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Beta 13: MoDaCo.SWITCH HTC One support topic

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Guest theKingCat

I have had my HTC One for a few weeks now, and am just wanting to give a few things a go.


I don't want to appear to be a huge n00b, but I do have a few questions that I was unable to find answers to.  I have experience of  flashing ROMs etc on previous android phones, Galaxy S3, and Nexus 4.


As far as I understand the process...

Unlock bootloader

S-Off, if desired.

Flash TWRP

Flash Switch

Flash S-On Patch if not s-off already.



My questions are regarding the compatibility, LTE and updates.

1. My phone is a carrier locked HTC One purchased in the UK on the Three UK network, is Switch compatible with that?

2. Although my network are yet to launch their LTE services they are due later this year, one of the reasons I switched to the HTC One from the Nexus 4, my network will run LTE services on the 800 and 1800 mhz spectrum, If I use switch, will the LTE still work once the network turn it on?

3. When updates to switch are released do they just update OTA/via flashing without a wipe or will a wipe be required each time? I presume installing a OTA update from HTC or the GPe would wipe switch?

4. Will installing switch effectively break the "carrier" tie in of the OS? I know it won't unlock the sim, but will it remove the network branding from the OS etc. (Apologies for this question but this the the first non-iPhone that I have had from my network, all other Android phones were bought outright and factory unlocked).


Apologies for the general n00biness of the questions, I just want to be sure before I flash anything.

Thanks in advance.



Guest inthenite42

I have had my HTC One for a few weeks now, and am just wanting to give a few things a go.


I don't want to appear to be a huge n00b, but I do have a few questions that I was unable to find answers to.  I have experience of  flashing ROMs etc on previous android phones, Galaxy S3, and Nexus 4.


As far as I understand the process...

Unlock bootloader

S-Off, if desired.

Flash TWRP

Flash Switch

Flash S-On Patch if not s-off already.



My questions are regarding the compatibility, LTE and updates.

1. My phone is a carrier locked HTC One purchased in the UK on the Three UK network, is Switch compatible with that?

2. Although my network are yet to launch their LTE services they are due later this year, one of the reasons I switched to the HTC One from the Nexus 4, my network will run LTE services on the 800 and 1800 mhz spectrum, If I use switch, will the LTE still work once the network turn it on?

3. When updates to switch are released do they just update OTA/via flashing without a wipe or will a wipe be required each time? I presume installing a OTA update from HTC or the GPe would wipe switch?

4. Will installing switch effectively break the "carrier" tie in of the OS? I know it won't unlock the sim, but will it remove the network branding from the OS etc. (Apologies for this question but this the the first non-iPhone that I have had from my network, all other Android phones were bought outright and factory unlocked).


Apologies for the general n00biness of the questions, I just want to be sure before I flash anything.

Thanks in advance.



Don't know 1 or 4. 

2. It should work. No reason why it wouldn't. It's tied into the chip used not the software I believe. Not 100%, but about 85% sure.

3. Wipes are sometimes required. Sometimes they aren't. However, Paul is making it so that you rarely have to wipe now (if ever). And I flashed the 4.3 GPE update (the super minor 15 Mb additional one) over mine and the first time it bootlooped it, second time it worked fine. So be sure to back up. :)

Guest Paschymat

hi all,i'm a bit noob :3 can u answer to my questions please?

1) Do i need to unlock/root/S-off  my htc One for this ROM??
2) if i install this ROM,will i be able to receive any updates via OTA for sense partition and the other one like now?
3) how can i do a complete backup for restoring my datas after the installation of this ROM?

Thanks :)

Guest Lennyuk

hi all,i'm a bit noob :3 can u answer to my questions please?

1) Do i need to unlock/root/S-off  my htc One for this ROM??

2) if i install this ROM,will i be able to receive any updates via OTA for sense partition and the other one like now?

3) how can i do a complete backup for restoring my datas after the installation of this ROM?

Thanks :)

1) you just need a custom recovery image installed - TWRP is recommended, to do this you need to be unlocked (bootloader unlocked, not sim unlocked)


2) OTA's will not work, you get notifications but the installation will fail.


3) there are many backup options such as Helium or Titanium Backup - look in the play store for those two apps.

Guest Paschymat
Posted (edited)

1) you just need a custom recovery image installed - TWRP is recommended, to do this you need to be unlocked (bootloader unlocked, not sim unlocked)


2) OTA's will not work, you get notifications but the installation will fail.


3) there are many backup options such as Helium or Titanium Backup - look in the play store for those two apps.


so: 1)unlock bootloader 2) install TWRP 3) Backup 4)install the ROM?? S-OFF is not required as the ROOT,only bootloader?


and for  updates how can i do? 

Edited by Paschymat
Guest adgrox777

i have few questions.


1. can i install switch on a custom sense rom ( i am currently using trickdroid 11 android v4.3 ). 


2. would i get ota updates after i install switch on both Gpe rom and sense rom . Or can you support offitial rom OTA updates. 


3. when is the beta gonna go :p 


4. when will you support other non - sense rom for a switch .


5 . is my data gonna be wipe out every time i do an update or i can do a dirty install .



would appertiate to be helped.


sorry for my noobish knowlege and bad grammer .





Guest adgrox777

i have few questions.


1. can i install switch on a custom sense rom ( i am currently using trickdroid 11 android v4.3 ). 


2. would i get ota updates after i install switch on both Gpe rom and sense rom . Or can you support offitial rom OTA updates. 


3. when is the beta gonna go :p 


4. when will you support other non - sense rom for a switch .


5 . is my data gonna be wipe out every time i do an update or i can do a dirty install .



would appertiate to be helped.


sorry for my noobish knowlege and bad grammer .





Guest kensington133

Unfortunately my HTC one has developed multiple lines of dead pixels so I have to return it :/

I need to make it look like it hasn't been tampered with after putting SWITCH on my phone

I was thinking of restoring it to a back up I have pre SWITCH then doing a factory reset?



Guest break_5000

When I boot the first time back to Sense it causes into a sort of a bootlop.

that happens by me at beta 13.

Guest dread123

Woo, got SkyGo working on the GPE again :)

Had to bodge both build.props again, but I noticed you had few extras added in (I was originally on B8, now on B12)

I can upload the two props (from HTC 4.3 and B12) if anyone wants to have SkyGo working in GPE, as having the MoDaCo bit in the ro.product.model line stopped apps from working, such as Nationwide building society app.

intredsted to getting sky go working..can you help ? do i need to unroot again?

Guest y2jdmbfan
Posted (edited)

Any word on Beta 14? There are still bugs that I am seeing on my end. Weather automatic syncing not being enabled when going to GPe and bag to sense, getting random HTC Backup errors in GPe.  I appreciate your efforts Paul.  

Edited by y2jdmbfan
Guest FrankNL

So is development on this dead?

Why people feel the need to be rude is something I'll never understand. Whether it is on social media, forum or anywhere else, it's disrespectful. If you don't think this project is for you, pick another one and move on. Feel the need to voice your opinion on a project? Go ahead, but why be blunt and tell the world you're heading in another direction? I don't see how this contributes to this project and worse, it makes me respond in an off topic way so now I'm gonna have to excuse myself as well!
Guest y2jdmbfan

Why people feel the need to be rude is something I'll never understand. Whether it is on social media, forum or anywhere else, it's disrespectful. If you don't think this project is for you, pick another one and move on. Feel the need to voice your opinion on a project? Go ahead, but why be blunt and tell the world you're heading in another direction? I don't see how this contributes to this project and worse, it makes me respond in an off topic way so now I'm gonna have to excuse myself as well!


I wasn't trying to be rude, I totally understand if Paul can't devote 100% of his time to the project, his last update was over 3 weeks ago, it would just be nice to know if something is coming. I apologize if that post offended anyone in any way.



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest inthenite42

Hey Paul,


Any idea on when we can expect another update? I know you're super busy between this, the Galaxy S4 SWITCH, and the fact you have a job, but just curious. 



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mrlatinos

Hey, how do I go back to just Sense after installing switch? I don't use GPe anymore and I'd really like to get the OTAs when they come out. Thanks!

Guest di marco

Buongiorno signor Paul. Apprezzo molto il lavoro che ha svolto fin ora. Io ho un HTC One m7..ha novità sulla aggiornamento ad android 4.3 + dense 5.5(beta 14)?

Guest di marco

Good morning, Mr. Paul. I really appreciate the work he has done so far. I have a HTC One m7 .. has news about the update to Android 4.3 + Sense 5.5 (beta 14)?or not will update more?

Guest inthenite42

Well it seems development on this has been lost. Real shame as it had immense potential. Thanks for the ride, but I'm done with the One and moved on to the Nexus 5. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sebianoti
Posted (edited)

Well it seems development on this has been lost. Real shame as it had immense potential. Thanks for the ride, but I'm done with the One and moved on to the Nexus 5. :)


Really seems like it, however Paul replied to me on Twitter like 2 times saying he isn't done with this and he will update it to 4.4 and sense 5.5, as to why he hasn't said anything in this thread, well I've no clue, if I don't see an update before 2014 I'm going to convert to a GPe edition anyway.

Edited by Sebianoti
  • 4 weeks later...



I need to send my HTC one for repair. I want to put my phone back to the original state, (warranty issues) please can someone guide me on how to go about this.  


My Device: HTC One Tmobile UK

I am on 4.2.2 with MoDaCo.SWITCH Beta 13. (S On)


Many Thanks in Advance...

Guest inthenite42



I need to send my HTC one for repair. I want to put my phone back to the original state, (warranty issues) please can someone guide me on how to go about this.  


My Device: HTC One Tmobile UK

I am on 4.2.2 with MoDaCo.SWITCH Beta 13. (S On)


Many Thanks in Advance...

Look up HTC One T-Mobile stock ROM. There's one by HTC Guru for the UK :) Just flash it :)


Thanks inthenite42 for your post


There are too many download links for the ruu and I am struggling to understand which is the correct one for me.


Can you help with the direct link.



Guest gsamus1002

I am willing to pay to get this on the verizon htc one the one thing I really need 

Guest PaulOBrien

First up an apology. Not just that releases haven't been as frequent and forthcoming as we all would like (although that's certainly the case), but also, most importantly, that I haven't communicated any progress / changes on the project as I should have.

When I first conceived Switch, the idea was that it would be ROM independent, allowing creators of any ROM to let their creation co-exist with the stock ROM on the device without requiring concurrent data stores. A difficult goal, one which I wasn't even sure was possible to start with. As the One and S4 ROMs with Switch became available in their initial forms, it became clear that this was going to be achievable - although it would have to be done in quite a specific way such that ROM developers didn't have to make huge Smali edits to their ROMs (as these edits frequently vary between devices / types / OS).

With that in mind, since the initial release of Switch I have been porting all of the changes to use Xposed instead of being code edits. I have also been updating all the scripts, ensuring that the user can't accidentally 'turn off' Switch in Xposed and also preparing for the new ROM updates (e.g. KitKat).

The Switch project certainly isn't dead - the reality is that I try and take on too much and don't focus on things well enough, which means projects like this end up slipping, not least over the last 6 months because I have been seriously overloaded with 'work stuff'. It's a personal flaw that i'm acutely aware of and *trying* to improve.

Since the release of 4.4 KitKat, I have been working away on ensuring all the changes work with that OS too and updating where necessary. Largely it all works the same way - there are nuances around things like the application databases etc., but that was always the case, so that's expected. The biggest problem for S4 at the moment is that there isn't really a stable GPe ROM to base Switch on. There is a reboot issue that persists at the moment in all the GPe ROMs, I plan to reach out to faux123, the awesome kernel developer, to see if I can assist in debugging what's causing it. In addition, 4.4.2 is likely to drop soon, so we'll see what that brings to the S4. Of course, for the One this doesn't apply as we have identical hardware, so that's a bonus!

Once again, I apologise for the lack of communication (and progress), but promise here to make a concerted effort to keep all of you 'in the loop' and to deliver my ultimate vision for Switch - a truly generic, effective, multi-ROM / single-data solution.

If you have ANY questions at all, feel free to contact me on MoDaCo via PM and i'll answer straight away.




If you have ANY questions at all, feel free to contact me on MoDaCo via PM and i'll answer straight away.



I'm just happy you're back working on this. Hope the KK version is coming soon :)

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