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My new Windows Powered Mobile

Guest Vernzz

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Guest spacecowboy6982

Hmmmm, i still think this is a bit sus. I've been searching for a while bout this and cant find a thing !! We need info from Mono or some1 ?


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Guest londonlad

The 8 stages of 'microsofus smartphonius':

I see the fone ! ;)

Cant wait to get it :)

Release date was yesterday :x

When is it gonna be released :roll:

Trying to be brave :D

Still no news :cry:

3 months later, out of the blue, 'SPV2'! ;) :D :lol:

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Guest nickcornaglia
Yeh - these other pics look as tho they've been taken in some secret under cover operation lol :)


That's funny...I was thinking the same thing. Do you have more pics on micro-fische Mr Bond?
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Like, oh my god! You people need to calm down. It's just a phone...and as far as we can tell it's near enough exactly the same as the E100. Orange have you got you people wrapped around their finger. They've changed the design slightly...and you're all foaming at the mouth about it.

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Guest idavid
Like, oh my god!  You people need to calm down.  It's just a phone...and as far as we can tell it's near enough exactly the same as the E100.   Orange have you got you people wrapped around their finger.  They've changed the design slightly...and you're all foaming at the mouth about it.

he he he! indeed!

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Guest londonlad

See this is what happens when you get a girls prespective, no matter how right she is. Anyway, now i know that t-mobile are expected to release the MDA 2 in the UK. Orange better sort themselfs when it comes to launching spv2. MDA 2 (pocket pc phone edition) is expected october.

you know what, i swear ive seen this spv2 before in some mobile mag, but they where sayin its the E100 ?

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Guest spacecowboy6982
you know what, i swear ive seen this spv2 before in some mobile mag, but they where sayin its the E100 ?

You probably have LondonLad. I find theres far too many code and project names concerned when it comes to the latest release of a Smartphone device. If they just made it a bit simpler (i know its hard - E100 aint too confusing :roll: ) but you can see my point.


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..and a shot of the main screen.. and the front again.. and could you just pop one in the post to me please ? :)

Hehe ;) :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Guest nickcornaglia

I believe everyone here is here because they are smartphone enthusiasts. ANY product that is introduced is COOL.

The integrated camera is a big step forward for the phone as the current detachable camera is worth next to nothing, in my opinion. It's speed with serial connection makes it almost unusable.

This alone is a big step forward with the phone. Any additional features would be a plus.

New phone releases don't need to make HUGE strides with each release to keep me happy. I'm satisified with ANY progress that is made along the way.

The Smartphone just gets better and better. Even if it is in small increments. And Orange, even though they get alot of flack, should be commended for their perserverence with the platform & recognized for their contribution toward the success of this phone.

I'm sure more people would be happy that they are releasing a phone, even with minimal changes. If they didn't, and waited for a more powerful model to come around, people would be complaining..."why doesn't Orange have a phone with an integrated camera?"

But isn't this phone even better than just that? It will probably have 2003 OS (If it's ready)...BlueTooth...and a faster processor when it is released. All of that added into the same size factor. With a few cosmetic/usability changes to boot!

If the new OS is present...it will be the best Smartphone out there.

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Guest arcane-power

nice!!! a phone with a built-in camera... now peeps wouldn't have to carry that detachable camera around (once they get this model....) LOL :) :wink: ;) :twisted:

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