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E200 Full sim unlock! (£20 cost)

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Guest mcwarre

Florin_m has made the site open to the public!

I can testify that it works!

Look here.

You need a paypal account to use the site. It is automatic and I unlocked mine in 2 minutes!

Well done Florin_m! :) :lol:

Guest andy_martin77

I second that. Unlocked mine this afternoon and works like a treat!! :)

Guest Gorskar

Clever... not cheap though! Isn't £20 what Orange charge too? (after buying out your contract though I'll admit)


Now I've looked around a bit it appears that £20 is the going rate for this sort of service... Ah well, no such thing as a free lunch :roll:

Guest Richie M
Clever... not cheap though! Isn't £20 what Orange charge too?
plus the cost to pay off your contract!
Guest bigtommy

what is the siite how do i do it need more info

Guest mcwarre

Click on where it says 'here' on the first post and all information is there!

Guest zabirp

I'd recommend florin, quick & easy process. Provided support aswell


well done to the guys and i guess i cant blame them, but it seems a bit harsh to charge so much, after simunlock for the e100/spv was free.

I know people will disagree with me, and sure they are entitled to charge, I just think its a bit harsh thats all

Guest swissmate
Florin_m has made the site open to the public!

I can testify that it works!

Look here.

You need a paypal account to use the site. It is automatic and I unlocked mine in 2 minutes!

Well done Florin_m!  :)  :lol:

Will it work on Swiss SPV E200 from Orange?

Guest florin_m

It will work on ANY e200 ! If you don't want to pay for unlock nobody force you to do it, but u have to bear in mind to research the simlock is time consuming and investing in hardware (killed many phones in progress).

Guest shadamehr

I just picked up my E200, dialled 1471, and heard the nice lady from O2 tell me that my gilfriend (it's her O2 SIM) was called earlier today blah blah blah.

BECAUSE you see... Thanks to that ever so clever Florin, my E200 has just been unlocked in next to no time, for use on any Network!!!

WAHAY!!!! Thanks ever so much Florin -your a genius.

And also to my GOOD friend Peekie, for alerting me to the service in the first place - thanks Peekie!

BRIEF NOTE - my key did not arrive properly 1st time. Don't panic folks - Florin Emailed me back and forth, and re-sent it until I did get it - now that is GOOD service, and Customer Care.

I 110% recomend him!

Cheers guys!

Guest peekie

its one good simlock remover i unlocked mine and it works perfectly if you have any problems florin_m is normally on the chat / irc go there and he will help you , my wifes spv works on 5 tested simcards ,don't be fooled into these send your phone to us offers as with this method you keep the phone and unlock it very quickly :wink: :wink: :wink:

Guest ultimasnake

I will wait for an free version to do this..

but will it stay this way on an hard reset?

Guest Richie M
I will wait for an free version to do this..

but will it stay this way on an Hard Reset?

I doubt there will ever be a free version, as the e200 unlock is a lot more complicated than the e100/SPV. And not many people are as willing as Florin to buy handsets to kill in the name of testing :)

And YES the sim unlock does survive a hard-reset and upgrades :lol:

Guest Asje14

does this also work with a Dutch SPV E200 ?? our only when it's bought in U.K. ?

Guest Dumdidum

It's not save, it is illegal to unlock your phone and to charge for the unlocking is a criminal matter and you can expect that this site will not be online for to long!

Guest florin_m

Don't know if in your contry is different , but here in UK, unlocking is LEGAL! Changing IMEI is illegal (6 years jail!!). About the safety aspect of the IMEI posting, MIGsofT (imei-check) has signed Data Protection ACT (1984 - updated 1998) Please contact Data protection company to verify this!

Kind regards,

MIGsofT team (imei-check)

Guest Dumdidum
About the safety aspect of the IMEI posting

I believe that it is save!

But Unlocking is defintiv not legal! Sorry I don't want to start a discussion but by buying a SPV E200 you have signed a contract and a lock to Orange! Maybe I am wrong and in the UK it is legal, but here in Switzerland it is definitifv illegal (Orange contacted us at www.pocketpc.ch and told us to remove it)

Guest florin_m

The following link contains all the laws pertaining to Mobile Phones in the UK. MIGsofT is a registered company that has signed up to the data protection act 1998 and has followed all industry rules and regulations. We will NOT however spend time finding the exact laws that we follow in relation to our www.imei-check.co.uk site. If you are still worried here is the link and have fun finding how legitimate this webpage is :)


Please note we amended the web page to alert people to the fact that this service is UK based and to check that it is legal to perform this service in that persons country.

Kind regards,

MIGsofT team

Guest Simon Desser

Florin, you're a bloomin' GENIUS :!: :) :lol:

Guest muude

So, erm.. Paul (and florin) can we get a discount if we're +ers??

Posted from my SmartPhone!

Guest MoRFLeZ

Just to add on the legal / illegal discussion, it's legal to sim unlock your phone here in Denmark as well, as long as you pay you monthly contract bills all 6 months (which you are bound to). Within these 6 months you are allowed to sim unlock your phone... and use a different company.

Edited: About the price... people are just spoiled rotten. We got a free sim-unlock tool for the SPV and the E100 ... soooo £20 might seem a bit steep. But as it has already been explained, it's has not been without costs to produce this tool .. and so £20 is a fair price IMHO. If I wanted Orange to sim unlock a E200 within the first 3 months here in Denmark, I'd have to pay £300!!!

My only excuse for not buying a E200 yet, was the fact it couldn't be sim-unlocked! Guess I have no excuse left ... other than the 4way joypad *G*

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