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[DEV][ROM] CyanogenMod 10.1 (Android 4.2.2) for ZTE V9

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Guest Kukumtu
Posted (edited)

Can you upload the final file after you have done all the copy pasting please?

Edited by Kukumtu
Guest Kukumtu

I have managed to do all the steps but now when i install the rom it now tells me instalation aborted

Guest naifah
touch screen working fine in my ZTE V9 ROM with capacitive screen, make the following:-

1-download cm-10.1-20130521-PenguinKANG-v9.zip

2-download Attached file

3-extract file in step no.2 and copy it and past it in (system/lib) in Zip File And Apply to replace

4-flash the rom and enjoy with touch screen

Sorry for bad English

can replace manually this Zip without new flashing?my english is bad also..:P

Guest Morfiy_by
Posted (edited)

Recovery installed, tested, and it works. The only thing, as in the previous version of the image is deployed to the 180, which affects the ease of navigation.

P.s. Discovered an important function not working in CWM - mount USB storage.

Edited by Morfiy_by
Guest PlaguedByPenguins

P.s. Discovered an important function not working in CWM - mount USB storage.

good point. thanks for finding that! I always use adb push/pull so never noticed...

now that adb is working I can debug things like this :)

fixed in this ->


md5sum 302fa9d7f8b7bdbb76ad5e73c6d5e582

Guest Morfiy_by

Maybe it's just me, sometimes after switching to sleep mode, the tablet refuses to turn on once the red LED blinks and the system is restarted. And again about the diode. Indication somehow inadequate work. 2 - 3 short, then 1 - a long one. All this is not critical, but decided to share.

Guest Dricovisk
Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

I'm trying to install "cm-10.1-20130521-PenguinKANG-v9" on my ZTE V9 Resistive screen but in the end of instalation I got the "symlink: some symlinks failed" error.

I use the "clockworkmod 4.3.3" to install the cfw, i don't know how to update to "clockwork-". I've tried many differents ways, but no success.

Edited by Dricovisk
Guest Morfiy_by
Posted (edited)

about: "symlink: some symlinks failed", the forum 4pda.ru I met three such cases, decisions and was not found.

Edited by Morfiy_by
Guest PlaguedByPenguins

I'm trying to install "cm-10.1-20130521-PenguinKANG-v9" on my ZTE V9 Resistive screen but in the end of instalation I got the "symlink: some symlinks failed" error.

is your /system partition >= 196MB in size? fire up a terminal (or use adb shell), type df, and normally /system Size would be 220M.

does the download md5sum match? in particular, does the md5sum of the cm-10.1-*.zip match when you read it back from the sdcard? some transfer methods corrupt the file. again, fire up a terminal, type md5sum /sdcard/cm-10.1*.zip, and check it is correct.

I use the "clockworkmod 4.3.3" to install the cfw, i don't know how to update to "clockwork-". I've tried many differents ways, but no success.

updated CWM touch recovery and cm-10.1 are installed in the same way - they are both zips that you install from the sdcard... maybe you should read some flashing HOWTO guides. BTW, I doubt CWM is your problem. I was using cwm 4.0.* for ages and it worked fine.

Guest Dricovisk

I checked the md5sum and it is correct, but the system partition isn't >=196MB.

Is it possible to increase size?


Guest Morfiy_by
Posted (edited)

Your partition ~ 130 MB is not enough. One technique that I'm familiar with this flash android 2.2 through PC

p.s. It may be off-topic. But I asked the very question asked here a user wants to use the firmware from SM10.1 PlaguetByPenguin the forum 4pda.ru.

The essence of the problem.On some tablets (they are not much, but ...) with color photos are distorted. This happens on 4.2.2 (CM10.1) at the time, both on earlier versions 2.3.7 (CM7.2) is fine. What can you say about this?


Edited by Morfiy_by
Guest recoroom

touch screen working fine in my ZTE V9 ROM with capacitive screen, make the following:-

1-download cm-10.1-20130521-PenguinKANG-v9.zip

2-download Attached file

3-extract file in step no.2 and copy it and past it in (system/lib) in Zip File And Apply to replace

4-flash the rom and enjoy with touch screen

Sorry for bad English

I have zte v9 with capacitive screen and wishes to try cm 10 on my device. I can't use cm 10.1 since i only have 170+MB available to flash ROM. I tried the above method but using cm 10 instead of cm10.1... I got stuck in CM logo. without the libinfo changes, i am able to complete installation but as expected can't use touchscreen. can you help me out amir or anyone here who has tried to do the same but with success? i must've done something wrong, perhaps the unzipping or unzipping steps? I used 7-zip in windows by the way.

Guest alxgiger

please i need help...i installed this without realising that my zte is a v9c and now touchscreen doesnt work. guess i should've read better....can anyone please help me?

Guest PlaguedByPenguins

color photos are distorted.

you have a camera effect enabled. fire up the camera, press the bottom right circle, go to settings, set 'Color effect' to None.

Guest Morfiy_by
Posted (edited)

PlaguedByPenguins, They say it does not help. This is not only to 4.x, and 2.3.7 but not all. There are some old firmware where the camera is working fine. We believe that this is due to differences in the level of iron.

alxgiger, You do not fit this firmware, it is for a tablet with a resistive screen (zte v9), and you have a capacitive (zte v9c).

Edited by Morfiy_by
Guest HarryPirate

PBP could you please post an updated build of CM10.1? it has reached the stable mark in the repos.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PlaguedByPenguins
Posted (edited)

I've uploaded a new 20130709 build which is pretty much just an update to latest CyanogenMod from upstream.

Privacy Guard and the new Privacy Guard Manager are included and seem fairly stable now, so it's a good time for a release.

please see the first post.


edit: and before anyone asks, this build already includes the "masterkey" security update from cm10.1.1

Edited by PlaguedByPenguins
Guest PlaguedByPenguins

It doesn't workt to me. I had installed it but when i can't select any option in the recovery menu. How can i reinstall a old recovery?. Thanks.

sigh. this should be a FAQ... it is a touch recovery image. you use the home touch button to select. you use the volume up/down to navigate.

Guest PlaguedByPenguins

new 20130715 release. it's a security update to (a bit after) cm10.1.2.

also unfortunately the webserver I was using for roms doesn't seem happy any more.

I'm trying out Mega instead...

I would suggest downloading via desktop Firefox or Chrome browsers rather than directly to v9.

Guest HarryPirate

So far so good PBP! V9 Seems very stable even with overclock.

Guest naifah
So far so good PBP! V9 Seems very stable even with overclock.

i'm agree bro..thx PBP!;)

  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder if a new release with the 4.3 is going to follow. :)

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