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[MOD] Change your splash screen

Guest Sebastian404

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Guest mack_

If you wish to change your Splash screen to something else here are some alternatives, these are in the form of an update zip file that need to be flashed with Clockwork Mod Recovery

Stock Splash Screen:

hwu8815_stock-update-signed.zip MD5 : 8632a181b8d77d5e9ce0254ceaa62a72

Standard Android:

hwu8815_bugdroid-update-signed.zip MD5 : 77e2608c8b3efad4590672a151723942

Huawei Ascend (as seen in the boot animation)

hwu8815_huaweiascend-update-signed.zip MD5 : 62362f364b2aee07c685632f72a2f94e

If you wish to make your own, you need a 480x800 PNG file and ffmpeg, like so:

ffmpeg -i logo.png -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 oem_logo.mbn

then you simply need to replace the oem_logo.mbn in one of the update files and flash it


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Guest FrownBreaker

damn i was hoping you had the vendor update.app for B885/2 :unsure:

The splash is not the Huawei clam but the Chinese carrier logo that pops up with the Chinese speech is played during start up. When in "download mode" I just get the carrier logo, no speech.

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Guest timfimjim

Standard android is like this but with black background


stock huawei one you will already have, like this but also black background


The third one is, as stated in the original post, the same as the boot animation

You can just flash them and see which one you prefer. I don't actually mind the huawei one but probably prefer stock android

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Guest samjam

Bah - no workee for me. I flashed hwu8185_splash_huaweiascend-update-signed.zip from CWM but I still get the mostly white + orange chinese logo that I got after installing 926.

CWM looks like it's doing the biz, it says it is, but the image does not change.

My upgrade path was: out-of-the-box-unknown, 926, 934, Infusion

CWM declares itself to be - it is the fixed charging mode release.

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Bah - no workee for me. I flashed hwu8185_splash_huaweiascend-update-signed.zip from CWM but I still get the mostly white + orange chinese logo that I got after installing 926.

CWM looks like it's doing the biz, it says it is, but the image does not change.

My upgrade path was: out-of-the-box-unknown, 926, 934, Infusion

CWM declares itself to be - it is the fixed charging mode release.

Try this, works for some, not for others... worth a try:

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Thanks - just reading now. Maybe it is because I just flashed my boot.img

You could always restore to previous backup and try again. I had trouble changing mine and in the end I had to flash MIUI rom and then use the tool I linked above, no other rom would allow me to change. Once it did change it has stayed that way since.

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Guest samjam

You could always restore to previous backup and try again. I had trouble changing mine and in the end I had to flash MIUI rom and then use the tool I linked above, no other rom would allow me to change. Once it did change it has stayed that way since.

Is that the advanced menu of CWM against the B934 zip?

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Guest Rico_89

I also note that CWM won't start with power and up volume. It skips straight through to normal boot. I have to start cwm from rom manager.

Pull the battery or turn off "Fast boot".. the latter is much easier.

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Guest Sebastian404

I can't download any of these it always comes up page not found.

Can someone re up them


My site is down for maintence... hopefully it will be back later tonight

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