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developing a Rom??

Guest shayan4shayan

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Guest shayan4shayan

hey guys!
I want to start learning to develop a Rom for my device
I want to know how do this??
witch programming langueage should i know??(i already know Java and C# and Android also i know some C and CPP)
only i should use kitchen to develop a rom or there other way?(Cant install kitchen and don't know why!!!)


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Guest adeii

First must install some gnu/linux OS (ubuntu, arch, linuxmint, manjaro, fedora...) and must be 64bit, must have more then 100 GB free space for downloading sourcecode and compiling, must have 4+ GB ram and/or big swap file (about 8-16 GB). Then you need to install a bunch of dependancy, Java SDK (JDK), complete Android SDK and download some sourcecode like AOSP and also add device tree and kernel for your specified device.

For example, chil360 makes good sources for our devices, just follow instructions and analyze code before "brunch xxxx" section: https://github.com/SlimLP-Y300/slimlp_manifest/tree/lp5.0 You need to know Java/Android Dev.Tool and C++, how repo and git work and what is compiling with every Android.mk in folder or every *.sh batch.

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