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[MOD]JB 4.2.2 Statusbar+More [JB4.1.2 Stock][UPDATE 28-11-13][V4]

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Guest Tomvl117
Posted (edited)

I get an "operation failed" when I want to paste the SystemUI.apk in the /system folder. I entered the commands in the terminal, I was able to change Acer.Shell.Mode to Disabled and to rename the original two files, but now there's only that "systemui.apk[?]" thing, where the others were also talking about.


Acer S500 using the stock Acer firmware, unlocked bootloader, rooted.


EDIT: Never mind, fixed it. I downloaded the apk to my pc, deleted the "-" after "SystemUI.apk-" and pushed it on my phone, which then, after some restarting, pasted it in the system/app folder :) Looking gooodddd :D

Edited by Tomvl117
Guest execpwd

What is the worse that could happen? What can happen if I disable acer.shell? Considering the fact that we are in the middle of the week, I wouldn't want to flash again the ROM...

Guest Tomvl117

You'll get stock android, after you reboot you'll see the stock android unlock screen and the interface is also a bit different.

Guest execpwd

Do i also have to mount system from terminal emulator before doing that?

Guest Tomvl117

Do i also have to mount system from terminal emulator before doing that?

I did that and it worked, so yeah I guess so.

Guest razvankim

Hey Space! Have you manated to make 4.2.2 statusbar work ?

Guest execpwd

Hey Space! Have you manated to make 4.2.2 statusbar work ?

I will try someday to make it work through twrp , but with disabled acer.shell . We may have a chance to get it to work. I will give an answer when I get it working ( if I get it working :)) )

Guest Spacecaker
Posted (edited)

Hey Space! Have you manated to make 4.2.2 statusbar work ?



I made this mod based on my own resources wich i used for my old phones mods and such also made guide for it and such and had some laziness so made this on our device to 


its just simple mod for now ;)


later i will try to implement Many More 4.2 stuff but dont really have tons of time xD


The Reall 4.2.2 Statusbar from AOSP 4.2 or CM10.1 WONT Work 

Obviously =_= it aint simple copy paste xD



Edited by Spacecaker
Guest Tomvl117

And not even a small update with a few bugfixes (spelling, etc?)

Guest execpwd

So , for those who have enough time and some skill , and I mean those with ORGROD , I suggest you to : First : Disable acer.shell. Second : Delete that weird sign after SystemUI.apk(???) ( from SpaceCaker ). Third : Push it to your /system through TWRP.


If you aren't patient enough you can do it. If you want to wait, this weekend I will try it myself.

Guest Tomvl117

So , for those who have enough time and some skill , and I mean those with ORGROD , I suggest you to : First : Disable acer.shell. Second : Delete that weird sign after SystemUI.apk(???) ( from SpaceCaker ). Third : Push it to your /system through TWRP.


If you aren't patient enough you can do it. If you want to wait, this weekend I will try it myself.

Yeah, make sure you download it on your PC, because Android somehow doesn't recognize ".apk-" and just displays it as (a corrupted) ".apk". If you rename it and then view it through some kind of explorer, you want to see the red Jelly Bean icon and not a blank page (that means it's corrupted).

Guest execpwd
Posted (edited)

Yeah, make sure you download it on your PC, because Android somehow doesn't recognize ".apk-" and just displays it as (a corrupted) ".apk". If you rename it and then view it through some kind of explorer, you want to see the red Jelly Bean icon and not a blank page (that means it's corrupted).

I agree with Tom. After you rename it, it will receive the stock 'red jelly bean UI' icon. When that happens, you are ready to go. DON'T FORGET TO ADD '.BAK' AT THE STOCK 'SYSTEMUI.APK' and 'SYSTEMUI.OBEX' END. Paste it into /system ( preferably with TWRP ), if you didn't do it with TWRP, then don't forget about the lines in terminal emulator :


mount -o remount,rw / system


and continue by pasting it into /system.


Enjoy... (or cry). xD


It may work, it may not work. It's experimental, until a solution is found.


Also, I think disabling acer.shell increases the chances to get it to work.

Edited by execpwd
Guest razvankim

Yupppppii . It works...you need to rename it because after .apk it has a space...just deletw that space and it.ll work..

@spacecaker - i don.t like the white battery icon and white clock..if you can change that to stock jellybean 4.2 that.ll be great.

And the toogle icon in statusbar beside the settinga it.s too large.

Guest Tomvl117

Yupppppii . It works...you need to rename it because after .apk it has a space...just deletw that space and it.ll work..

@spacecaker - i don.t like the white battery icon and white clock..if you can change that to stock jellybean 4.2 that.ll be great.

And the toogle icon in statusbar beside the settinga it.s too large.

You can change that with GravityBox.

Man I love that application.


hey, i'm trying to disable acer shell but i don't find acer.shell, but acer.shell.mode=ENABLED instead

is it the same thing?

Guest Tomvl117

hey, i'm trying to disable acer shell but i don't find acer.shell, but acer.shell.mode=ENABLED instead

is it the same thing?





so i mounted the system on the terminal

mount -o remount,rw / system
mount -o remount,rw / data

then tried to edit it with ES Explorer but without success when saving. then i tried an app (this one) and it didn't work too.

any sugestions?

Guest Tomvl117
Posted (edited)



so i mounted the system on the terminal

mount -o remount,rw / system
mount -o remount,rw / data

then tried to edit it with ES Explorer but without success when saving. then i tried an app (this one) and it didn't work too.

any sugestions?

Did you leave the terminal window open?

I succeeded with this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrummy.root.browserfree

And then I edited the build.prop with the RB text editor (included in the Root Browser).


So what I did was:

Open Terminal --> Switch to Root Browser --> Open Build.prop with RB Text Editor --> Edit acer.shell.mode --> Switch to Terminal (through recent apps) --> Put in the commands --> Switch back to Build.prop and hit save

Edited by Tomvl117
Guest Spacecaker

Yupppppii . It works...you need to rename it because after .apk it has a space...just deletw that space and it.ll work..

@spacecaker - i don.t like the white battery icon and white clock..if you can change that to stock jellybean 4.2 that.ll be great.

And the toogle icon in statusbar beside the settinga it.s too large.

somehow i couldnt get the quickbutton to be resized to correct format while its in Exactly same size width ratio amd such a the other icons o.O

and about the pngs

i used pngs from Kitkat butmade battery pngs myself

mostly i choose these because i use gravitybox myself and this had good coloring options

Guest Spacecaker

If you can make a 4.2.2 clean version xD

dont know what u mean.

u can still edit the pngs urself ;) i dont really have lots of time and this is something i did becaus i was purely bored..

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