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[MOD] CM Style Power Toggles [ICS] [NEW MOD'S]

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Guest bladebuddy

looks the same whats themed about it?

Battery circle back but mine don't change blue like in the screenshot.

Guest TangerineTractor

The theme's blue toggles are nice - but it needs the grey when inactive - the original is white/gray, the themed one is blue/white - blue/grey would, for me, be a more aesthetically pleasing combination. (not meaning to be picky).


Great work and many thanks, tillaz. I'll get this added to Stock+ because it puts the Huawei ones to shame. :ph34r:

Guest dinamo1975
Posted (edited)

The theme's blue toggles are nice - but it needs the grey when inactive - the original is white/gray, the themed one is blue/white - blue/grey would, for me, be a more aesthetically pleasing combination. (not meaning to be picky).

...blue/grey! Special for you!


However, after installing this addon, I find that the battery is consumed faster ... what is the cause?

Edited by dinamo1975
Guest TangerineTractor

...blue/grey! Special for you!


However, after installing this addon, I find that the battery is consumed faster ... what is the cause?

Thanks. Not noticing any battery issues myself. Full charge at an hour and a half a go, one phone call, still on 97%

Guest TangerineTractor
Posted (edited)

That's much nicer, thanks. And despite always choosing a circle battery, I think I prefer the battery icon you've included, although I'm not keen on the green icon for 100% battery. I like the white indicators on wifi, they are much clearer than the defaults.

Edited by TangerineTractor

Report on wipe. I'm using Slim rom. After data wipe/factory reset, the notification bar was gone. So it did not work for me after a wipe.

Posted (edited)

so, what i want to know...

2) ROM makers, is there no status bar after fresh install, with my mod included ?

A little feedback: seems fine on Stock+, this is included with R4 and there are no issues with the status bar even with a fresh install. Thanks again, tillaz.

Edited by Cyda

Your remake is massive - 8.95Mb vs 942Kb

Could that be why?

that's what i was going to say, its unusually big for just been themed ?

Guest Pyntux
Posted (edited)

Maybe a stupid question, but how to add translations to this mod? When I change language to serbian for example, date in notification bar is in english... :) Not a problem, but if I can add translations, it would be nice... :)

Why did not you call application toggle settings or something else than rom settings? :)

Edited by Pyntux
Guest kyan31
Maybe a stupid question, but how to add translations to this mod? When I change language to serbian for example, date in notification bar is in english... :) Not a problem, but if I can add translations, it would be nice... :)

Why did not you call application toggle settings or something else than rom settings? :)

You need to decompile the apk, and then go to res/values and open the strings.XML. Inside, there will be lines in English, which you can translate. After its done, save it and compile it back up.

Guest tillaz

Why did not you call application toggle settings or something else than rom settings? smile.png

because i intend to release a version that adds the toggles settings inside the phone settings, witch would be under the name of ROM Settings



I rebuilt [MOD] Customizable Power Toggles [iCS] by Tillaz! This is the final version.

whats the difference between this and the very first one?

Guest dinamo1975

whats the difference between this and the very first one?

..only the size!

Guest TangerineTractor

Can you do a blue/grey one, but leave the original circle battery?

Guest tillaz


I rebuilt [MOD] Customizable Power Toggles [iCS] by Tillaz! This is the final version.

updated the link, in the second post

Guest bladebuddy

I rebuilt [MOD] Customizable Power Toggles [iCS] by Tillaz! This is the final version.

Thank-you Tillaz and Dinamo. I finally have blue toggles and they look great. Thanks again.

Guest TangerineTractor


Battery icons are awful - it says "full" when it's charging, and they're not clear. The Circle ones in the original mod are clearer than any you've modified, sorry.

Guest twrock
Posted (edited)

Sorry this isn't more compact (2.14mb), but here's a mod with the blue/gray icons from dinamo1975, but with the stock battery icons (no circle, no numbers, just the basic blue battery icon). It works for me, but I don't guarantee anything for anyone else. So for what it's worth: http://www.mediafire.com/?yh7qjm9w5mku9il

Edited by twrock

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