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[CM10][4.1.2] Unofficial builds (v7)

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Guest davidevinavil

I'm trying with logcat extreme from playstore. It has te option to record logcat.. You will find log into internal sd into LogcatX folder

Guest memento mori
Posted (edited)

I've installed Lgcat extreme but it just stops recording after a few minutes in the background so i enabled floating mode...hope that does't screw things up. Here is the log i got before it restarted: https://www.dropbox....yb/logcat_0.txt



Also the battery life seems to me that is not as good as in v3.

Edited by memento mori
Guest bonzi1994

to resolve every problem of compatibility add this line in build.prop:


Guest xiuyan
Posted (edited)

hello , i got the same bug more then 3-4 times and i thought it was good to share here. So the bug consists of the lockscreen beeing disabled(not by me) it just disables alone and after restart, phone doesnt connect to network. The lockscreen is still disabled. And i have to reflash or restore the rom. Also when the lockscreen disables alone the home button doesnt work , it gives a sound like locking the phone sound, and a screen flicker.

Im mentioning that i changed the pixel density to 265.(dont really like the 320 value)

Edited by xiuyan
Guest davidevinavil

please post proc/last_kmsg when reboot after a crash

Guest BannedHost
Posted (edited)

To use GPS we could copy the lib folder of the original software in CM10 folder files for gps to work?

Edited by BannedHost
Guest vache

To use GPS we could copy the lib folder of the original software in CM10 folder files for gps to work?

Would be great if it could be so easy =)

Guest BannedHost

I tried with no success :D thought it would be easy :))

Guest memento mori

please post proc/last_kmsg when reboot after a crash

The file is empty. 0 bit.

Guest davidevinavil

damn there isn't in cm10.. There's only on stock rom

Guest bonzi1994

sometimes when i send a message the screen freeze and i had to remove battery

Guest davidevinavil
Posted (edited)

Found a way to collect both dmesg and logcat

You have to download this script


push 99log into system/etc/init.d folder and set 755 permission

adb push 99log system/etc/init.d

adb shell chmod 755 system/etc/init.d/99log


Once reboot will create two txt file into internal sdcard named like dmesg_19-06-13_18:40:55.txt and logcat_19-06-13_18:40:55.txt

When phone crash and reboot, keep last logcat and dmesg and past here please..

Using camera, logcat size will increase a lot

Damn dmesg will not be complete..

Using cat proc/kmsg > /sdcard/dmesg_`date +%d`-`date +%m`-`date +%y`_`date +%T`.txt

will obtain a continuos record until crash of dmesg, but then logcat will be not record because script will wait antil stop kmsg recording that append at crash or power off

I don't know how to record both, if someone know how to please post how to

Edited by davidevinavil
Guest iFEAR_

Maybe if you are trying 2 scripts ? One with the logcat and one with the dmesg ?

Guest davidevinavil

Maybe if you are trying 2 scripts ? One with the logcat and one with the dmesg ?

Already did without success.. You can use gscript to record dmesg

Guest davidevinavil

Thanks adding a "&" is ok but dmesg must be substituted whit cat proc/kmsg


cat proc/kmsg > /sdcard/dmesg_`date +%d`-`date +%m`-`date +%y`_`date +%T`.txt &

logcat > /sdcard/logcat_`date +%d`-`date +%m`-`date +%y`_`date +%T`.txt &

Guest davidevinavil
Posted (edited)

Please try with this boot


Push it into internal sdcard and type

adb shell dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot

Edited by davidevinavil
Guest Metsuki
Posted (edited)

I've been having a lot of reboots with this ROM.

Also, voice search doesn't work.

Edited by Metsuki
Guest razvankim

I've been having a lot of reboots with this ROM.

Also, voice search doesn't work.

Try this

Please try with this boot


Push it into internal sdcard and type

adb shell dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot

As davidevinavil said

Guest Metsuki

Try this

Please try with this boot


Push it into internal sdcard and type

adb shell dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot

As davidevinavil said


So far it seems stable, I can now change to noop without having a reboot.

Guest gsmarena1644

I do not think i have changed my bootloader...when i go to kernel version it says its "unavailable" anyway to check to see if ive unlocked bootloader ? also what kernel is everyone on in here? is the boot.img file in the zip the kernel?

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