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missed call plugin question

Guest drblow

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Guest drblow

I want to make a missed calls plugin, which will only appear when there is a missed call, but that retains its place in the xml/plugin layout when there are no missed calls. To clarify - I have a space at the bottom of my screen, where I want the missed calls plugin to go. But there is another plugin below that in the xml, which I don't want to be displaced. When using the missed calls plugin I have, and setting visibility=false for nocalls, then the plugin below moves up by the height of the missed calls. I want to stop that from happeneing, so that the empty space remains on screen, the plugin below stays where it is, and when I have a missed call, it just shows up in the empty space, without moving anything else.

I'm not sure if I've made myself very clear there, but if anybody knows what I mean ... HELP!! :D

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Guest midnight

errrm, my thoughts are, dont set the visibility to false, and have the text X coords off the side of the screen when in the nocall state. Or, can you set fgcolor to transparent? or... If its a solid background colour then just set the fgcolor for nocall state the same as your background colour.

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