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[ROM] [CUSTOM] PirateDroidV2 (P736E and P736V) **INT2EXTV2+ RUNNING -> 1GB INTERNAL MEMORY**

Guest Typhus_

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Guest Typhus_



PirateDroid version 1.3 is now available.  emo_im_cool.png





- Visual modifications on framework-res.apk and Settings.apk (Globally, the phone, has been "JellyBean'ed")

- Visual modifications on SystemUI.apk (The statusbar has an even more ICS look)

- Background changed on phone and contacts

- NemusLauncher has been replaced by HoloLauncher (if you use this ROM and already installed HoloLauncher, I think it's better for you to remove it before applying the update, since this update only removes Nemus)

- Several icon changes

- Included a tweak on build.prop to fix the "black screen after call issue"

- Fixed a sting on the PT translation for the word "Back" on camera

- F-Droid has been included as a system app (this app allows you to download and update really cool apps that are not available on Play Store, eg.: AdAway; Terminal Emulator, etc.)



Extras included on the update (they will be stored directly on your SD card on a folder named "PirateExtras" an they can be deleted if you don't want to use them): 


- Chainfire3D app, plugins and shaders (With this, probably you will be able to play more games on your Crescent...just check out THIS and THIS over XDA)

- GoogleHome Launcher (This is an incredible smooth and fast launcher, probably the best launcher I've tried, so far, on the Crescent. It is a modded version of a Chinese launcher named "CoCoExLauncher" by a XDA member who made it look more like KitKat. Check it's work HERE. Anyway, I've translated it to PT and removed the icon replacement because I prefer the ones I've included on the update. Unfortunately I couldn't install this launcher as a system app, therefore I could not, nor will you be (unless you're a genius and you show me how to do it without getting the launcher to FC) to replace the default system Launcher by this one.)


- Google Hangouts with SMS support and video chat (It's a KitKat Hangouts version adapted to Gingerbread that I've found HEREYou cannot update Hangouts, after installing this apk, or you'll lose the SMS features)


- Root Explorer (this app is needed, if you do not have it already, and wish to install Hangouts)


- CM7 MMS (the name says it all...but it has been modded because of the icon replacement)


- CM7 MMS with "chat bubbles". This one works but as soon as you try to go to it's settings, it will FC. Don't know why. If you try to use this app, please backup your MMS.apk first in case you need to come back to it.



Ok, this is it, for now.



What's still left to do:


- Figure out how to change the text color to white on some dark backgrounds (and vice-versa...specially on SIM PIN unlock code screen)

- Revamp the statusbar to make it look like the JellyBean 4.2.2 statusbar

- Try to better the phone's performance (although GoogleHome Launcher gives it a significant boost, even though it consumes more RAM and it's quite "big")

- Figure out the best way to redistribute the internal memory occupation

- Correct the "activity_title_bar" (it's a title bar with the look of the activity_title_bar on JellyBean) bugs throughout some apps



(They are all in Portuguese...sorry for that...)


New framework


2zs4m7s.jpg 106n5v4.jpg

jtumo4.jpg 24fwyg1.jpg

2rcsz0z.jpg jj01lu.jpg



Holo Launcher

11ghrfc.jpg 20upxr9.jpg


2zp1u0i.jpg 2v9uq9v.jpg



 20u1mo6.jpg zlxjyd.jpg


Settings (before and after)

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21awrr8.jpg 2ewmg7n.jpg  



2r6jh93.jpg 2cghl37.jpg

vrviox.jpg eqw84l.jpg   


AdAway (How to replace the older version after updating it through F-Droid -> requires Link2SD)


5000pj.jpg 21myglw.jpg




On the next post I'll include the Extras images.








There is a chance that, with this update, you'll lose all your call records, messages and contacts. I recommend you to back them up first if you don't want to lose them.



If you recovery does not install this update directly, use recovery that I've released HERE or, after the reboot, access to your current recovery and flash the zip manually.


Since this update his quite large, after you successfully apply it, you may delete it from your SD card.

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Guest Typhus_

Install Root Explorer


14ybg39.jpg kaikcj.jpg

2h4zthh.jpg 2ilhow4.jpg

j0ejwl.jpg wcolyp.jpg

mv6zhh.jpg 1538i88.jpg



Install Hangouts (use Root Explorer)


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2w5lruq.jpg oks974.jpg

2hn1fr5.jpg 2nw04td.jpg

6y0315.jpg 2ekks5k.jpg

348sz5z.jpg syqwbq.jpg

4l664z.jpg o58g10.jpg

j97wjk.jpg 30myf7r.jpg

14kcmqu.jpg jshpx3.jpg

2csf911.jpg izot1e.jpg



315lu68.jpg 5o80ht.jpg

4qsfid.jpg 20ab7kn.jpg

2d91cwk.jpg 2mfynhj.jpg



GoogleHome Launcher


2vao1g5.jpg 10oi1qf.jpg

do9v6t.jpg 15p0u9f.jpg

301hnr6.jpg 3341yte.jpg

5e7u6v.jpg 2ugz9e1.jpg

33b22kp.jpg 11lrdwi.jpg

6dvodw.jpg dg048k.jpg

juhco8.jpg 2mcdm9s.jpg

514u88.jpg 2q9jrco.jpg

6ihdeu.jpg 8yid52.jpg

2q9bgat.jpg 35i1zjc.jpg



Other SMS/MMS apps




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Guest Pedro_Brito

Boas , antes de mais muito obrigada pela tua rom , estou a utilizar no meu optimus barcelona e é bastante útil , no entanto gostaria que me dissesses algumas dicas de como ficar com algum espaço disponivel na memória do telemovel visto que depois que instalei a rom , ele está-me sempre a mostrar uma mensagem que tenho pouco espaço disponivel e ficou um bocado lento o dispositivo , além disso tenho o cartão de memória quase vazio



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Guest Typhus_



Pedro, on this forum please "talk" in English so that others may understand what we're saying.


I have a "replica" of this thread at AndroidPT, a Portuguese forum.


Please go there by clicking HERE.


We can talk about this, in our native language, there. Besides, there's a new version comin' up that will solve that issue, once and for all.



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Guest Typhus_

PirateDroid V2.0




ibezv8.jpg 2dr8gfn.jpg

303i9l0.jpg 2wnwu8z.jpg






- INT2EXTV2+ script initialized on boot (your phone's internal memory will be almost 1GB)

- Some of the text color bugs were corrected (other still remain...but I'm working on it)

- New SetupWizard

- Modded services.jar in order to disable signature checks for system apps

- Youtube, flashlight and Hangouts removed from system apps

- Filer replaced by ESFileExplorer

- GroupRingtones added as a System app

- Busybox updated to version 1.22.1-Stericson


New extra:


Noozy player has been included as another "PirateExtra" -> This is an EXCELENT app for music lovers. It has a "Noozxoide Psychoacoustic Processor" that gives an incredible warm bass boost. It almost seems like we have a sub-woofer on our ears. This feature, working along with the "MEGA-BASS" mod, previously included on PirateDroid, is simply fantastic. Try it out for yourselves, you'll see (or better yet... hear) what I'm talking about.


As for everything else, it's the same as I've released on V1.3 (check it for more info and screens).


Download link and instructions are on the OP (which has been "revamped").



Hope you enjoy this.


Cya soon!

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Guest ninatik13

Anyone with p736v using this? :)



I use it since the release and it's perfect.

With all the other ROMs i had troubles with int2ext, my sdcard unmounted sometimes. But not anymore :)

The only thing I would like to do is to custom the boot animation but yours isn't in system/media so I don't know how to.

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Guest Typhus_

If you want a custom bootanimation, all you have to do is to put a bootanimation.zip in /system/media.


The one present on PirateDroid is a modded version of the original Android logo present in framework-res.apk.


Glad to see people using this, specially P736V users (you may thank dodgetimmy for that).


Cya soon!

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Guest ninatik13

If you want a custom bootanimation, all you have to do is to put a bootanimation.zip in /system/media.


Indeed it worked.


Thank both of you !! :D For the ROM and the P736V version.

The only issues I met is ES Explorer which writes my system is not rooted, but it's OK with Root Explorer.

And sometimes background and text have the same color but you know it.


If I can help in any way, just please ask.

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Guest dodgetimmy

Good to hear it's working. The only problem I have with this rom is an odd one, my p736 switches itself on after I power off lol.

I was interested to see if others have the same problem!:)

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Guest ninatik13

my p736 switches itself on after I power off

I have the same issue all the time I power off or after the phone shutted down itself when the battery is empty.

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Guest Typhus_

Don't know why that happens. Never happened to me but I have a P736E...so...


Anyway, try to remove all init.d scripts, except INT2EXT of course, just to check if it has got something to do with them. You could, as well, remove all tweaks on build.prop, just to test that as well.


If the bug persists, maybe it's lib related. I suggest you take all lib files from latest AndroIum (or stock ROM) and overwirte the ones on PDV2.


Not really sure about what could be causing this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Typhus_

PirateDroid V2.1





- Fullscreen expanded Statusbar and transparent Notification area

- Lockscreen transparency matches the notification transparency (which simulates a fullscreen lockscreen)

- Text color bugs fixed on Gmail

- Modded recent applications panel

- The Settings icon no longer appears almost everywhere

- Several apps have been themed with a custom title bar that includes it's icon and name

- Revamped Settings with new order, switch buttons on Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and new Battery shortcut

- Battery history stats as well as storage and RAM stats have been colored



There's no need to clear cache nor data.





2iatrgz.jpg 2z5q337.jpg 2dkd65t.jpg


2llbmsy.jpg 23upj83.jpg

346nckm.jpg 2urticy.jpg


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alszmx.jpg i27m8z.jpg


9k6n92.jpg ke6ag2.jpg


vf1nn.jpg 9uaqki.jpg


hrzp7n.jpg 28a28zt.jpg


o8w7ec.jpg zy9cmx.jpg


2guxogg.jpg 29v9xj.jpg


juvod3.jpg 2miw4k.jpg


30js3vb.jpg 2ez19x3.jpg








NOTE: It's possible that you'll lose your SMS and MMS messages after applying this update. Please preform a backup first in case you don't want to lose anything that may be important.

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Guest nemacx

Excellent ROM! Trying it out right now, I'm satisfied a lot! P736E here.


Couple of questions, what CPU settings to use and DL for v2.1?


EDIT1: Never mind the question about update, updated through OTA.

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Guest Typhus_

I don't recommend any special CPU settings...although I always use ondemand governor and noop scheduler.


Glad you liked it.



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Guest nemacx

Like it? I love it :-D . Works like a charm, though I have to ask, is the default launcher usually this slow?

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Guest Typhus_

Holo launcher lags a bit, yeah.


BUT, if you notice your SD Card, you'll see a folder named "PirateExtras", inside, you'll have a "GHLauncher" folder. Install that launcher and make it the default one (by pressing the "Home" key, and choosing that launcher as default). You won't regret it, trust me. Although it's quite basic, it's, by far, the fastest launcher I've already tested on this phone.


Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it the default one present on the ROM (every test I've made resulted in FC at boot), so I've decided to include Holo Launcher, just for the ROM to boot up, and have this one as an extra.



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Guest pinky0978

Just flashed rom, all seems good except i'm getting download failed on ota update, wifi is working fine (e.g. can access play store, etc) but ota just won't work! Any ideas or can anyone upload a flashable zip? Thanks in advance :-)

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Guest pinky0978

Thanks Typhus! Had to toggle signature verification off to install, but it's wiped all my apps, along with play store, maps and navigation. Help!!!


Edit: ES file explorer gone too. Was going to install quick system info or terminal to check ext3 for apps but can't install Aptoide from sd card!

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Guest pinky0978

Just a thought, could it be the older version of cwm i'm using (4.x)?


EDIT: Never mind, another reboot fixed it all!!! Great rom so far :) :)

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Guest dodgetimmy

Sounds like you don't have enough space on your system partition. Download and install an app like Disk Info and see how much space total you have on System. I suspect you may have only 200mb when this rom requires 220mb.

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Guest dodgetimmy

You'll have to check with typhus but last time I checked this Rom needed 220mb on system. That would explain missing apps. Android or cwm recovery doesn't really deal well with any missing space, it doesn't warn you or anything. Instead you end up with missing apps, or down the line things not working.

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