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abd push permission denied (and not found when in shell mode)

Guest Athiril

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Guest Athiril

When I try to:

adb push file.zip /sdcard/file.zip

I get a permission denied error

adb remount

I get an operation not permitted

when I try to use:

adb shell


push file.zip /sdcard/file.zip

I get a not found error.

It's not the file that is not found, but the command push is not found... the same for all the other commands.. pull, find, remount etc...

It's in relation to this : http://www.modaco.co...e3d-egl-driver/

Trying to recover my phone.

It is already rooted, with su and busybox (with this one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=stericson.busybox&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsInN0ZXJpY3Nvbi5idXN5Ym94Il0.), in debug mode etc. Iirc it is in lock state iirc, the phone is not currently bootable into the Android gui.

I want to copy a rom to the internal SD and flash it to get rid of the problem (Chainfire3D EGL driver)

I've got the Genokolar custom recovery running atm from here - http://forum.xda-dev....php?p=35205790

I dont have a microSD card atm (phone is new) and really want to recover it asap. Broke atm for a few more days so I cant go out and get a cheap microSD for flashing with.

I read something somewhere about BusyBox breaking some symlinks or something, so is there anything else I can do from adb?

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Guest Athiril2

Athiril account only works from work computer where I created it, wont log in anywhere else, so posting from secondary.

Because the phone wont boot into Android OS, I specified that in the OP.

adb root doesn't work on production builds.

I've managed to get the file over by going into shell and su and using chmod on the /data and remounting it, then using push after exiting shell, to /data/share which is /sdcard when browsing the custom recovery menu or the filesystem via the phone (when it was working).

I just don't know how to flash it now. It seems to do nothing when I tell it to use this file to update.

and there's no recovery command in my adb to tell it to update.

Edited by Athiril2
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