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E200 Full sim unlock! (£20 cost)

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Guest florin_m

@harmzsingh and @all

IF you have problems please just EMAIL the support team (the email address is on our web site) because just now I'm in holiday, and I visit very rare this section, but the support via email is 24/7!

Tried to unlock mine today but i didnt receive the key through email

Florin, can you help please?

Guest florin_m

I'm french and i have a SPV E200 locked on Orange. I try everywhere in France to unlock my phone and nobody do it !  You are sure it works with Florin ? i'm afraid to lost 30€ if it does not work  :?

Till now we didn't had a e200 which we coudn't unlock. If a new version come out we'll make update for it. As long your bootloader is 1.07.02 or smaller your are 100% safe unlock (doesn't matter if is UK or France or whatever). If you have NEWER than 1.07.02 bootloader then contact us first.

Guest peteracebis

i have been to the site u are all tolking about and payed &20.00 and got nothing back i have also spoke to others who have had the same responce i say ddont go there if u can prove my rong fine but i dont think so

Guest peteracebis

looks like the other site are the same aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


check for spam filters, the reply email often appears in there.


Guest peteracebis

i would like to inform every one the my e200 code came today and it worked i amsorry i gave the wrong ommpetion of imem-check.co.uk ae it must be my isp i would like to thank imei and crew for there help and appoligice to them .the code worked in less then 2 minutes

to all i would use them again peter

Guest markd66

I unlocked my E200 over the weekend using Florins' excellent website.

But (and you knew there was a but coming, didn't you :P) it seems that new(ish) Vodafone SIM cards cause an unlocked E200 to not boot correctly.

With an O SIM card in the phone, it runs perfectly.

With a Vodafone SIM card in the phone it doesn't boot - I get the Orange startup screen then the Windows Mobile splash screen, then it goes back to the Orange startup screen again and then back to the WM screen at which point it just sits there. Oddly the service LED is flashing green as if it's logged onto the network correctly.

The same Voda SIM card works perfectly in several other (non-SPV) handsets. Another Voda SIM card that was connected around the same time causes the same problems.

An old, expired, Voda PAYT SIM card works ok - the phone boots correctly and searches for a network (presumably if I left it long enough it would tell me Network Denied).

A 3 USIM also works - phone boots and then roams onto O2.

Anyone else come across somethning like this?

Cheers, Mark.

Guest qwertycs


I have no PayPpl account,but my friend have PayPal account,my friend will help me,he use his PayPal account to pay 37.4 US dollar to you.But I'm worried that he recevied your unlock email but can't send it to me in time.So can you send the same unlock file to my friend(his PayPal account email) and my email once my friend pay for it to you?(I will tell you my friend's PayPal account when he pay for it)


I got an E200 via ebay, so I was wondering, do I initially need a Orange sim card to unlock it, or can I start it up and run the unlock, without a Orange sim in there ?

I really wonder what Orange is gaining from their locking attitude ?

Guest florin_m

You don't need an original sim card to unlock your phone

Guest Simon Desser

EDIT:- It's just arrived thanks :)

@ Florin

I bought an unlock code this morning for my Dad's E200, my code arrived straight away thanks :P , but, I need V3 of the unlock exe, as it's bootloader 1.07.02.

I emailed support (as it says on your website) but have heard nothing.

I really need to unlock this today, as I'm going away for 2 weeks tomorrow.

So could you (or another member who has it) let me have a copy of the file asap :?:

Thanks :D

Guest florin_m

The support team answered to your email. Please confirm that you received it ok!!!Check spam filter please!!

Here is the log. I removed the some part of the email address just to protect the privacy!

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:45:25 +0100 (BST)

From: Support

To: "Simon Desser ****"

Subject: Re: Unlock program for bootloader 1.07.02

Guest qwertycs


Excuse me,I'm waiting for your reply in a sweat,I sent you email more than 24 hours ago,but Ididn't received your reply email.Please send me the unlock file all to nothing,I don't want write email over and over again.

Tank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I havn't paypal account.My friend help me bought an unlock code this morning for my E200(IMEI 351939000XX969X), the code didn't arrived his MSN email [email protected] till now,also not in the spam/bulk floder.I think that the MSN email can't receive the mail you sent.

So my friend write a email to you that please send the unlock file to his MSN email again and send the unlock file to my email [email protected](We are afraid that the MSN email can't received your email again)

Did you received the mail my friend sent to you?his email for paypal is [email protected]

Please reply me,I expect your reply!

Thanks you ver much!!!!


I cannot access your site www.imei-check.co.uk, How can I get my E200 SIM unlocked?

Guest squall

site works for me, try it from a different pc

Posted from my SmartPhone!

Guest awarner [MVP]

The site is working for me ok.

As for support the front page does state the following.

Some providers MAY DELAY or TREAT our emails as SPAM (ex Yahoo or Hotmail), so the delays are not OUR FAULT!  

If not received the email with the code/unlock file within 5 min after payment done, just email our support team to trace the email!!!

Guest d_7oad

Does anybody know how long support take to send the unlocker v3?

Guest florin_m

If requested in week days, max 48h, if requested in week-end max 72 h. Depedens only when a support rep read your email. Till september that are the answer times on support unfortunate (I'm in holiday), but from september will be a new support interface with nearly instant replays.



I have same problem as Simon Desser. I did pay 20GBP almost 72 hours ago and didn't received anything yet. I need also unlocker v3.

Could you check it out.

My mail is xper@****.***


Guest florin_m


Your sent a request on 23 Aug for the v3, on which I personal answered (with the v3), the key has been sent 3 sec after your payment on Aug 21 12:49:47 (GMT time). We didn't get any error mail back, so you should received all ok. PLEASE CHECK SPAM FILTER ON YOUR EMAIL. If your ISP has bulk or spam filter please check the BULK or SPAM folders.

Guest florin_m


I check all history of your emails and seems you wrote other 3 emails on 21 Aug on which my support team answered to you. On one of the emails you included our email which has the key included. So you received OK the email with .UNL file from us.

On that date (21) My support team send you as attachement the v3 unlocker.Maybe your email client blocked the access to the attachements???


I got .UNL file but not unlocker v3. What can be wrong? I checked all mails but nothing about unlocker.

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