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WM 2003 for MPx200 no longer available

Guest lutzh

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Guest j_Duqueno
In WM2003, how do I set the five icons at the top of the start screen? I can't stand them changing to the most recently used applications.

This is buging me too :D Think you have to install a different home screen but I can't find one with the 5 static icons. Does anyone have the xml/skin for this?

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Guest RobPowell

Hmmm all working great except GPRS, will have to re-read all these pages to get that fix. Installed that orange 1.3 thing but still didn't work... *sigh*

Okay on my old 2002, it had the MMS picture viewer thing or something? This is not on 2003. What was it called and where can I get it?? I miss being able to look at pics on the phone

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Guest j_Duqueno
Hmmm all working great except GPRS, will have to re-read all these pages to get that fix. Installed that orange 1.3 thing but still didn't work... *sigh*

Okay on my old 2002, it had the MMS picture viewer thing or something? This is not on 2003. What was it called and where can I get it?? I miss being able to look at pics on the phone

You need to install 'Album...' from the mpx CD to get the pic viewer

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Guest arman68
No linking to ILLEGAL ROMS (this wm2k3 rom IS ILLEGAL


We are currently linking to the MSMobiles site, not directly to the rom.

That is just hyprocrisy: Modaco gives the news about the rom, tells where to get it, and allows discussion about it. Not linking directly to the ROM or not allowing the url to be posted in the forum does not make sense.

I do not have a MPx200, but I am glad that people are able to upgrade it to WM2003.

There was a similar thing with the Siemens SL45: people were stuck on old firmware with no access to the latest one, and Siemens was not listening to users and fixing bugs. Luckily some forums allowed trading and discussing the latest ROM, and soon there was a thriving developer community that reverse engineered the ROM and implemented lots of new functions, giving a new lease of life to this phone.

IMHO the MPx200 has reached a similar point: users are abandoned by the manufacturer and their provider who will not listen to them and deny them whatever they were promised or expected in the first place. I think it is now up to the users to help themselves, and it would be a shame for Modaco to miss this opportunity.

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Guest pixelboy

But Modaco are right.. it is illegal. Its just like giving WinXP away.

If I were the one responsible for this site id take the same attitude. Microsoft's legal reach is far and wide.

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Guest RobPowell

You need to install 'Album...' from the mpx CD to get the pic viewer

IA Album, of course!! Bugger I lost the CD *Sighs* Now I feel like 2k3 was a bad move :D

Thanks for the info

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Guest kalantz

Great job @anonymous... however what about MMS? The MMS software that is included in the original CD doesn't work with this ROM. Any advice?



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Guest flashflash

You need to install 'Album...' from the mpx CD to get the pic viewer

IA Album, of course!! Bugger I lost the CD *Sighs* Now I feel like 2k3 was a bad move :D

Thanks for the info

agreed... anyone else not getting the text message icon on the front of the phone?

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Guest flashflash

Sorry, I mean the Envelope icon on the top of the phone, when the flip is closed.... So u know there is a text message without having to open your phone

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Things to watch out for if you install this patch

You have less executable and internal storage memory. I've not met any troubles due to less executable memory, but there are some applications (eg. Lextionary) which I now cannot install because there isn't enough storage space to keep the temporary installer (is there a registry hack to change the location of this folder?).

There is no MMS. jMMS will not install.

The OS seems a little sluggish to me, which is odd because applications are more responsive. Pocket Music, for example, hardly skips at all now whereas under 2002, it would have a few.

I quite like the 'fuzzy text', but it's taking me a while to work out how that blasted inbox thing works! It's as confusing as the underworld!


I get the envelope on the outside of the phone, but remember it can take a few seconds for it to appear after receiving a text.

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Guest flashflash

dont know what Ive done, but dont get envelope icon on the front and main screen. Any ideas anyone..... Still no email as well

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Guest Ceilidh

I'm more than eager about this. However, I have some doubts that I need addressed before I go ahead and install the update... (bearing in mind I'd be more used to it than 2002, as I only recently got my MPx200, had an E200 until now).

MMS - can anyone confirm that this works at all? I send a few picture messages each month, I'd hate to have to resort to digging out my E200 just to do this.

Cleartype - How fuzzy are we talking here? After I installed the ROM upgrade for my E200 I certainly noticed the difference, but found it a lot easier after a while. Similar standards, or to the point of being unreadable?

Ease of installation - easy enough to install? I don't want to end up with a defunct phone in my hands because I screwed something up, especially as it isn't covered by my insurance then.

PS - English update please :D Personally I don't mind reg hacking (done it plenty of times in the past on my E200 and main PC) but some might have qualms about it.

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Guest Paul [MVP]

On the contrary, I have spoken with MS and told them that this is our stance.

Discussing tweaks for an image somebody else has illegally released is NOT the same as posting links or hosting...


That is just hyprocrisy: Modaco gives the news about the rom, tells where to get it, and allows discussion about it. Not linking directly to the ROM or not allowing the url to be posted in the forum does not make sense.

I do not have a MPx200, but I am glad that people are able to upgrade it to WM2003.

There was a similar thing with the Siemens SL45: people were stuck on old firmware with no access to the latest one, and Siemens was not listening to users and fixing bugs. Luckily some forums allowed trading and discussing the latest ROM, and soon there was a thriving developer community that reverse engineered the ROM and implemented lots of new functions, giving a new lease of life to this phone.

IMHO the MPx200 has reached a similar point: users are abandoned by the manufacturer and their provider who will not listen to them and deny them whatever they were promised or expected in the first place. I think it is now up to the users to help themselves, and it would be a shame for Modaco to miss this opportunity.

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Guest furby

I never use mms so could tell you, might install later and find out. The text is a bit bolder and not that sharp but I'm getting used to it, could take a pic if people want but not sure if it would come out.

The installation was pretty easy, just make sure you follow all the instructions (there al lots of pictures :D ) And English (and multilanguages) update was realeased by the same person on msmobiles

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Guest RobPowell

Ceilidh, To answer from my experiences....

MMS- No MMS at all.

Cleartype - I love the new cleartype, don't see why people don't like it.

Ease of installation - Upgrading the rom was easy, same for registry software and editing. The only issue was finding the menu to change the languages!! But that's easy. Your worse case will be that you will have a german phone :D

My request is MMS AND GPRS ON ORANGE!!! hehehehe (gotta find a fix for gprs that works for my phone)

flashflash, I get an envelope on the outside window, inside, and a number on the SMS box

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Guest furby
My request is MMS AND GPRS ON ORANGE!!! hehehehe (gotta find a fix for gprs that works for my phone)

GPRS is easy to fix, just add these settings to Data connections

GPRS Connections:

Orange GPRS/Internet GPRS

Connects to: The Internet

Access Point: orangeinternet

Primary DNS:

Secondary DNS:

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Guest RobPowell

GPRS is easy to fix, just add these settings to Data connections

GPRS Connections:

Orange GPRS/Internet GPRS

Connects to: The Internet

Access Point: orangeinternet

Primary DNS:

Secondary DNS:

How? In my data connections I have:

"internet connection:"

set to automatic. The other options are:


D1 internet

D2 internet

EPlus internet

o2 internet

swisscom internet

sunrise internet

"Work connection:"


Current DTPTNetwork

"WAP connection:"


D1 internet

D2 internet

EPlus internet

o2 internet

swisscom internet

sunrise internet

"Secure WAP connection:"


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Guest furby

Ye sorry thought that might be a bit vauge.

On the Data connections page, select menu-> Edit connections ->GPRS -> Menu -> Add -> Input the new name Orange GPRS and settings

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Guest flashflash

for some reason its started working again... not sure what happened.... Also, Ive got GPRS working fine and interent ok, however still cant get email working... by the way.. I quite like this cleartype!!!

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for some reason its started working again... not sure what happened.... Also, Ive got GPRS working fine and interent ok, however still cant get email working... by the way.. I quite like this cleartype!!!

Once I got the internet stuff working, I found that Inbox wouldn't work until I disconnected the phone from the PC. That seemed to confuse it. It worked once I did that.

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Guest RobPowell

that's cool! So just add GPRS connection called "orange GPRS", connects to the net using orangeinternet, and on both, and that's it? sweet

Just need to get MMS and we have a fully functional 2k3 phone!! hehehe

Many thanks, you're a star!!

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For Australian users:

This works on both Vodafone and Telstra

Not sure about GPRS yet though. Can't see why it wouldn't work

Quite honestly i was surprised at Msmobiles doing such a thing, but hey i'm not complaining

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Guest furby
that's cool! So just add GPRS connection called "orange GPRS", connects to the net using orangeinternet, and on both, and that's it? sweet

Just need to get MMS and we have a fully functional 2k3 phone!! hehehe

Many thanks, you're a star!!

No problem, might have a go at the mms thing later on

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