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[Editorial] What's your hard reset routine?

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest nedge2k

Im posting a guide on MSMN very soon on how to do cabs/pc installers that everyone should be able to follow. In the mean time theres a gude in the articles section of modaco and below is the .inf i use. I havent included everything coz its a bit sensitve (serials etc.) but most of its there :D


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Guest Coucou

This was one of the reasons I switched to Treo, although Sprite sounds interesting. I was really naffed off with the fuss of a Hard reset, which had happened a few times. If I have to do a hard reset on my Treo600 (I have had to once in the last three months) I simply plug it in and press the Hotsync button :D

I even had a replacement handset, plugged it in, pressed the button, and it was my old handset!

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Guest pd.ryder

Kevlar - definately the Sprite route if you ask me. I've just used the trial version and it's a piece-of-p*ss. Had to be!! Just enough options to make it interesting but not confusing / baffling. Free trial from the link posted above.

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Guest Crispy
Seems to me we need a tutorial on how best to do this. I mean for example ........how?


.......eh, what's this about?

Ok, I've put together a small selection of batch files and cab inf scripts so you can see what I mean... Please note that this could very likely be done in a much easier way ...


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Guest kevlar

Thanks m8, I'll take a look, although I must point out I downloaded the sprite backup trial yeasterday, and nothing could be easier. Not sure if it covers everything though so I will check out your system too.



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Guest drblow

I tend to go a bit more like mono. I have several folders on the PC of apps, games, freeware etc that I've built up, so after a hard reset I usually end up installing something different than I had before - just for a wee change. That, and when I hard reset, I don't really want my phone to go immeidately back to the old clutered up mess that it was before. I think thats why I have stayed away from the backup apps like sprite/allbackup.

Usual routine is ...

save all junk via activestink

run clear storage on e200

open a website on ie, then OTA unlock

install/register smart explorer & task manager

install notepad, PHM registry edit

install homescreen plugins & homescreen

install whatever games, apps I feel like playing with


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Guest pierre

Does any of these methods allow to transfer the backup to another phone (I got a new SPV E100, and would like to "copy-paste" everything from mine to this one) ? ?

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Guest Disco Stu

With Sprite, as long as you have the app. loaded on both phones, it should work.

Do not try to copy from (say) an E100 to an E200 or MPx to E200 because of the differences (eg IPSM Storage)

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Guest RobPowell

Wow sprite is cool! BUT I didn't install the GSM image when I went to 2003, so if I hard reset and install that, then put my existing sprite image on, will it them overwrite the GSM fix??

"- Install and Activate Traffic Counter" I can't get this working, which do you use and is it free?

"- Install Done in 50 Seconds " sounds good, what's that?


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Guest Paul [MVP]

No, Sprite doesn't mess with the base level OS.

I use All Location GPRS Traffic Counter, not free.

Done in 50 Seconds is a cool game by AIM Productions, again, not free ;-)


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Guest Pagemakers
"]I've just had to http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?p=97945#97945>Hard Reset my phone AGAIN (long developer-related story), and it set me thinking 'Do other people go through the same process as me?'...

So here's my http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?p=97945#97945>Hard Reset routine (ish), feel free to post yours below!



- http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?p=97945#97945>Hard Reset phone using bootloader menu

- Let phone boot normally, and after initialisation, unlock via the Orange site

- Set keypress timeout to 1/2 second, turn off key tones, disable http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewforum.php?f=43>homescreen timeout, set owner information

- Setup and sync with Exchange server to restore contacts, calendar and mail

- Browse to CustomCABbage.co.uk and install screenfix and speed http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=7695>Tweaks

- Install and register http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewforum.php?f=43>homescreen of choice (Midnight's MSN at the moment!) (http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=54779>MoDaCo Plus)

- Install Shell Config to persist GPRS connection

- Switch JPEG resolution in Camera to SuperFine

- Install and register SurrealStart (it rocks!) (http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=54779>MoDaCo Plus)

- Install and register Binary's http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=7065>Task Manager

- Install and register Binary's http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=55367>Smart Explorer

- Install Agile Messenger

- Install ClearVue Viewers

- Install Pocket Streets

- Install and Register Power Tasks

- Install and Register Power Calendar

- Install SmartphoneNotes

- Install and Register SmartFilter

- Install and Activate Traffic Counter

- Install Tube

- Install Vito Voicedialler

- Install Done in 50 Seconds

- Install and Register Eclipse

- Install JetPack Jim (http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=54779>MoDaCo Plus)

- Install Pocket MiniGolf

- Install Toki Tori

- Install BlueTooth Toggler

- Install NotBad

Of course, the actual software install varies, but this is what tickles my fancy at the moment ;-)

Nope - I hard reset. Install Sprite Backup. Have a cup of tea while it restores my phone back to any pre-defined state just like XP's system restore.

The best app I have for my phone.

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Guest RobPowell
"]No, Sprite doesn't mess with the base level OS.

I use All Location GPRS Traffic Counter, not free.

Done in 50 Seconds is a cool game by AIM Productions, again, not free ;-)


All location GPRS I would pay for if it works well, my problem is that I can't install the trial version, it crashes my PC and won't install :P Not gonna pay any buckage if I can't even install the trial LOL

Ohhhhhh where can I get that game from? I'm always after a good (hopefully reasonably priced?) game!!

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Guest RobPowell

thanks stu, I'll check it out!!

BTW there are 10 types of people that understand binary. Those that do and those that don't!

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