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Guest danbb
Posted (edited)


I hope someone can please help with this issue:

I tried installing v2.0.2 of AndroIum on my wife's SF2, but when the ROM first boots, the only icons in the dock at the bottom of the screen are the Play Store and Apps icons. The Settings and Phone apps are missing from the app drawer and maybe other apps are missing too. When I press the menu button and then the 'Settings' button from the launcher menu, nothing happens. There is no phone signal either. Re-booting does not help.

I checked the MD5 of the ROM zip file after moving it to the phone's SD card. It was fine.

I wiped data/factory reset, wiped cache and wiped dalvik cache before installing the ROM and went through the installation process twice, just in case.

By the way, I can see settings.apk and phone.apk inside the zip file on my PC (in the system/apps folder).

Am I getting this problem because I have used Amphoras's TPT (160MB system, 2MB cache, 278MB data) to re-partition the SF2? It normally runs Fish 'n Chips RLS7 (with some apps taken out) on that configuration with a 'cache to RAM' re-direct script in /etc/init.d and get no problems (so far!). From memory, only about 126Mb of the /system partition is used.

Is the /system partition (160MB) too small for AndroIum or is the 2MB cache partitiion too small? I haven't yet installed the cache to RAM re-direct script on this ROM.

Any ideas/thoughts/hints/tips to solve this issue would be much appreciated - my wife likes the look & feel of this ROM very much!

As a side issue, has anyone come across a TPT (or can make a TPT) for the SF2 with a 128MB or 130MB /system partition? I hate to waste 30MB, as per the current TPT/FnC7 configuration.

Edited by danbb
Guest dodgetimmy

I answered your question in the other thread, but my suggestion would be to try the stock tpt to see if you have the same problem.

Typically this kind of problem is caused by insufficient storage space. I think you should try going with 10-15mb cache if stock cache works.

Guest danbb

I answered your question in the other thread, but my suggestion would be to try the stock tpt to see if you have the same problem.

Typically this kind of problem is caused by insufficient storage space. I think you should try going with 10-15mb cache if stock cache works.

Thanks for the suggestion. It looks like 160MB for the /system partition may not be enough, but can't afford to increase it as I need the /data partition size maximised, with A2SD enabled as well. Don't think that the /cache partition size is the issue (I may be wrong) as the cache to RAM re-direct script seems to be working fine. A2SD reports a cache size of 42MB (in RAM) with 42MB free.

My wife's now made the decision to stick with FnC 7 running in the 160MB/2MB/278MB partition configuration rather than lose /data space for her apps, but thanks very much for your help.

Guest dodgetimmy

There is a difference between your cache size and dalvik cache moved to SD (via darktremor a2sd). For instance you won't be able to download apps bigger than your cache size from the play store without error.

There are ways around this, and I'm not sure if by "cache to ram script"you're already using one. You can run a custom script to create a folder on your sd card to act as cache (again this is different to a2sd). And you can also use an app called cache fixer whenever downloading.

Anyway, it's really not normal to run out of space using a2sd, unless you are installing a considerable amount of apps. For your wife have you: already moved dalvik cache to sd using the a2sd app from the market? And have you given your sd card a decent sized ext3 partition using clockwork mod recovery?

There's another app that's useful in this situation called: diskinfo. It will tell you the size and how full all of your partitions are.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Dalmi

183639190470535292a7.pngAndroIum 2.5 available !

- New kernel by ZTE (june 2013)

- New librairie wifi by ZTE june 2013 (wpa_supplicant, system/bin)

- Somes icons Sense 5, mod Nemus launcher, new wallpaper default

- New bootscreen

- All updates OTA a 2.0.2 (changes notification tray...)

- All updates apps

- Update host file (no pub)

Guest reedo_17

I will try the update later when its downlaoded. So for the vivacity do you flash the kernel from CM7? or the Overclock one or are they the same (except for the overclocking)

Guest beautyangel

Great Rom Guys But battery life draining LIKE HELL. anyway to come around like battery saver etc etc..... "Am using 3 ZTE batteries" "lol"

Guest OuahOuah

Strange, don't seems a problem for me...

Guest leighw101

Installed this ROM last night and so far it all seems good. Battery life at least on par with Slimbean if not a bit better and I have the added bonus of the camera working correctly.

Haven't tried Bluetooth as yet but plan to as my reason for changing roms is I need to use Bluetooth very soon.

Sure I miss some of the slickness and apps from jelly bean but I think this is pretty close to being a good comparison.

Only thing I wish is there was a bit more CM7 style customisation for some of the bits but other than that it's a cracking ROM!

Guest OuahOuah

Never had problems with Bluetooth with this ROM.

Guest leighw101

Might have found a small issue in the language settings.

I've been fiddling with the TTS and happened to go into the Language selection where there is English or French.

I clicked on the English one and my phone now thinks it's running English (United States) instead of English (United Kingdom).

Any clues at all as I can't see why it was OK before and showing UK but not now?

Guest leighw101

Just an update - I downloaded a locale/language setting tool from the play store and got it back to English UK.

Might be worth putting the extra language files in the next build though if there's room :)

On another note the battery life is great on this rom - sooo much better than the jelly bean builds!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bengi

Hi, please can someone tell me if the new ZTE kernel included in version 2.5 of this rom works with a Vivacity? or is it SF2 specific?

Guest OuahOuah

The AndroIum if SF2 only.

Not sure kernel will go on Vivacity :/

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Enimaxi

Best rom I used so far. Awesome job!

One thing though: I can't seem to overclock the CPU. The maximum frequency setCPU and Antata state is 800 mhz. Any thoughts?



Best rom I used so far. Awesome job!

One thing though: I can't seem to overclock the CPU. The maximum frequency setCPU and Antata state is 800 mhz. Any thoughts?


you have to flash overclockable kernel(you can find it somewhere on the forum)


This is already an OC kernel....

-Interface style Jelly Bean

-File Manager Mi File Explorer (version Dark Blue)

-Clock Miui DeskClock (mod blue)

-CM7 messaging app

-CM7 3D gallery

-DSP manager

-Calculatrice TouchWiz

-Notification power widget (thanks to lidroid, KonstaT and tillaz)

-Circle battery mod

-Overscroll glow

-ICS window animations, CRT Off Animation

-Overclockable Kernel

-Unsecured boot.img

-etc/init.d support

-Superuser and su binary

-VPN/SAMBA share modules added

-Stagefright enabled

-GPU rendered UI

-TCP buffer sizes optimized


-Busybox support


-All useless stuff removed



-huge APN list (from CM)

-new Adreno libs to increase 3D performance

-Widgets grouped

-Init.d Tweaks :

-ram cleanup at boot

-zipallign at boot

-sleep tweak

-net speed tweak

-touchscreen sensitivity tweak

-Host AdAway

-OTA Updater support

Guest Enimaxi

Exactly, that's what I thought. It's OC, but I can't seem to OC it.

None of you have the same problem?

Guest dodgetimmy

I haven't tried the rom, but perhaps the release notes are incorrect. Try flashing one of the overclock kernels available on here? Shouldn't do any harm and I can't think what else the problem would be, providing the phone is correctly rooted.

Guest Enimaxi

The phone is correcly rooted, that's for sure.

I'm not sure about installing a overclockable kernel I can find on modaco though. ZTE released a new kernel some time this summer. The overclockable kernels on modaco are all from before that date. Does this matter? What are the good things about having the new kernel installed (is it even installed with this ROM?)

Guest dodgetimmy

I don't know the answer to either of those. I'm running the one bundled with fish n chips which is the original overclock kernel posted on here.

You'll have to ask which kernel is used on this release, and find release notes on the new releases one. Anyway what I can say it's been working perfectly fine for me so I don't expect you'll notice anything.

Guest OuahOuah

The kernel used in 2.5 is the last provided by ZTE.

Not sure it can be overclocked.

So you can use an older kernel provinding OC after the 2.5 flash...

Anyway, as read elsewhere, the point of overclocking this kind of processor from 800 to 1100 Mhz seems useless...

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