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[CM10][4.1.2] Unofficial builds (v7)

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Guest razvankim

Vache about this :

ro.build.type user change them to that

What i should change?

Guest BannedHost

I edited the build like that with ro.build.type user change them to that exactly word after word

and the red corners doesn`t shows up anymore .. :D

Guest razvankim

ro.build.type: user that's what i did. and i think it worked xD

Guest razvankim

That fix that you gave me vache ..didn't work.

Guest memento mori

You forgot about the most important thing : Deep Sleep xD

I did not forgot about it:


My phone rebooted 20 min ago when i tryed to take a picture but you can see it whent in to deep sleep...atleast that is what BetterBatteryStats says...

Guest Spacecaker

in build.prop



change whatever is after the = to


so it will look like


now do the same with


change whatever is after the = to



Guest bbbb122

After changing the lines in build.prop the red lines dissapeared.For deep sleep issue.Close gps,cm stats make reboot and it will work.If sometime we open gps and then close it,deep sleep issue appear again.After using gps,close it and make reboot and no deep sleep issue.Thank you for your great work

Guest bonzi1994

i've found the problem of the non compatible apps on the play store, the phone with this build doesn't support opengl es 2.0 but only the 1.1

Guest memento mori

I have replaced the Gallery2.apk from system/app with this apk (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2139794) and the video recording works well now and there is a save to external storage option...stil only 5mp and 720p video recording.

Also another bug...my phone restarts a lot (today it restarted 5 times).

On the bright side I got about 30% better battery life :) ...with stock rom the battery lasted about 16h with wifi on and 2h screen on....cm 18h with wifi on and 2:40h screen on :)

Guest Exoon

My phone restarts a lot too, sometime when opening the camera app but sometimes also randomly like when I'm texting

Guest memento mori

usb-otg does not work. I have tried with mouse, keyboard, sticks...I don't know if it's because the phone does not support it or if it's the kernel.

Guest davidevinavil
Posted (edited)

new build avaiable


camera 7.7 mpixel

video camera 1080p

eco mode forced off at boot

better auto backlight values

torch avaiable now into notification toggle

Thank to Mememto Mori for camera tip and Spacecaker for red square

download link


Edited by davidevinavil
Guest memento mori

B) nice. Will try it out tonight when I get home. Thank You!

Guest Shreps

new build avaiable


camera 7.7 mpixel

video camera 1080p

eco mode forced off at boot

better auto backlight values

torch avaiable now into notification toggle

Thank to Mememto Mori for camera tip and Spacecaker for red square

download link


A mirror is now available on acer.shreps.fr :)

Guest razvankim

It's smoother than v3 ? fixed baseband for ORGROD -1 cpu ?

Guest davidevinavil

It's smoother than v3 ? fixed baseband for ORGROD -1 cpu ?

Baseband should be fixed

Guest davidevinavil

Please give me info about crash and reboot

Guest bonzi1994

Please give me info about crash and reboot

for me reboot two times in one hour

reboot doesn't work (i have to remove battery)

the front camera is limited to vga resolution

and the rom still doesn't support opengl es 2.0

Guest davidevinavil

for me reboot two times in one hour

reboot doesn't work (i have to remove battery)

the front camera is limited to vga resolution

and the rom still doesn't support opengl es 2.0

Me too reboot, but please tell me what are you doing when reboot

Guest davidevinavil

Damn, seems that when connected to PC and logging logcat, don't want to crash...

Guest bonzi1994

Me too reboot, but please tell me what are you doing when reboot

when i'm on launcher and when i send a message

Guest davidevinavil
Posted (edited)

I need logcat when phone crash.. If you can connect phone at PC, adb logcat and wait phone crash

Even phone crash, in PC terminal or cmd will be something interesting at the end..

More log will be appreciated

Edited by davidevinavil
Guest xiuyan

I need logcat when phone crash.. If you can connect phone at PC, adb logcat and wait phone crash

Even phone crash, in PC terminal or cmd will be something interesting at the end..

More log will be appreciated

for me the phone stop rebooting when its plugged :) when its unplugged its crashing randomly.

Guest davidevinavil

for me the phone stop rebooting when its plugged :) when its unplugged its crashing randomly.

For me too.. and this is not easy to investigate..

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