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[CM10][4.1.2] Unofficial builds (v7)

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Guest davidevinavil

Were those other things in the other kernel you posted too?

There are others change also on rom not only kernel..

Guest iFEAR_

Can we get only the new kernel ? I would like to if you could do that for us.

Guest davidevinavil

Can we get only the new kernel ? I would like to if you could do that for us.

You can take from rom but it's not the best way to help us in testing..

Guest Metsuki
Posted (edited)

Just flashed the new version and something caught my eye. In settings, under advanced, there's a new option called "Eco GPU" I was curious to know if is there a way too see the GPU frequency in real-time

EDIT: It doesn't seem to work, since I get the same results on antutu, nenamark2, etc.

Edited by Metsuki
Guest razvankim

This version seems stable. i've got only one problem. sometimes when i want to turn my screen off it takes about half a second ( delay ) . but isn't that important.

Guest scarba
New build avaiable


New kernel maybe solved random reboots

Playstore fixed

Other things don't remember now ;)

After almost 24 hrs of use, version 7 had no random reboots, sound during calls is better than version 5 (close with stock but not better). The one thing I don't really like is the autobrightness reaction - seems a bit slow for me and the 0.5-1 sec lag when locking phone.

Battery drain as you can see in screenshots

So far this is getting better and better. Thank you for your work.




Guest Metsuki

and the 0.5-1 sec lag when locking phone.

This doesn't happen to me.

Guest scarba

This doesn't happen to me.

The lock sounds has lag, not the screen off. My bad :)

Guest davidevinavil

I'm the only that got a fantastic display freeze after a call?

The solution was pull out battery ;/

Guest iFEAR_

Today I flashed the v7 rom, and I got some random reboots, like 4 in 2 hrs.

Guest scarba

Today I flashed the v7 rom, and I got some random reboots, like 4 in 2 hrs.

I suggest you do same like I did:

flash original JB release, root it, flash permanent CWM, flash DND kernel. Then full wipe from CWM and reinstall version 7

Guest razvankim

I have a little delay when locking screen..but it's not the lock sound..;) nor andom reboots in this version and no freezes.


There is no CM 10.1 with 4.2.2 ? :)

no, not yet ;)

Guest sorinake13

EN : Hello, i want to install this rom on my S500 but i can't figure out how to unlock my bootloader and how to install CWM ( i have -1 processor from Orange Romania )...my device is rooted...but i want to try cm 10 on it :D...someone can please explain simple steps to me ?

RO : Salut, vreau sa instalez acest rom pe S500 dar nu-mi dau seama cum sa deblochez bootloader-ul si cum sa instalez CWM ( am procesor -1 de la Orange Romania )...telefonul este rootat...dar vreau sa incerc cm10 pe el :D...poate cineva sa-mi explice in pasi simpli cum as putea reusi ?

Guest razvankim

EN: Bootloader unlocker tutorial for -1 ORGROD CPU

RO: Bootloader unlocker tutorial pentru -1 CPU TYPE ORGROD

*NOTA: Pt a intra in modul fastboot folositi comanda adb reboot bootloader

De ce aveti nevoie:

- atentie

- rabdare

- calm

- USB Driver

1.Am atasat arhiva unlock_bootloader.zip. Downloadati arhiva. Dezarhivati.

2.Deschidem cmd.exe cu permisiuni de administrator ( Click dreapta -> Run as administrator)

3.Punem telefonul in modul fastboot

4.Dupa ce am pus telefonul in modul fastboot , in CMD(cmd.exe din arhiva) scriem asa :

fastboot -i 0x0502 boot test-only.img


4.Ne uitam pe ecranul telefonului si ar trebuii sa apara ceva de genul:

printf (ceva de genul)


Unlocked: 0

Tampered: 0

Your phone is locked ( sau ceva de genul)

5. Scoate-ti bateria-> Intrati in modul fastboot din nou-> conectati cablul usb la PC si la telefon

6.Acum vom debloca bootloaderul. Deschideti cmd.exe ( din arhiva ) si scrieti asa:

fastboot -i 0x0502 boot unlock-cloudmobile.img


7.O sa apara ceva de genul pe telefon:


Tampered:1 ( sau 0 )

Your device is unlocked.

8. Dupa asta , scoate-ti bateria si intrati din nou in fastboot. Repetati pasul 4 din nou si ar trebui sa vedeti un mesaj pe telefon de genul asta:


Tampered:1 ( sau 0 )

Your device is already unlocked.

9. Daca ati urmat toti pasii bootloaderul vostru a fost deblocat.




Guest razvankim
Posted (edited)

I'm the only that got a fantastic display freeze after a call?

The solution was pull out battery ;/

had this freeze today.. :(

EDIT: everytime I want to call it freezes:|


Edited by razvankim
Guest scarba

had this freeze today.. :(

EDIT: everytime I want to call it freezes:|


I don't have any freezes no matter what I do... I even drained my battery in 2.5hrs today and not a single problem with version 7 build. So far is best since I've started to test CM on my phone

Guest razvankim

I don't have any freezes no matter what I do... I even drained my battery in 2.5hrs today and not a single problem with version 7 build. So far is best since I've started to test CM on my phone

Yes..mine worked well too but after a week of usage..freezes had come.

Guest scarba

Yes..mine worked well too but after a week of usage..freezes had come.

A week?! O.o cm10 version 7 is only 2 days old lol

Guest sorinake13

I managed to install cm10 on my phone but when i boot process.gapps gives error...what to do ? i've wiped data before and after flash...but no succes. Any ideas ?

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