Guest faji Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 What you suggested as a solution didnt't work for me. Finally I found a work around that comes close to my needs. That is Bluetooth reconnector app, available at the Google Play, (free of charge). Seems (until now) that the application improves bluetooth connectivity between the phone and the earpiece (tried few times on and off in the phone and it did connect successfully). :)
Guest HarryPirate Posted May 3, 2013 Report Posted May 3, 2013 Could you please update the Rom to include the latest changes namely the new yahoo weather API I really like that functionality. Is it possible to add the disable boot splash function?
Guest amirsokar2 Posted May 4, 2013 Report Posted May 4, 2013 where the new update? PlaguedByPenguins :)
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 (edited) Firstly, welcome from russian 4pda. ;) If it was mentioned, please tell how to disable lock screen widgets? :) Is there any solution for lock screen landscape? +1 to amirsokar2 And when we want to update your firmware from prev.version, should we wipe all data? Or simple wipe cache и wipe dalvik cache? A few words about firmware, perfect performance with some my tweaks ;) Edited May 5, 2013 by falcon4fun
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 (edited) Firstly, welcome from russian 4pda. ;) you guys are about 20% of the downloads, so welcome. I gather some of you didn't like me disabling nfs/smb? why? if you have comments then please put them in this forum. I am 100% certain your English is better than my Russian. If it was mentioned, please tell how to disable lock screen widgets? :) Is there any solution for lock screen landscape? no idea, sorry. I suggest you try asking in KonstaT's blade thread. +1 to amirsokar2 ... and if wishes were unicorns then we would each have 14,000 ponies. seriously though, if you guys want releases faster then just build them yourselves. all the sources are available. patches are welcome too. And when we want to update your firmware from prev.version, should we wipe all data? Or simple wipe cache и wipe dalvik cache? good question. - format /system - wipe cache & dalvik cache - install zips no need to nuke any of /data. the first boot after update will still take a long time as all the packages are optimised & caches built. A few words about firmware, perfect performance with some my tweaks ;) thanks, but I disagree about "perfect performance", which is why I continue to work on it and take time to do so. also, if you wanted to share, folks here would probably appreciate knowing which tweaks you find useful... there should be a new rom (with more tweakables :) ) coming fairly soon. Edited May 5, 2013 by PlaguedByPenguins
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 (edited) ... and if wishes were unicorns then we would each have 14,000 ponies. seriously though, if you guys want releases faster then just build them yourselves. all the sources are available. patches are welcome too. Yes, I understand, that it's too common and annoying question, but is there any approximate release date? :) thanks, but I disagree about "perfect performance", which is why I continue to work on it and take time to do so. also, if you wanted to share, folks here would probably appreciate knowing which tweaks you find useful... there should be a new rom (with more tweakables :) ) coming fairly soon. Firstly, processor governor was changed to SmartAssV2 and I/O to SIO. I used android BAM tweaker and mcTweaker. Tweak files from init.rd and build.prop below, maybe you'll find something useful cat /etc/init.d/98mctweaks #!/system/bin/sh ### Start oom_killer ### busybox chmod ugo+rw /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree echo "1536,3072,4096,38400,40960,43520" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree ### End oom_killer ### ### Start dalvik.vm.heapsize ### setprop dalvik.vm.heapsize 40m ### End dalvik.vm.heapsize ### ### Start dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit ### setprop dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit 32m ### End dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit ### ### Start wifi.supplicant_scan_interval ### setprop wifi.supplicant_scan_interval 1800 ### End wifi.supplicant_scan_interval ### ### Start pm.sleep_mode ### setprop pm.sleep_mode 1 ### End pm.sleep_mode ### ### Start persist.sys.charging.disable ### setprop persist.sys.charging.disable 1 ### End persist.sys.charging.disable ### ### Start debug.performance.tuning ### setprop debug.performance.tuning 1 ### End debug.performance.tuning ### ### Start video.accelerate.hw ### setprop video.accelerate.hw 1 ### End video.accelerate.hw ### ### Start ### setprop 0 ### End ### ### Start dirty_centisecs ### echo 500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs ; echo 1000 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs ### End dirty_centisecs ### ### Start ro.telephony.call_ring.delay ### setprop ro.telephony.call_ring.delay 500 ### End ro.telephony.call_ring.delay ### ### Start tcp_timestamp ### busybox chmod ugo+rw /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps ### End tcp_timestamp ### ### Start net.tcp.buffersize.default ### setprop net.tcp.buffersize.default 4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ### End net.tcp.buffersize.default ### ### Start net.tcp.buffersize.wifi ### setprop net.tcp.buffersize.wifi 4095,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ### End net.tcp.buffersize.wifi ### ### Start net.tcp.buffersize.umts ### setprop net.tcp.buffersize.umts 4094,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ### End net.tcp.buffersize.umts ### ### Start net.tcp.buffersize.edge ### setprop net.tcp.buffersize.edge 4093,262140,770880,4096,30643,770880 ### End net.tcp.buffersize.edge ### ### Start net.tcp.buffersize.gprs ### setprop net.tcp.buffersize.gprs 4094,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ### End net.tcp.buffersize.gprs ### ### Start net.tcp.buffersize.wimax ### setprop net.tcp.buffersize.wimax 4094,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ### End net.tcp.buffersize.wimax ### ### Start ### setprop 1 ### End ### ### Start sd_cache ### busybox chmod ugo+rw /sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb echo "128" > /sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb ### End sd_cache ### ### Start dirty_background_ratio ### ### End dirty_background_ratio ### ### Start dirty_ratio ### ### End dirty_ratio ### ### Start vfs_cache_pressure ### ### End vfs_cache_pressure ### ### Start oom_kill_allocating_task ### busybox chmod ugo+rw /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_allocating_task echo "0" > /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_allocating_task ### End oom_kill_allocating_task ### ### Start dalvik.vm.heapstartsize ### setprop dalvik.vm.heapstartsize 8m ### End dalvik.vm.heapstartsize ### cat /system/build.prop # begin build properties # autogenerated by 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.rjh.20130419.222508 test-keys Apr 19 22:25:57 EST 2013 ro.product.model=V9 ro.product.brand=ZTE ro.product.device=v9 ro.product.board=v9 ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v6l ro.product.manufacturer=ZTE ro.product.locale.language=en ro.product.locale.region=US ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform=msm7x27 # is obsolete; use ro.product.device # Do not try to parse or .fingerprint 4.2 JOP40C 20121121.110335 release-keys # end build properties # RIL rild.libpath=/system/lib/ rild.libargs=-d /dev/smd0,datacall,signalstrength,facilitylock ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple=false ro.telephony.call_ring.delay=3000 ro.telephony.default_network=0 # WiFi wifi.interface=wlan0 # Graphics ro.sf.lcd_density=160 ro.sf.hwrotation=270 qemu.sf.lcd_density=160 persist.sys.use_dithering=2 ro.opengles.version=131072 ro.opengles.surface.rgb565=true debug.enabletr=false debug.hwui.render_dirty_regions=false ro.setupwizard.enable_bypass=1 # Camcorder debug.camcorder.disablemeta=1 # USB Mass Storage persist.sys.usb.config=mass_storage,adb persist.service.adb.enable=1 # Don't set /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio to 0 when USB mounting ro.vold.umsdirtyratio=20 # Dalvik dalvik.vm.checkjni=0 dalvik.vm.dexopt-data-only=1 dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=v=a,o=v,m=y,u=y dalvik.vm.execution-mode=int:jit # Memory ro.zram.default=0 persist.sys.purgeable_assets=1 sys.mem.max_hidden_apps=10 # msm Touchscreen debug.velocitytracker.strategy=legacy #debug.velocitytracker.strategy=int1 # # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES # ro.rommanager.developerid=cyanogenmod keyguard.no_require_sim=true ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode=1 ro.modversion=10.1-20130419-PenguinKANG-v9 ro.config.ringtone=Ring_Digital_02.ogg ro.config.notification_sound=F1_New_SMS.ogg ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Beep_03.ogg ro.cwm.enable_key_repeat=true dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=5m dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=48m dalvik.vm.heapsize=128m dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.75 dalvik.vm.heapminfree=512k dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=2m ro.carrier=unknown ro.adb.qemud=1 dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500 dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt ## Qualcomm Tuned by Android BAM Tweaker ## debug.qctwa.statusbar=1 debug.qctwa.preservebuf=1 debug.qc.hardware=true com.qc.hardware=true ## Scrolling speed tweak enabled by Android BAM Tweaker ## ro.max.fling_velocity=12000 ro.min.fling_velocity=8000 touch.presure.scale=0.001 windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=170 ## Power Collapse Disabled by Android BAM Tweaker ## pm.sleep_mode=1 ## Photo and Video recording quality Increased by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## Media & Streaming Performance Increased by Android BAM Tweaker ## media.stagefright.enable-player=true media.stagefright.enable-meta=true media.stagefright.enable-scan=false media.stagefright.enable-http=true ## Decrease time for screen off/on durrign call by Android BAM Tweaker ## ro.lge.proximity.delay=25 mot.proximity.delay=25 ro.mot.buttonlight.timeout=0 persist.sys.ui.hw=1 ## Rendering GPU Enabled by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## HSXPA Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## GPRS Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## HEP Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## DTM Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## 3G Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## HTCMASKW1 Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## HTCMASKW1 Bitmask Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## PLMN Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ##,23410,23411 ## GEA3 Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## A53 Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## Default Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## Wifi Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## UMTS Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## ## GPRS Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ## EDGE Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ## EVDO_B Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## net.tcp.buffersize.evdo_b=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ## HSPA Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## net.tcp.buffersize.hspa=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ## LTE Net Speed Tweaked by Android BAM Tweaker ## net.tcp.buffersize.lte=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 ## Bravia Engine v2 by Android BAM Tweaker ## ro.service.swiqi.supported=true persist.service.swiqi.enable=1 ## Strict mode checking disabled by Android BAM Tweaker ## As too me, it works some faster. For example, GPU rendering plus Seeder helps with i-face freezing. Or maybe it's my placebo :D I'll be glad if it helps to smb ;) P.S. Processor was overclocked to 729 (748 to me sometimes reboots the device on this firmware. Maybe some tweaks lead to this) zRam was changed to 26%, Enabled dropping actives (I don't know how will be this option in english, but it's in Memory Management tab in Performance). 16-bit transparency was enabled and anti-aliasing was complely disabled. Edited May 5, 2013 by falcon4fun
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 (edited) good question. - format /system - wipe cache & dalvik cache - install zips no need to nuke any of /data. the first boot after update will still take a long time as all the packages are optimised & caches built. One our forum mate says, that formating system is useless. This is the part of script which installs firmware: package_extract_file("system/bin/backuptool.functions", "/tmp/backuptool.functions"); set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/"); set_perm(0, 0, 0644, "/tmp/backuptool.functions"); run_program("/tmp/", "backup"); unmount("/system"); show_progress(0.500000, 0); format("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "0", "/system"); mount("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "/system"); package_extract_dir("system", "/system"); As we see from here formating system is in this string: format("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "0", "/system"); Edited May 6, 2013 by falcon4fun
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 One our forum mate says, that formating system is useless. ... As we see from here formating system is in this string: format("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "0", "/system"); you are correct. how did I miss that?! thanks. if you watch "adb logcat" as you boot an updated version then you'll probably find the other wipes aren't needed either. however, none of it hurts...
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 (edited) you are correct. how did I miss that?! thanks. if you watch "adb logcat" as you boot an updated version then you'll probably find the other wipes aren't needed either. however, none of it hurts... Logcat generates too many of chunk, so it's hard to catch needed information there :) I don't know how to use filters here and don't know what parts of log I need :D Thank you. Also we found a problem with the lockscreen. Sometimes system is laging and lockscreen is not responding for 5-15 seconds (as to me) and because of that tablet is going to reboot. I don't know what is the problem. Previously, I think it's because of overclocking, but today one of 4pda users posted the same message. We are trying to change locksreen to Holo Lockscreen. Maybe it will help us :) Edited May 6, 2013 by falcon4fun
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 Firstly, processor governor was changed to SmartAssV2 and I/O to SIO. echo "1536,3072,4096,38400,40960,43520" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree ... zRam was changed to 26%, Enabled dropping actives (I don't know how will be this option in english, but it's in Memory Management tab in Performance). 16-bit transparency was enabled and anti-aliasing was complely disabled. thanks for the list. that lowmemorykiller line stands out to me as extreme. it's saying you basically only want one big app in memory at any time and tells the OS to quickly kill all the others to keep a lot (~160MB) of ram free. usually this would be insane (free ram is wasted ram) and would mean huge revisited-app slowdowns, but perhaps those lowmemorykiller params actually work ok when used in combination with your (also fairly extreme) zRam setting. interesting :)
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 Also we found a problem with the lockscreen. Sometimes system is laging and lockscreen is not responding for 5-15 seconds (as to me) and because of that tablet is going to reboot. I don't know what is the problem. Previously, I think it's because of overclocking, but today one of 4pda users posted the same message. We are trying to change locksreen to Holo Lockscreen. Maybe it will help us :) that's not something I've ever seen. I don't think it's been reported by anyone in the blade or v9 forums either. the OS can reboot itself when critical system daemons repeatedly die. I would suggest you try going back to all default settings (including no overclocking, no zram, no lowmemorykiller alterations) and see if it happens again. if it still happens then right after the device crashes and reboots do adb pull /proc/last_kmsg kmsg_reboot.txt and attach that txt file here. it might tell us something about why it rebooted. or alternatively you could try to catch the crash/reboot live with logcat. good luck.
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 if it still happens then right after the device crashes and reboots do adb pull /proc/last_kmsg kmsg_reboot.txt and attach that txt file here. it might tell us something about why it rebooted. or alternatively you could try to catch the crash/reboot live with logcat. good luck. Thx for log location. With logcat is very hard to catch this situation :)
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 6, 2013 Report Posted May 6, 2013 for those keen to live on the edge, here's a new ClockWorkMod recovery image for the v9. I've been using it for a month or so but if you brick yours with it it's nothing to do with me :). it's a CWM 'touch' version so you use the home/back buttons to select/go-back. vol up/down work as per usual. adb sideload is probably the only really new feature over the venerable 4.x, but I haven't tried it out. enjoy. md5sum ddec9b8139209ede8532db3360f6f9f7
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 7, 2013 Report Posted May 7, 2013 (edited) Bro, if you have some time, you can give more information about the difference of this CWM with the previous, cannot you? Especially, about sideload. It will be great, if you included changelogs from different versions. Thank you very much ;) P.S. flashed successfully, but still don't understand the difference, except some missing labels, like "Wipe battery stats" :D Edited May 7, 2013 by falcon4fun
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 7, 2013 Report Posted May 7, 2013 (edited) Bro, if you have some time, you can give more information about the difference of this CWM with the previous, cannot you? the changelog is here Re:sideload just search for 'abd sideload' or 'clockworkmod sideload'. Edited May 7, 2013 by PlaguedByPenguins
Guest falcon4fun Posted May 7, 2013 Report Posted May 7, 2013 Hm. The problem is that I can't see adb or like interfaces with this recovery. Only one device is showing Zte Handset Diagnostic Interface. No unknown devices present. On bootloader, when booting or when booted I can see clearly adb interface and adb is working. Also I have a problem, trying to mount the SD as USB. Log file cat /storage/sdcard0/clockworkmod/recovery.log Starting recovery on Tue May 7 07:09:49 2013 framebuffer: fd 4 (800 x 480) CWM-based Recovery v6.0.3.0 recovery filesystem table ========================= 0 /tmp ramdisk (null) (null) 0 1 /boot mtd boot (null) 0 2 /cache yaffs2 cache (null) 0 3 /data yaffs2 userdata (null) 0 4 /misc mtd misc (null) 0 5 /recovery mtd recovery (null) 0 6 /sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 0 7 /system yaffs2 system (null) 0 8 /sd-ext auto /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 (null) 0 W:Unable to get recovery.fstab info for /datadata during fstab generation! W:Unable to get recovery.fstab info for /emmc during fstab generation! W:Unable to get recovery.fstab info for /external_sd during fstab generation! I:Completed outputting fstab. I:Processing arguments. mtd: successfully wrote block at 0 I:Set boot command "boot-recovery" I:Checking arguments. Warning: No file_contexts I:device_recovery_start() Command: "/sbin/recovery" ro.boot.hardware=v9 ro.serialno= ro.bootmode=unknown ro.baseband=unknown ro.bootloader=unknown ro.hardware=v9 ro.revision=0 ro.emmc=0 ro.boot.emmc=0 ro.factorytest=0 ro.allow.mock.location=0 ro.debuggable=1 persist.sys.usb.config=mass_storage,adb 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.rjh.20130417.221644 test-keys Apr 17 22:23:00 EST 2013 ro.product.model=V9 ro.product.brand=ZTE ro.product.device=v9 ro.product.board=v9 ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi-v6l ro.product.manufacturer=ZTE ro.product.locale.language=en ro.product.locale.region=US ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform=msm7x27 4.2 JOP40C 20121121.110335 release-keys rild.libpath=/system/lib/ rild.libargs=-d /dev/smd0,datacall,signalstrength,facilitylock ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple=false ro.telephony.call_ring.delay=3000 ro.telephony.default_network=0 wifi.interface=wlan0 debug.sf.hw=1 com.qc.hardware=true ro.max.fling_velocity=4000 ro.sf.lcd_density=160 ro.sf.hwrotation=270 qemu.sf.lcd_density=160 persist.sys.use_dithering=2 ro.opengles.version=131072 ro.opengles.surface.rgb565=true debug.enabletr=false debug.hwui.render_dirty_regions=false ro.setupwizard.enable_bypass=1 debug.camcorder.disablemeta=1 persist.service.adb.enable=1 ro.vold.umsdirtyratio=20 dalvik.vm.checkjni=0 dalvik.vm.dexopt-data-only=1 dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=v=a,o=v,m=y,u=y dalvik.vm.execution-mode=int:jit ro.zram.default=0 persist.sys.purgeable_assets=1 sys.mem.max_hidden_apps=3 ro.hwaccel.lockscreen=0 debug.velocitytracker.strategy=legacy ro.carrier=unknown ro.cwm.enable_key_repeat=true dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=5m dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=48m dalvik.vm.heapsize=128m dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.75 dalvik.vm.heapminfree=512k dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=2m ro.rommanager.developerid=cyanogenmod keyguard.no_require_sim=true ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode=1 ro.modversion=10.1-20130417-UNOFFICIAL-v9 ro.config.ringtone=Ring_Digital_02.ogg ro.config.notification_sound=F1_New_SMS.ogg ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Beep_03.ogg dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500 dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt init.svc.ueventd=running init.svc.recovery=running init.svc.adbd=restarting service.adb.root=1 I:Checking for extendedcommand... I:Skipping execution of extendedcommand, file not found... mtd: successfully wrote block at 0 I:Set boot command "" mtd: successfully wrote block at 0 I:Set boot command "" W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 (Invalid argument) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun1/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun1/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file (No such file or directory) W:Could not enable /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN 2 I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun1/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun1/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file (No such file or directory) I:Trying /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file W:Unable to open ums lunfile /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun_ex/file (No such file or directory) W:Could not enable /dev/block/mmcblk0 on LUN 2 mtd: successfully wrote block at 0 I:Set boot command "" I:Can't format unknown volume: /external_sd I:Can't format unknown volume: /emmc Have I flashed it incorrectly? I used your posted zip and installed it with CWM as zip.
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 7, 2013 Report Posted May 7, 2013 (edited) new 2013-05-07 rom posted. see the first post or git commits for the changelog. almost all changes are memory-related optimisations, plus the usual stream of updates from CyanogenMod. UPDATE: don't bother downloading this one - I've been hacking on some VM code today and it makes a huge difference - if things continue to go well (ie. my v9 doesn't crash in a mysterious way overnight) there'll be a new and far better rom tomorrow. Edited May 7, 2013 by PlaguedByPenguins
Guest HarryPirate Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 Will try the CWR tomorrow as well as the new ROM and post feedback.
Guest WacKEDmaN Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 ive just signed up here to thank PlaguedByPenguins for his efforts.. Cheers for the work! looking forward to seeing some optimisations in the next version! on a side note.. i installed the latest clockworkmod recovery you posted above..and noticed its upside down.. (vol/power buttons on bottom to view correctly)..otherwise it works as advertised! thanks again PBP!
Guest Morfiy_by Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 Hello from Belarus! First of all I want to express gratitude for a firmware. Always I wait for up-dating. Also I want to apologize for the English since I can not understand the told :) And now on business: I subscribe under each word WacKEDmaN, new recovery turned the display image, it isn't important, principal all menu items ceased to work. It was necessary to recover prior version by means of the terminal emulator. And I was not one with a similar problem.
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 ... new recovery turned the display image, it isn't important, principal all menu items ceased to work. It was necessary to recover prior version by means of the terminal emulator. And I was not one with a similar problem. this CWM uses the regular home/back touch keys and not just vol up/down & power to make the menus work. this is a touch recovery. I was confused for a minute too... yeah, it's upside down. can't say I care... maybe it's because I built it in australia? perhaps you are lucky it doesn't have a picture of a kangaroo on it too ;) actually, I have no idea why it's upside down. rotation is #%^!$!!#! with the v9. normal 'portrait' screen rotation is actually 270 degrees - it's just wired up that way... I'm pretty happy that it displays at all.
Guest HarryPirate Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 So how did your tests ended up? Is it stable now?
Guest PlaguedByPenguins Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 (edited) new 2013-05-08 rom posted. sorry for it being so soon after the last one, but it's a bit of a breakthrough so I wanted to get it out there. changes I made to lowmemorykiller mean much better responsiveness and interactivity (more like cm7 IMHO edit: but still not quite), faster switching between apps, better choice of which apps are old and can be killed, ... overall it's the big step forward that I've been looking for. if it's working as well as I think it is, then memory tweaks like zram, swap, ksm, minfree levels, hidden apps limits, etc. probably won't help all that much now. indeed, some of these tweaks may now slow things down or even make the device less reliable. if you experience instability then please first turn tweaks (and overclocking) off. also I forgot to apply one patch in the previous 2013-05-07 rom, so wifi reconnection is slow again there. please update. Edited May 9, 2013 by PlaguedByPenguins
Guest WacKEDmaN Posted May 9, 2013 Report Posted May 9, 2013 (edited) the Lorenzo "smooth as butter, t-boned by Marquez" special edition! works great...responsiveness is back and apps load fairly quick im using Mounts2SD and Apps2SD to move apps, dalvik cache and standard cache to a 1Gb Ext4 partition on SDcard..(moving data slows it down too much) currently using 20mb of internal space! and also using a swap of 256mb with the low swappiness setting..altho i may try it without the swap to see how it goes..i only have a class 4 sdcard so its probably going to slow things down Edited May 9, 2013 by WacKEDmaN
Guest HarryPirate Posted May 9, 2013 Report Posted May 9, 2013 CWR is working great! The ROM is also smooth as butter together with CronMOD to move the apps to sd-ext.
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