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XMOD: MoDaCo Toolkit for Xposed Framework

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Guest PaulOBrien

Version 21 is now available!


  • Bug fix (duplicate item in settings)
  • Added superuser to manifest permissions
  • Minor wording changes
  • Added Adobe Flash Player download link
  • Added changelog link
  • New module: System UI: Show battery percentage
  • New module: HTC First: Hide carrier name

Yes, battery percentage! ;)



Guest Marsou77

Hi Paul !

Thank you for your work !

I've one request : Can you make the battery % at the left of battery icon instead of right ?

Guest PaulOBrien
Hi Paul !

Thank you for your work !

I've one request : Can you make the battery % at the left of battery icon instead of right ?

Not planned currently...


Guest Michealtbh
Posted (edited)

Just discovered Xposed and I absolutely love it. Love the Modaco toolkit too, thanks Paul! I have a couple of suggestions:

-Double tap to select in app switcher for pre 4.2 devices

-Volume button cursor control in text fields

-Long press volume buttons for track change when screen off

A couple of those are available through other modules but I would love to have them all incorporated into one.

Also, can someone tell me where I enter the pro key? I can't find anything in the app and I've had a quick search of the thread but couldn't find anything.


Edited by Michealtbh
Guest Marsou77

Not planned currently...


Oh.. It looks strange right now.

But no problem, you are the master ! ;)

Guest thedicemaster

would it be possible to forcefully disable the so called "extract mode"?

it's a convenient feature for small phones that shows text boxes fullscreen when typing in landscape, but on larger phones and some tablets it's completely unnecessary and gets in the way of useful or important interface elements like captcha images, previous chat/sms messages, and textbox labels telling you what to fill in.

many regular keyboard apps offer an option for this, but pre-installed keyboards and nearly all slide-to-type keyboards don't have it and their developers refuse to respond properly to request to add it as an option.

i don't know if it's possible to do this for all keyboards at once, but it would be nice if an option could be made to disable extract mode for at least the stock keyboard, swype, swiftkey, and htc/samsung keyboards.

Guest thedicemaster

would it be possible to forcefully disable the so called "extract mode"?

it's a convenient feature for small phones that shows text boxes fullscreen when typing in landscape, but on larger phones and some tablets it's completely unnecessary and gets in the way of useful or important interface elements like captcha images, previous chat/sms messages, and textbox labels telling you what to fill in.

many regular keyboard apps offer an option for this, but pre-installed keyboards and nearly all slide-to-type keyboards don't have it and their developers refuse to respond properly to request to add it as an option.

i don't know if it's possible to do this for all keyboards at once, but it would be nice if an option could be made to disable extract mode for at least the stock keyboard, swype, swiftkey, and htc/samsung keyboards.

Guest lanlith
Posted (edited)

How do you mean?


Advanced Power Menu stuff that's been added to the HTC One like reboot into recovery - but on the N4/N7/N10/Moto Xoom and other AOSP Roms/devices :-)

also - with the enable all rotation thing that works awesomely - is it possible to extend that to the stock lock screen - e.g. the N4 - oddly sometimes it does seem to rotate but then snaps back again to a static portrait 0' view.

Edited by lanlith
Guest lanlith

Just discovered Xposed and I absolutely love it. Love the Modaco toolkit too, thanks Paul! I have a couple of suggestions:

-Double tap to select in app switcher for pre 4.2 devices

-Volume button cursor control in text fields

-Long press volume buttons for track change when screen off

A couple of those are available through other modules but I would love to have them all incorporated into one.

Also, can someone tell me where I enter the pro key? I can't find anything in the app and I've had a quick search of the thread but couldn't find anything.


its a separate APK :-)

Guest PaulOBrien

Advanced Power Menu stuff that's been added to the HTC One like reboot into recovery - but on the N4/N7/N10/Moto Xoom and other AOSP Roms/devices :-)

also - with the enable all rotation thing that works awesomely - is it possible to extend that to the stock lock screen - e.g. the N4 - oddly sometimes it does seem to rotate but then snaps back again to a static portrait 0' view.

Both in development. :-)


Guest HoM3r

Version 21 is now available!


  • Bug fix (duplicate item in settings)
  • Added superuser to manifest permissions
  • Minor wording changes
  • Added Adobe Flash Player download link
  • Added changelog link
  • New module: System UI: Show battery percentage
  • New module: HTC First: Hide carrier name

Yes, battery percentage! ;)



My HTC One have carrier name displayed at the top right corner (in status bar) in every Sense based ROM, is it possible to remove it as it is for the HTC First? i don't see it on AOSP roms so i think it's possible to remove it ...
Guest PaulOBrien

My HTC One have carrier name displayed at the top right corner (in status bar) in every Sense based ROM, is it possible to remove it as it is for the HTC First? i don't see it on AOSP roms so i think it's possible to remove it ...

Have you tried using the HTC First option and seeing if it works for you?


Guest HoM3r
Posted (edited)

i tried but it's still here :(


Edited by HoM3r
Guest PaulOBrien

That's a weird status bar, which ROM is that?


Guest HoM3r

Trickdroid but it's the same with all Sense ROM ... I just use a mod to Center Clock

Guest sled

In the Galaxy S4 System Menu option force closes the clock app, can you add an exception for that application?


Guest PaulOBrien

Weird! Can you logcat the crash for me?


Guest tooon

Hi Paul,

Is it possible to allow the others lockscreen security options (no lockscreen, slide to unlock) in addition to Face lock with creditential storage ?

(I don't want a secure lockscreen at home, but the Wifi at work need user certificate added to Android creditential storage)

Thank for this Xposed module.

Guest PaulOBrien

This is already an option in the HTC One section I believe, you can try it on your device.


Guest tooon
Posted (edited)

Sorry, I tried several HTC One options but it didn't work.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough,

I have user certificate in trusted creditential to connect to Wifi network at work. Because of that, some options are disabled in the "choose screen lock" screen :


when I select "Enable VNP with facelock" I can choose face Unlock :


Is it possible to enable Slide and None?

Edited by tooon

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