using grand x tools(v970) sometimes rooting may not work(depends if the phone likes it) if it don't, try root by restore from xda. then install recovery via grand x tools. Edited May 29, 2013 by sam tyler
Guest mark129 Posted June 1, 2013 Report Posted June 1, 2013 Is it not function on my device. I have grand x with 1 sim. And i dont have possibility debugging usb enable ( I have ORA_CH_GRANDX_B03 and new firemware is not for download.
Guest sam tyler Posted June 1, 2013 Report Posted June 1, 2013 Ok,your phone reminds of the B05 update for the Russian grand x(one sim version) take a look at this screenshot of my phone, your settings for connect to P.C. should be the same.connect via MTP mode and it should enable USB debugging mode(so you can root it) hope it helps.
Guest mark129 Posted June 1, 2013 Report Posted June 1, 2013 And what progam use for root ? I test "Super one click" and "unlock root free" and wortk it dont and when i use MTP mode on GrandX_Tools stop on yelow window . I have offer the same on your picture.
Guest sam tyler Posted June 1, 2013 Report Posted June 1, 2013 right, before doing doing this,try a different usb cable,just in case its the cable giving you problems. download grand x/970 tools from post 12 on this thread.(you already copied/pasted it on one of your earlier posts) extract it (on comp)select MTP on your phone for connect to P.C. in settings.connect phone to computer via USB,start grand/v970 tools follow what it says and you should have root but you can`t install recovery until you have rooted the phone.if 970 tools stays yellow connect the phone via connect to PC software( via connect to PC in phone settings)restart v970 tools, if the phone wont root go to XDA and download root by restore here is the link do what it says,and you should have root,its on VERSION 30, but if you search on Google for version 17 that works best with this phone. after you get root,go back to grand x/v970 tools and follow what it says to install recovery,
Guest rhicjames Posted June 6, 2013 Report Posted June 6, 2013 I need help.... I already followed all of the instruction written by the TS but i always get SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED, I already download all of the 3 Pre-Rooted Stock Rom but its always like that, please help me
Guest mark129 Posted June 7, 2013 Report Posted June 7, 2013 Thanks. I have CMW. To be filled ram? I install first version (Click here (fixed root) ) and ram use is 340mb from 340mb but mobile should have 512mb. Now download version 3 and i will test it.
Guest n5rovic Posted June 10, 2013 Report Posted June 10, 2013 I geting error when i try install this, why ? :(
Guest mark129 Posted June 10, 2013 Report Posted June 10, 2013 Test use for root It work for me.
Guest brudownload Posted August 19, 2013 Report Posted August 19, 2013 Hello Guys, Someone could help me ? I've downloaded the ROM v3 and CWD, did the wipe / factory reset, flashed the rom and now my phone wont start. It freezes on ZTE Screen. I followed all the steps of your tutorial, but it was necessary to root by restore (xda). Do you think that is bricked ? Thank you so far. Bruno.
Guest brudownload Posted August 19, 2013 Report Posted August 19, 2013 Hello Guys, Someone could help me ? I've downloaded the ROM v3 and CWD, did the wipe / factory reset, flashed the rom and now my phone wont start. It freezes on ZTE Screen. I followed all the steps of your tutorial, but it was necessary to root by restore (xda). Do you think that is bricked ? Thank you so far. Bruno.
Guest brudownload Posted September 5, 2013 Report Posted September 5, 2013 Could anyone help me ? Thanks.
Guest zwezdan Posted September 7, 2013 Report Posted September 7, 2013 go to cwm and do wipe again, if that didn't help flash rom again...
Guest brudownload Posted September 9, 2013 Report Posted September 9, 2013 Zwezdan, Thank you for your reply. The problem is that I cant go to CWD again, When I try to do it nothing happens :( Any suggestion ? Thank you.
Guest ilias2498 Posted January 27, 2014 Report Posted January 27, 2014 hello i am new here and i want your help please... i have the ZTE V970m i make a HARD RESET but after that my smartphone doesn't respond its complete "dead" doaesn't turn on and doesn't charge PLEASE HELP ME .... WHAT CAN I DO ???? THANK YOU!!!!
Guest josipsuton123 Posted February 6, 2014 Report Posted February 6, 2014 I root my phone, and I have Installed CWM, but why can not save existing rom, with backup and restore. thanks
Guest majstor za laptop Posted May 16, 2014 Report Posted May 16, 2014 I`ve put some russian rome a while ago and it worked fine for a few months but now the phone is starting to hang and occasionaly to loose ring or some other bugs , what rom should i try or it is ready to junk ?
Guest Mannyg700 Posted August 21, 2015 Report Posted August 21, 2015 I tried installing CWM recovery but i think this method is to put CWM on a zte Grand X z970 and I have a zte Grand X z777! It keeps telling me driver not found make sure USB Debugging is on etc... I installed the driver and USB debugging is on and it still didnt work
Guest nonsonet Posted November 3, 2015 Report Posted November 3, 2015 TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY POSSIBLE CHANCE OF BRICKING YOUR PHONE.FLASH THIS ROM ON YOUR OWN RISK! This is a flashable zip i have made from my stock ICS system with which my GRAND X came.You can use it as an backup rom if you software brick our original system. I have made this rom for two reasons, because I have flashed original rom from and i missed some of the features which wasn't included in it and to have a backup of my original stock rom. Advantage of this is that I can share it with you and I will give a try to improve it with including some useful tweaks, but this is for further work. Main advantages of the rom:-ROOTED! -Stock ICS lock screen (I didn't like the green long pressing dot)-DOLBY MOBILE included (it produces better sound quality than the SoundFX)-Update software to be up to date with any upgrades-Facetones included -Full Share included-TegraZone included-X-office included-Removed apps like FB, G+, Twitter, TouchPal, Chrome (you can install from PLAY STORE). Languages included:-Cestina-Deutsch-English-Francais-Hrvatski-Magyar-Nederlands-Polski-Romana-Slovencina-Svenska-Turkce-Russian-Serbian Changelog: V2- Rerooted and fixed problem with fixing root after flashing V3:-FIxed battery icon not showing when charging-Changed default wallpaper after flashing, now its stock ICS vanilla-Build.prop tweaks (touch responsiveness, scrolling, battery save, signal strenght, net speed) Installing: I didn't check if it will fash trough stock recovery, it is signed though 1. Reboot to CWM Recovery2. Wipe/Factory reset3. Choose install custom zip from sdcard and chose my rom4. After flash complete chose to fix root. (no need to do this with V2 version) IF DOLBY MOBILE NOT WORKING THEN TURN OFF YOUR PHONE AND AFTER A SECS TURN IT ON AGAIN. THIS ROM DOES NOT HAVE RECOVERY INCLUDED BUGS:I have noticed only that in About Phone there is no information about Baseband available, dont know if its a bad sign, or if its nothing to worry about, but I have to mention it here. But every things works fine, calls, data etc. DOWNLOAD:Click here (fixed root)V2 (no need to fix root after flashing) WIPE BEFORE FLASHING, DON'T INSTALL OVER THE VERSION ABOVEV3 IF FLASHING OVER PREVIOUS VERSION THEN WIPE CACHE AND DALVIK AFTER FLASHING THIS ROM OTA UPDATE: FLASH ON YOUR OWN RISK This is an OTA update which was released in Serbia yesterday. Thanks to meanhornet for providing the zip. I modified the updater script and disabled the checking, now its flashable through cwm recovery. 1. First go to super user app and in the information tab choose the check box next to OTA survive or something like that, mine is polish so dont know how it would be...2. Download this and put to sd card3. Reboot to cwm recovery and choose to install this zip.4. After complete while rebooting choose to prevent recovery install and root fix.5. After your phone starts go to super user app and uncheck the ota option and chceck once unroot temp option, your phone will unroot, and then check it again and it would be rooted again:) --------------------------------- TWEAKED VERSION: ONLY FOR ADVANCED USERS, PHONE MAY BE UNSTABLE, FOR TESTING ONLY, YOU CAN DELETE SCRIPTS AND FIND WHICH ARE THE BEST WITH OUR PHONE. Tweaks are located in /system/etc/init.d Dont know if tweaks applied successful but uploading so you can check.Credits for tweaks goes here to st@matis and all those who created this tweaks. Download: Install this version with full wipeClick here V2 with fixed root Install this version with full wipe (updated, added script loader, scripts are loading after boot, give them a little time:))please help to give me this cricket zte grand x max Z787 stock rom or the official ruu flash file pls
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