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[MOD] Change your splash screen

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Guest Sebastian404

If you wish to change your Splash screen to something else here are some alternatives, these are in the form of an update zip file that need to be flashed with Clockwork Mod Recovery

Stock Splash Screen: (preview)

hwu8815_splash_stock-update-signed.zip MD5 : 8632a181b8d77d5e9ce0254ceaa62a72 Standard Android: (preview) hwu8815_splash_bugdroid-update-signed.zip MD5 : 77e2608c8b3efad4590672a151723942

Huawei Ascend (as seen in the boot animation) (preview)

hwu8815_splash_huaweiascend-update-signed.zip MD5 : 62362f364b2aee07c685632f72a2f94e If you wish to make your own, you need a 480x800 PNG file and ffmpeg, like so:
ffmpeg -i logo.png -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 oem_logo.mbn

then you simply need to replace the oem_logo.mbn in one of the update files and flash it

Guest Frankish

Lovely thanks for sharing. I'll just make a request that someone dumps their stock splash image before they use any of these as we need a stock one please thanks!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sebastian404

And here at last is a STOCK splash screen, happy times!

Guest FrownBreaker
Posted (edited)

Thanks for this any what of changing the boot animiation?

I now have the Green Andriod on boot, but still have the manufacturer logo splash screen animation.

I had the stock ANDROID boot anmation (the word "Andriod" wiggling) when applying the new ROMs before applying the Vendor update.app which reinstated the Huawei animation.

Edited by FrownBreaker
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest maritimesbob

Is it an easy job replacing the boot animation with something else? Thanks for splash screen flash.

Guest maritimesbob

Is it an easy job replacing the boot animation with something else? Thanks for splash screen flash.

Never mind, found the bootanimation.zip file and replaced with a custom animation. Works great now.

Guest weckl

Thanks for this any what of changing the boot animiation?

I now have the Green Andriod on boot, but still have the manufacturer logo splash screen animation.

I had the stock ANDROID boot anmation (the word "Andriod" wiggling) when applying the new ROMs before applying the Vendor update.app which reinstated the Huawei animation.

To easily change boot animation use the app ROM Toolbox.

Guest weckl
Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot for this Sebastian. This worked on my U8818 (chinese version of U8815 with NFC) just to let you know.

Edited by weckl
Guest Smiff2

this completely removes any/all Huawei startup logos.

(Android logo > android shimmer text (using GR1 888 ROM) > lock screen)

thanks Seb!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Hpez

Hi Seb,

I've tried each of these zips with the new official ICS 4.0.3 but sadly they don't seem to work. I flashed them with TeamWin and there were no errors but I still have the default chinese splash screen.

Did I do something wrong or do I specifically need CWM to flash the zips or is it that these zips would need updating to work with the new ICS update. Sorry for the noob questions.

Thanks in advance.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FrownBreaker

Just a quick note to report this method worked first time on the stock ICS release.

Guest Rico_89
Posted (edited)

If you wish to make your own, you need a 480x800 PNG file and ffmpeg, like so:

ffmpeg -i logo.png -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 oem_logo.mbn

then you simply need to replace the oem_logo.mbn in one of the update files and flash it

Anyone know if I can create this file (ffmpeg -i logo.png -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 oem_logo.mbn) in photoshop? Or do I need a specific piece of software?

Thanks for any info.

ps. running stock ICS and it worked for me too. :)

Edited by Rico_89
Guest timfimjim

yeah worked fine for me using cwm on official chinese ICS. It seems that teamwin recovery has trouble with quite a lot

Guest Ellis456q

Worked great on chinese ICS too, thanks!.

Guest FrankieADZ

so this flashing method works then?

*I mean the ZIp's and all that*

Guest Davidoff59

yes I m back to the huawei splash no more Chinese 3g icon


yeah worked fine for me using cwm on official chinese ICS. It seems that teamwin recovery has trouble with quite a lot

I think that must have been the problem when I tried it, I used teamwin and it didn't take. I guess CWM is needed.

Guest Lusitanius

Could you post a picture of every splash screen?

Guest Cardie

Just flashed the stock one, quality of the picture doesnt seem as sharp as the original one. Would be good if we could get some more, im guessing it doesnt support animation?

Guest chico2069
Posted (edited)

Hehe just flashed both the logon screen (to the bugdroid) and the animation (to the huawei ascend one)... worked like a charm :) thanks all :)

Done on 927, btw :)

Edited by chico2069
Guest Sebastian404

Just flashed the stock one, quality of the picture doesnt seem as sharp as the original one. Would be good if we could get some more, im guessing it doesnt support animation?

Considering it IS the original Image.. is your imagination

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mack_

Thanks for this any what of changing the boot animiation?

I now have the Green Andriod on boot, but still have the manufacturer logo splash screen animation.

I had the stock ANDROID boot anmation (the word "Andriod" wiggling) when applying the new ROMs before applying the Vendor update.app which reinstated the Huawei animation.

what rom did you flash the vendor update.app for?

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