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T-Mobile UK on SPV

Guest woffle99

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Guest woffle99


I posted this on the GPRS settings thread but hope you don't mind the double post, as this looks like the SPV specific forum - thx.

Hope someone can help - this looks like the place for it :D

I've just got hold of an unlocked orginal SPV, which I've put my T-Mobile sim in (I'm in the UK).

No matter what I do, I cannot get the internet working through GPRS. I've used GPRS successfully on my old T68i with the same sim, and the G is there on the SPV display all the time so I know it works with my account.

I have tried the settings that were given to me by T-mobile over the phone (which they said they could give me but they couldn't support the SPV if I had any problems, for obvious reasons) and I've seen the same settings reproduced in these forums:

Name: T-Mobile GPRS

APN: general.t-mobile.uk

userid: user

password: one2one (i've also seen wap as the password, but then again I've tried it on the old T68i and it connects with anything in the userid or password fields, or even blank)


Primary DNS: (i've even tried deleting this but it always comes back as

Secondary DNS:

I've set this as both the connection for 'Internet Connection' and 'WAP Connection' and then tried both 'The Internet' or 'Wap Network' in the IE options (and tried both with 'Automatically detect settings' ticked and unticked) but no joy - the little G flashes in the top right corner where the signal strength indicator is a couple of times and then I get the message 'Error - Unable to place call' each time.

T-Mobile did mention some other settings but I cannot find options for them anywhere so I assume the SPV auto-senses or something:

Authentication: Normal

Connection Security: off

Sessionmode: Permanent

Prompt for Password: No

Response time: 150 seconds

Oh, and FYI I've managed to connect via CSD/GSM - its just GPRS thats doing my head in.

If anyone can help then I'd be eternally grateful. Has anyone managed to get GPRS working on T-mobile with an SPV?



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Guest martin

I replied in your other post too :D

Try deleting all existing data and then re-entering the settings on page 9 of this thread. It's the same setup for contract and prepay

Note the IP address field in the GPRS connection data must be blank.

Posted from my SmartPhone!

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Guest woffle99

I thought I should also double post my thanks then - the least you deserve :D


Very many thanks for the amazingly speedy solution.

Thanks also for not being harsh about the fact that the solution was already in the thread somewhere and I should have spotted it myself :oops: . I'd seen a post with some of the settings for T-Mobile at the start of the thread but must have missed the one on page 9 as I sped through looking for a solution. :roll:

I hope you get a nice warm glow from knowing that you're helping out a lot of people here ;)

One other quick question as I imagine you know this - when T-mobile say that the GPRS cost is 0.75p per KB does that mean just for downloaded info or do they also charge for uploads too?

Thanks again,


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Guest martin

No problem Mark :D

Even the MoDaCo dude has a warm reddish glow LOL

Yes I would say that you are charged for user data so that will be uplink and downlink.

The exception is MMS where it is charged seperately (per message) only to the sender of the message. No charge to recieve.

Posted from my SmartPhone!

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