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[KK] [4.4.4] CyanogenMod 11.0 [ROM] [WEEKLY BUILDS ON FRIDAY]

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Guest djuroue
Posted (edited)

I also had problems with OTA update, stuck on finishing boot message. I entered to recovery, flashed gapps stripped and it went ok, but without launcher. Then i entered settings, set lockescreen shortcut to google play, entered it, installed nova launcher...

Also, gallery app was missing, so i extracted it from zip, installed normally, and it works... Pretty strange issues, but easily solved.

edit : Also, battery life is good, phone is all the time at sleep, so good work :)

Edited by djuroue
Guest dr.deser

It's very strange but it seems that yandex.pogoda widget crashes my phone... 

Guest viggen66

Are you telling me that the rom doesn't bring a launcher on its own?! Is this rom fast, smooth? Amazing work indeed for a budget phone

Guest Meglestus

Are you telling me that the rom doesn't bring a launcher on its own?! Is this rom fast, smooth? Amazing work indeed for a budget phone

This is indeed a very fast rom, there are some problems but if you post them here, people (including me) will try to help you!!

Plz post everything you did before you got a problem so we can help better!

Posted (edited)

Are you telling me that the rom doesn't bring a launcher on its own?! Is this rom fast, smooth? Amazing work indeed for a budget phone

The ROM comes with Launcher3. (It's very buggy I think)

Speed is like CM10.2, but better RAM handling and multitasking.

Edited by rhen
Guest Shadow11

Are you telling me that the rom doesn't bring a launcher on its own?! Is this rom fast, smooth? Amazing work indeed for a budget phone

No. The rom is complete and bring a good launcher. It's more faster and smooth than stock ICS.


Guest djuroue

There is plenty of work to do here, and Daz surely knows what has to be done in future releases. These are first builds, so it is pretty normal to have various bugs...

By the way, settings for external sdcard to be default now work !

Posted (edited)

There is plenty of work to do here, and Daz surely knows what has to be done in future releases. These are first builds, so it is pretty normal to have various bugs...

By the way, settings for external sdcard to be default now work !

Daz mostly working on device specific things and doesn't work on CM bugs if the bug doesn't break some hardware stuff.

I had to switch launcher because I found Launcher3 very buggy, but this is a good ROM anyway. I use it as a daily in my work.

Edited by rhen
Guest djuroue

Yeah, forgot to mention that cm sources are buggy, so we cannot expect bugless rom, of course :)

I use it too, everything what i need works, so i am cool with this one ... Important thing, and that is default storage selection, is fixed :)

Guest rale_ts

I updated to 1209 version via CM updater but still play store says no connection!

Fund another bug cant move app to SD card.


Other than that ROM is super fast :)

Guest darthmaul88

Fund another bug cant move app to SD card.


This is true for me too. Installed via CWM from zip.

Posted (edited)

i tried to install cleaning everitthing and didnt install the launcher... i restore a backup of my previously rom and install over without clean , i instaled the gaps and worked fine, exept some apps i lost , and i cant even install again, its weird... i need some of those apps so i restore the old rom back,,, i really want the kitkat but without this issue... can someone help me? sorry about my english...

Edited by guda
Guest dinamo1975

In ALL other ROMs, this application work ok ... in this ROM, doesn't work proper.


Guest darthmaul88
Posted (edited)

In ALL other ROMs, this application work ok ... in this ROM, doesn't work proper.

The weather update is missing in cLock widged also for me


Did anybody find a way to get translucent notification bar ?

Without getting in bootloops or things like this.

Edited by darthmaul88
Guest phyllocrania

Tethering mot work.It is work on cm 10.1.


Can you tell me which build of CM 10.1 is the wifi tethering working?

Guest isynclere

First of all many thanks for the hard work on this.


Flashed from experimental rom with recommend stripped gapps - play store connection issue the only problem I can see so far.


Anyone got the play store working on this?

Guest welniuks

First of all many thanks for the hard work on this.


Flashed from experimental rom with recommend stripped gapps - play store connection issue the only problem I can see so far.


Anyone got the play store working on this?

it's strange, play store works fine for me. But i had problems with launcher, if you seem my earlier post's you see what problems I had.

Guest isynclere
Posted (edited)

@welniuks......Yeah I read that - glad you sorted it.  No issues on launcher for me.  But then I use Nova and didn't do factory reset/wipe data.  RE: Play Store: Did you wipe all data before flashing? and what rom were you running before?  I should add, I have wiped cached and dalvik and reflashed gapps twice.

Edited by isynclere
Guest Danchiman21

So does anybody managed to make the bar transparent ?

if you find out how and don't get a crash on the sistem or loop in the animation boot logo, would you tell me ? 

sorry for my english, and thanks anyway

Guest Shisura

Did anybody find a way to get translucent notification bar ?

Without getting in bootloops or things like this.

I have the translucent notification bar, I just went to >/>system>build.prop and changed "ro.config.low_ram=true" to "ro.config.low_ram=false" using the CM file explorer / Editor and restarted the phone.




Anyone got the play store working on this?

It stopped working for me too so I restored my old backup and installed CM11 again without wipes and it's working again.

Guest darthmaul88

if you find out how and don't get a crash on the sistem or loop in the animation boot logo, would you tell me ? 

sorry for my english, and thanks anyway

Balerion did it on experimental CM11 but I didn't quite manage to replicate his steps.

Guest Balerion

Balerion did it on experimental CM11 but I didn't quite manage to replicate his steps.

I did exactly what Shisura did above. :)
Guest hugocard

help please guys. i instaled rom and the pa_gapps-full. all wipes. newest cwm. and i have no keyboard. no browser, and the capacitive buttons do nothing cause of the inexisting luncher

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