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[CM10][4.1.2] Unofficial builds (v7)

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Guest bonzi1994

http://pastebin.com/cn5N8Rr0 last one.. if isn't fine.. i don't know how to..screenshot2013060622000.png

And i don't know what is with that round square ( red.. )

i've the same problem

i tried with another camera app and the flash work properly but can capture only 1.3mp picture..

Guest davidevinavil

Explain me well.. I reboot first ? and then adb logcat ? when it's at the boot screen ? cuz i get a message waiting for device.

Yes reboot.. if say wait, well just wait..

And copy all from the top of log

Guest razvankim
Posted (edited)

Yes reboot.. if say wait, well just wait..

And copy all from the top of log

that i just did..on the last logcat http://pastebin.com/cn5N8Rr0

Edited by razvankim
Guest rasvkim

Maybe is a kernel fault or...i dunno... why i have problems sith wi.fi mobile network no sound and bluetooth .( just these i tested )

Guest bonzi1994

another bug: many games are not compatible in play store

Guest davidevinavil

Maybe is a kernel fault or...i dunno... why i have problems sith wi.fi mobile network no sound and bluetooth .( just these i tested )

This is an example of what I need


Guest razvankim

V3 boots for me :)

Boots for me too -1 cpu version but wi-fi doesn't work , bluetooth neither , sound , mobile network.,.

Guest Shreps

Tried! And i get the same things..:|

- Unplug your device

- open cmd

- launch

adb logcat > C:\s500_logcat.txt

- it hang on waiting device

- reboot your phone and plug USB quickly

- let your phone boot properly, unlock it

when it's OK, Ctrl-C in your cmd to stop the logcat

The C:\s500_logcat.txt should have every log from boot, you can pastebin it

Guest gkai

why this cm10 doesn't have extended desktop feature?


It's from 10.1, no? Anyway, i also saw this mode, it"s something I wanted since owning the cloudmobile :) Can be emulated with only root (and a kernel allwing for RW the sytem partition) though, just install pie control from playstore and edit /system/build.prop, adding the line


Do that after properly configuring pie control only, as it will remove the navbar (i.e. onscreen buttons), so better to have a functional alternative to back/home/menu/tasks in place before doind it. Reboot, and your nav bar is gone. Nice additional screen estate, I feel like I have a larger screen now ;-)

Guest bonzi1994

It's from 10.1, no? Anyway, i also saw this mode, it"s something I wanted since owning the cloudmobile :) Can be emulated with only root (and a kernel allwing for RW the sytem partition) though, just install pie control from playstore and edit /system/build.prop, adding the line


Do that after properly configuring pie control only, as it will remove the navbar (i.e. onscreen buttons), so better to have a functional alternative to back/home/menu/tasks in place before doind it. Reboot, and your nav bar is gone. Nice additional screen estate, I feel like I have a larger screen now ;-)

i think it's a cm10 feature.. i don't like pie control.. i would use extended desktop only on games, then disable it, without reboot..

Guest razvankim

Let's just focus on bugs and tell to devs what's not working and they can fix it. After that, when we'll have a bugfree cm10, we can ask for features..

Guest razvankim

Current bugs that i've found:

- Screen flicker

- Not so smooth as stock

- Incompabilty error in Google Play

- RED square when unlocking and entering other apps ( like Apollo for example )

That's all. Hope you'll fix it.

Good JOB and THANKS for bringing CM10 to ACM!

Guest razvankim

Very frequently... i got screen flickers.

Guest bonzi1994

I think is -1 cpu problem, because i on -3 i don t have this problem..

Guest razvankim

I think is -1 cpu problem, because i on -3 i don t have this problem..

I think is -1 cpu problem, because i on -3 i don t have this problem..

I think it's from the kernel..dunno ...waiting for devs to fix it and release bugfree version:D

Guest bbbb122
Posted (edited)

i dont have or i dont see screen flickers in my device with -3 cpu but i see very often the red square around the screen appearing for 1-2 seconds.Also i have deep sleep issue.The only issue that annoys me.I hope that our devs will manage to fix it

Edited by bbbb122
Guest razvankim

It's not a screen flicker..it's like i have always ECO mode on.

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