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MSE 2004 Announcement: MoDaCo to release new Home Plugin

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Announced today at the MoDaCo Spring Event 2004:

We are very proud to announce that we will soon be releasing a new Homescreen Plugin exclusive to MoDaCo Plus member.

The homescreen plugin allows homescreen developers to embed HTML content, either offline or online, static or refreshing at predefined intervals, on the homescreen.

Imagine the possibilities, web pages on the home screen... animated gifs... weather updates... online high scores on your homescreen... MoDaCo updates... RSS feeds... the possibilities are endless!

Watch this space for full details coming soon!

Posted from the MSE 2004!

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Guest Vector

weeeee, my MoDaCo plus membership is feeling even more of a bargain! ;)

the idea of wheather and RSS straight to my homescreen is great! :D

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Guest alicarter

RSS feeds on the homescreen is most definitely the way forward; this will be a very powerful feature. I have to say, i've been waiting some time for this to arrive, and was wondering if i'd have to code it myself!...

I just want to say that flexible scheduling of content download is going to be very important. e.g. during the day i'd like updates every hour, but not all night. I'd also like to flick through RSS items with left/right and to launch the URL with a click. Please!

Looking forward to it. Oh, and please, god, make this available for Smartphone 2002, ASAP! I'll definitely be paying up!

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Guest scott2eyes
Yes, this http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=714>plugin does work on Smartphone 2002 devices aswell as Windows Mobile 2003 :D


I think Orange still do one too don't they, the price again is the problem though unfortuntaly...

When I called to upgrade my package a month or so ago, the highest package they had wasn't unlimited, but I think it was being measured in Gb rather than Mb.

However, it also cost more than the rent of an average flat in London...

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