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Invisible Plugins until selected????????

Guest devinh

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Guest devinh

I just can't seem to get a grip on the selected / unselected states.

I have seem some where people make plugins invisible until you scroll to them and the pop!, they come up.

Can someone please explain how to make the plugins change size when selected or unselected.

I want to make the plugin take up 0 space until scrolled up or down to.



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Guest drblow

They don't shrink or expand, plugins can only have selected/unselected states - you can determine 'invisibility' by setting the h="" value in a plugin label (I think!) to 0, when unselected. Then set it to whatever height your plugin is to be when selected. Thats how you make them appear to 'pop up' as you say.

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Guest devinh

Nevermind everyone, I figured out what I wanted to do. I noticed some using heights of 200 and that is what I needed to do to do what I wanted.

Thanks again,


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