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[DEV][ROM][29.3.] CyanogenMod 12 (Android 5.0.2) for ZTE Open C / Kis 3

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Guest skynetdev

I don't know how I lost my IEMI

I have Zte Open C, I installed

CyanogenMod 11 after that  I tried CyanogenMod 12 and after I returned to CyanogenMod 11

and now I noticed that command *#06#  show me 0

Guest Filip9610

I'm having problems with the latest build. Sometimes when i lock the phone i can't unlock it. When i press the lock button there is no reaction, the screen doesn't turn on. I have to restart the phone to get it to work. Anyone had this problem ?

Guest KonstaT

I don't know how I lost my IEMI

I have Zte Open C, I installed

CyanogenMod 11 after that  I tried CyanogenMod 12 and after I returned to CyanogenMod 11

and now I noticed that command *#06#  show me 0

I can't think of how flashing CM11 or CM12 could result in lost IMEI. :o You could try flashing a stock ZTE firmware a see what happens. I take you can't connect to network currently?


I'm having problems with the latest build. Sometimes when i lock the phone i can't unlock it. When i press the lock button there is no reaction, the screen doesn't turn on. I have to restart the phone to get it to work. Anyone had this problem ?

Yeah, used to happen once or twice a week for me too. I'm now running 20150105 build and that hasn't happened yet so far. We'll see. There's been quite a lot of improvements in upsteam CM lately. Remaining media decoding issues should be resolved and they've also implemented built-in root management. I've been busy doing the Moto G now but maybe I'll do a build for both when it comes time to release something.

Guest skynetdev
Posted (edited)

I can connect to GSM network, I think my GSM operator allow me to connect without IMEI

Ok I will try to flash original firmware of ZTE FirefoxOS 1.3 and see if I will be able to see my IMEI

Edited by skynetdev
Guest KonstaT
New build. Remaining media decoding issues should be resolved. Built-in root managemant is also included. You need to enable root access from developer settings first. Also when installing the ROM and booting out of CWM, recovery asks to fix root - choose no. Next dual-SIM hack to test in place. Still not likely to work, but I'd aprecieate if someone could test and report back.
-add performance profiles
-enable KSM and increase zRAM size
-switch to NuPlayer instead of using old AwesomePlayer
-Kis3Info: add partition info
-un-uglied the stock browser :P
-built-in root management (merged)
-initial USB mass storage support (merged)
Guest okmikel



Thanks a lot for your new build.


I will flash it today and will give it a try if CM12 is already stable enough for daily use.


Is a Update form CM11 posible or is a wipe necessary?




Guest KonstaT



Thanks a lot for your new build.


I will flash it today and will give it a try if CM12 is already stable enough for daily use.


Is a Update form CM11 posible or is a wipe necessary?




CM blog says it should be possible to migrate from CM11 but you must update your gapps package at the same flash. I'd still recommend doing a clean install and I'm going to maintain my 'no wipe, no whine' policy anyway.

Guest okmikel

Update seems to work for me, tested all my installed apps and everything seems ok.


This build looks and works great on my german Open C, let's see how it does in long term daily use.

Guest KonstaT
Did anyone get a chance to test the latest build on a dual-SIM device (V881W with the dual-SIM prop enabled)? Problem with dual-SIM is that second SIM in Lollipop hooks to different rild socket than it did on KitKat. What I have in the latest build is I've reverted the relevant device change and hacked the telephony framework to hook to the same socket as earlier.
It's been confirmed on other devices that dual-SIM works with updated RIL proprietaries from Lollipop. Seeing that it is unlikely this device will receive an official Lollipop update (knowing ZTE and even more as Qualcomm killed Lollipop for devices with 512mb of RAM - 1,2,3) there will be no place to pull these blobs for our device. :(
Edit. Reports from my other device would indicate that it won't work. Bad news for anyone with a V881W.
Guest okmikel

I'm having problems with the latest build. Sometimes when i lock the phone i can't unlock it. When i press the lock button there is no reaction, the screen doesn't turn on. I have to restart the phone to get it to work. Anyone had this problem ?



Yeah, used to happen once or twice a week for me too. I'm now running 20150105 build and that hasn't happened yet so far. We'll see. There's been quite a lot of improvements in upsteam CM lately. Remaining media decoding issues should be resolved and they've also implemented built-in root management.


I had this also this morning with the cm-12-20150110-UNOFFICIAL-KonstaKANG-kis3.zip build.


It happend on the way from my home to work, WIFI was off. After a hard battery remove restart, there was no /proc/last_kmsg present.


Exept this incident this morning, the build works so far without any problems on my phone.

Guest okmikel

Happend this morning again, noticed it right now.


For the moment I have to go back to CM11, because I need my phone daily and reliable.


I will test next build again.

Guest Emir95djan

KonstaT when you posted the updated assembly for CM12 on our device ? :) I can not wait ^_^

Guest KonstaT

KonstaT when you posted the updated assembly for CM12 on our device ? :) I can not wait ^_^

What? I just posted one couple of days ago! There's also something about asking for ETAs...
And if you need it so badly, there's nothing stopping you from compiling one yourself either...
Guest debian2
Posted (edited)
Is this correct for CM12?
How to build:

1. Follow instructions on initializing a build environment up to a point of downloading the source code.

2. Initialize CyanogenMod 12 repo.

repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-12.0

3. Add local manifest that downloads ZTE Open C / Kis 3 device config, proprietaries and kernel source from my github and few CyanogenMod replacement projects from legaCyMod github.

curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml -O -L https://raw.github.com/legaCyMod/android_local_manifest/cm-11.0/local_manifest.xml
curl -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_zte_kis3.xml -O -L https://raw.github.com/legaCyMod/android_local_manifest/cm-12.0/manifest_zte_kis3.xml

4. Sync source code.

repo sync

5. Update Terminal Emulator (you only need to this again when Terminal has been updated).

cd path-to/cm12/vendor/cm/

6. Apply patches. No patches currently required.


7. Compile.

cd path-to/cm12/
. build/envsetup.sh
brunch kis3

Use 'repo sync' to pull merged changes from upstream. Use 'make clobber' to clean the build environment. Repeat step 7 to make a new build.

Edited by debian2
Guest KonstaT

Is this correct for CM12?

Not quite. I added instructions to the third post. I still have some local hacks so your build will be slightly different from what I've released. Sources I've pushed should produce a fully booting/working build anyway.

Guest KonstaT

Happend this morning again, noticed it right now.


For the moment I have to go back to CM11, because I need my phone daily and reliable.


I will test next build again.

Well, I recommended a clean install and there's a 'no wipe - no whine' policy.
I have well over a week of uptime (that's usually news alone :P) so I wouldn't consider this horribly unstable on my device. ;)
Guest okmikel


Well, I recommended a clean install and there's a 'no wipe - no whine' policy.


I know, I know, you are right.


But right now your new CM11 build from the other thread is so beautiful working on my phone, I nearly can not break up with it.


With the next build (and after my vacation next week) I will do a clean CM12 install anyway, I promise. Perhaps I need to get an other Open C, one for CM11 and one for CM12 to play arround ...  :D

Guest KonstaT
New build. A lot of new CyanogenMod features in this build.
-add key disabler (disables hardware virtual keys when navigation bar is enabled just like on OnePlus One)
-lowmemorykiller: Overwrite LMK parameters for low-tier devices (1)
-customizable quick settings tiles (merged)
-new theme engine (merged)
Guest debian2

...I still have some local hacks so your build will be slightly different from what I've released. Sources I've pushed should produce a fully booting/working build anyway.



Can you post here these «local hacks»?

Guest KonstaT
There's a trimmed gapps linked in the first post. It's worth mentioning that the ROM (almost 400mb alone) and full Google apps package don't even fit the /system partition on Open C (755mb).


Can you post here these «local hacks»?

Why? What is not working without?


It's mostly just removing some stuff from the final image (squisher). It would require me to fork and maintain two CM projects (build and vendor/cm). I'm not sure I'm up for that anymore. Haven't decided if it's even necessary to provide patches for that. There's really no notable functional changes and you can consider yourself building something that is closer to official CyanogenMod.

Guest andy1971
Posted (edited)

Thanks ill test out the new build , initially came back as couldnt access the SDCARD - however i see there is a fix for that.  Once again if i find any issues ill update. - Thank You


Right never noticed this ..

Q: When I'm connected with an USB cable to my computer, I can't see my internal sdcard as a storage, why?

A: I've made an executive decision not to include a mount point for internal sdcard. This is because recent Android versions don't allow setting emulated sdcard as secondary storage. Setting rather small emulated sdcard as a primary storage caused issues with games/apps that want to download large amounts of data to the sdcard. Also partition layout is different on Open C and Kis 3 and internal sdcard is handled differently between device variants.
thats cool i have an external reader that ill use, initally thought the sdcard was dud.
Edited by andy1971
Guest andy1971

cant use cellular data apn's are correct but still cant use the internet

 Actually i did notice this, youll need to re-install cyanogenmod - ie wipe and start again, if u swap your SIM card out, it doesnt automaticly read values or setup - however this may now be fixed in this later build.

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