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[DEV][ROM][13.11.] CyanogenMod 12.1 (Android 5.1.1) for Huawei Y5

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Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, anmr2380 said:

truly excellent rom for my huawei Y560 - L23 but to install pass several inconvenience will mention : when installing the rom with the patch did not work u23 dual sim me the camera read back after two hours in the forum and interpret I happened to test the patch u23 dual sim cyanogenmod 13 and run good , now I wish you remove the patch dual sim cyanogenmod 12.1 lp of the camera so that it can use in my huawei expliquenmen as ..... or remove files from the camera in the flashable zip patch ..... thanks

Well, no one's told you to install Y560-U23 patch on your Y560-L23!

If you only need to enable dual-SIM feature on CM12.1, you can do this.

Add 'persist.radio.multisim.config=dsds' to /system/build.prop or alternatively 'setprop persist.radio.multisim.config dsds' in rooted adb shell/terminal session. This can also be done by flashing the following package in recovery.


Edited by KonstaT
Guest anmr2380

ok I will apply a reset of the cell next ... so far with the CM13 patch works well ..... no problem

Guest anmr2380

I have another question with dual sim sim configurations in this seteado 4g lte but in the notification bar and tells me 3G signal icon tells me that H + as I sail to 4g ????

Guest anmr2380

greetings ... anyone knows how to remove the restriction on cyanogenmod battery does not charge as well .... read somewhere that security is a method to extend the battery life .....

Guest Ahmed Gamal

harder for you ?? 

no one can do it omg i hate this world 

Guest KonstaT
On 6/24/2016 at 9:21 AM, Ahmed Gamal said:

harder for you ?? 

Not necessarily but why would I do it? I don't have such device (or even any similar hardware) so why would I do dozens of hours of work that doesn't benefit me in any way.

Guest Ahmed Gamal
1 hour ago, KonstaT said:

Not necessarily but why would I do it? I don't have such device (or even any similar hardware) so why would I do dozens of hours of work that doesn't benefit me in any way.

you don`t need to help another guys??

Guest anmr2380

there is a patch that enables control Kernel millivolts or milliamps processor

Guest smiffyma
Posted (edited)
On 01/06/2016 at 3:43 PM, Tazuya said:

> Hi konstakang  I have the same problem daninazza has, I'm from Italy too and I have Tim operator though




Actually - I have the same problem as well, I'm from UK with vodafone... I only see operator codes,

eg in Settings -> Mobile networks -> Network operators I can see the codes  but not the names for all the available networks and on the lock screen 

and looking at getprop gsm.sim.operator.alpha is blank ?

other than that annoyance ... ROM look good - thanks

Edited by smiffyma
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Smaznet

Are this rom can be port to Y560-U02? 


Please tell me how i do it

Guest KonstaT
39 minutes ago, Smaznet said:

Are this rom can be port to Y560-U02? 

Please tell me how i do it

Asked and answered few times already. Your device has Spreadtrum SC7731 chipset where this device has Qualcomm msm8909. It's a completely different device with completely different hardware. That's just not possible and never going to happen.

Guest AAWafersAA

Can this be ported to huawei y6 SCL-L21?If yes how?

Guest Nakata6790
Posted (edited)

Hello all!

Thanks to KonstaT for this rom, i used it on my second hand Huawei Y560and it is really fast, smooth and lightweight compared to the stock rom. I also managed to install Xposed on it, something that i could not achieve in the stock rom. 


Unfortunately i had a (big, for me) issue, the fact that i could not get apps to access the sd card. For example, foldermount could not see my SD card, or Titanium Backup would only create the backup folder inside the included storage and not the external SD. As i have many android games with large obb files, this is hurdle in an otherwise perfect rom for personal use. I tried to look at the permissions (in the factory rom, i edit the platform.xml fle in the system /etc/permissions/ folder and external SD write permissions will be granted, but i cannot do that in this rom, unfortunately), but to no avail.

So i would like to ask KonstaT if there is a way to grant permission for writing to the external SD for this rom.

Thank you for you time and kind regards, an android user from Greece.


Edited by Nakata6790
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dawidus520

@Nakata6790 Try using Link2SD to move apps to SD card. I don't know if it is in CM12.1 but on CM13 SD card is formatted and used as "internal" after first boot. So, if in CM12.1 is the same partition method, that could be the suspect of your problem.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest SharpEdgedSkillz

I havent moved to cyanogen mod yet but I cant use any screen recorders. Will CM work?


Guest KonstaT
2 hours ago, SharpEdgedSkillz said:

I havent moved to cyanogen mod yet but I cant use any screen recorders. Will CM work?

At least Android's built-in command line tool (screenrecord) works fine. CM13 even has bundled 'Screen Recorder' app.

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest i_know_nuthing
Posted (edited)


Huawei claims to make their kernel sources available on their web page (scroll down to downloads, and you can find an "open source" package):


Are you still working on this, and would it be possible to update the ROM with those kernel sources?

Perhaps that might even make this phone fully supported for Cyanogenmod in the future?

Direct link: http://download-c.huawei.com/download/downloadCenter?downloadId=74027&version=271356&siteCode=worldwide

Edited by i_know_nuthing
Added direct link
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, i_know_nuthing said:


Huawei claims to make their kernel sources available on their web page (scroll down to downloads, and you can find an "open source" package):


Are you still working on this, and would it be possible to update the ROM with those kernel sources?

Perhaps that might even make this phone fully supported for Cyanogenmod in the future?

Direct link: http://download-c.huawei.com/download/downloadCenter?downloadId=74027&version=271356&siteCode=worldwide

Again, that is the incomplete source they released in February. They've only released two incomplete sources so far. Device doesn't even boot if you build a kernel from that source. Audio doesn't work, camera doesn't work, orientation sensor doesn't work, touchscreen doesn't work!

I've managed to partially reconstruct the kernel source by using bits from kernel source for another device (Lenovo Tab 2 A10-30). Both of these devices were actually ODM/OEM'ed by Yep Telecom and they've just slapped Huawei/Lenovo logos on a generic whitebox devices. Audio is still not working and there's other issues as well. https://github.com/KonstaT/android_kernel_huawei_msm8909/commits/reconstruct

Edited by KonstaT
  • 1 month later...
Guest cripii5

Hi, first, sorry for my bad english.

I've installed this custom rom and it works great, with the stock rom the battery drops down so fast, with this rom is better (or placebo effect mayble lol). I want to say thanks because I'm happy to have (unoficial) cyanogenmod on my phone.

I'm not an expert on smartphones, rom, and all that things, but I had a Galaxy 5 (yes, not the S5, only 5) with cyanogenmod and the camera looks a little bit worst than in the stock rom and I feel the same happend with the Y560. Am I wrong? If I'm not, why this happend? Is just noob curiosity.

Once again, thanks KonstaT

Guest KonstaT
22 hours ago, cripii5 said:

Hi, first, sorry for my bad english.

I've installed this custom rom and it works great, with the stock rom the battery drops down so fast, with this rom is better (or placebo effect mayble lol). I want to say thanks because I'm happy to have (unoficial) cyanogenmod on my phone.

I'm not an expert on smartphones, rom, and all that things, but I had a Galaxy 5 (yes, not the S5, only 5) with cyanogenmod and the camera looks a little bit worst than in the stock rom and I feel the same happend with the Y560. Am I wrong? If I'm not, why this happend? Is just noob curiosity.

Once again, thanks KonstaT

Camera shouldn't be any worse. There's no vendor specific special camera features that are not supported in CM (unlike on some more high end devices). Stock camera app is very simple so you could try using some third party camera app.

Guest cripii5
Posted (edited)
On 22/10/2016 at 1:46 PM, KonstaT said:

Camera shouldn't be any worse. There's no vendor specific special camera features that are not supported in CM (unlike on some more high end devices). Stock camera app is very simple so you could try using some third party camera app.

I've download Open Camera and have some nice features but the quality is the same, so, is just the camera, stinks. 

Two questions, it is possible to play Pokemon Go with "this" CM12 (last version of Pokemon GO doesn't let you play if your phone is rooted, with CM if you deactivate root is just the same)? and I say "this" because other websites recomend to use SuperSU, but as your already said, is not sopported with this build.

And, which of your build of CyanogenMod for Y5 you think works better? I read "SELinux is disabled" (I have no clue how bad is that) and "Battery doesn't show accurate statistics" (that's annoying, stupid Huawei). Even with that issues, do you think it worth change from CM12 to CM13?

Thanks and again, sorry for my bad english.



Edited by cripii5
Guest KonstaT
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, cripii5 said:

I've download Open Camera and have some nice features but the quality is the same, so, is just the camera, stinks. 

Two questions, it is possible to play Pokemon Go with "this" CM12 (last version of Pokemon GO doesn't let you play if your phone is rooted, with CM if you deactivate root is just the same)? and I say "this" because other websites recomend to use SuperSU, but as your already said, is not sopported with this build.

And, which of your build of CyanogenMod for Y5 you think works better? I read "SELinux is disabled" (I have no clue how bad is that) and "Battery doesn't show accurate statistics" (that's annoying, stupid Huawei). Even with that issues, do you think it worth change from CM12 to CM13?

Thanks and again, sorry for my bad english.

No idea about Pokemon GO. You try and tell me. Official requirement is 2gb of RAM and gyroscope sensor - this device has neither.

Having SELinux disabled is not that dramatic. SELinux enforcing was only introduced quite recently with Lollipop. Current trend with Android is hardening the security (SELinux, dm-verity, monthly security updates, etc) so in that perspective it's of course not ideal to have SELinux disabled and have no kernel source available to patch known vulnerabilities (which is even worse).

Both work fine IMO, CM12.1 is less hacked together.

Edited by KonstaT
Guest cripii5
15 hours ago, KonstaT said:

No idea about Pokemon GO. You try and tell me. Official requirement is 2gb of RAM and gyroscope sensor - this device has neither.

Yes, but the game works with 1gb of RAM and no gyroscope, is not mandatory. Is just if your phone is rooted, you can't play. But anyway I don't care that much.

15 hours ago, KonstaT said:

Having SELinux disabled is not that dramatic. SELinux enforcing was only introduced quite recently with Lollipop. Current trend with Android is hardening the security (SELinux, dm-verity, monthly security updates, etc) so in that perspective it's of course not ideal to have SELinux disabled and have no kernel source available to patch known vulnerabilities (which is even worse).

Both work fine IMO, CM12.1 is less hacked together.

Thanks, you help me to stay in CM12. 

I have no more questions... thanks for the build and thanks for the help :D

  • 3 weeks later...

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